Wireless signal

suek - May 29, 2010 at 09:47 PM
closeup22 Posts 8923 Registration date Friday May 15, 2009 Status Member Last seen October 7, 2010 - May 30, 2010 at 06:14 AM
My friend is in a nursing home and would like to get the internet on his laptop. There is a wireless signal downstairs in the common area, is there anything that could be purchased to get this signal upstairs in his room?

1 response

closeup22 Posts 8923 Registration date Friday May 15, 2009 Status Member Last seen October 7, 2010 2,099
May 30, 2010 at 06:14 AM
Hi there,

Please explain with more information,does laptop have wireless?is the signal from room to router detected or is too far?
