Slow internet after XP SP3

Celad - Updated on Aug 27, 2017 at 06:50 AM
 Laeona - Aug 26, 2017 at 08:43 PM

Installed SP3 this week and my internet connection (tested using has dropped from 2.5mbps to 1mbps. Anyone know a quick fix?

Thanks in advance...

2 responses

I was into this problem. My internet slowed down like a dial up connection. It was really suck. Then I got a really good tip from a forum site.

Just turn off these services, thru run>services.msc

Automatic Update > right click properties > and disabled
Background Intelligent Transfer service > same as above

Good Luck.
thanks man it....this is the best answer for me and I try your away and it work.
It works
this is not working on sp3 plz tell another solution
Feb 21, 2014 at 03:55 AM
Worked thanks.
Solved my problem instantly. Awesome find. Thanks!