My keyboard doesn't have ALT key, instead has Option Key??

zlloyd1 - Jun 2, 2021 at 04:49 PM
David Webb Posts 3177 Registration date Monday November 25, 2019 Status Administrator Last seen May 15, 2023   - Jun 3, 2021 at 03:34 AM
Hello all, I am a Mac user for some time now, and I have a specific keyboard for Macintosh that has a different setup of keys than a standard Windows keyboard, and I am confused about something....
I am looking for a 'brackets' key somewhere, and cannot find one. I guess this could be called the 'Brace' key, and is basically like a Parentheses. except more square / box-like in shaping.
I have seen many suggestions of how to work around this problem, but they all assume I am using a standard Windows keyboard, and have access to the CTRL / ALT keys. Instead my keyboard setup uses Command / Option / Control keys, and the solutions presented do not work on this.
So, my question is this, how do I find a Brace / Bracket key on a Macintosh keyboard that has a different setup than a Windows keyboard. Something that will work with Command / Option / Control based keyboard??
Thanks In advance!!

1 response

David Webb Posts 3177 Registration date Monday November 25, 2019 Status Administrator Last seen May 15, 2023   6,926
Updated on Jun 3, 2021 at 03:36 AM
Hello, if you are referring to this: [ ] they are easy to find /use - you don't need to use CMD / Option or Control and should just exist as a key on your Mac keyboard.

If you are referring to the { } style of brackets, then you will find them on the same keys as the [ ] brackets - the only difference is that you need to hold the shift key as you press them (either the shift key on the right as shown below - or the one on the left). Your shift key may not have shift written on it, but instead and Upwards arrow (but this will be in the same location regardless).

If you have a MacBook (Air / Pro) keyboard:

If you have a separate keyboard - it's the same:

Let me know how you get on,


David Webb

Content Editor and Community Manager -

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