1ConfusedGal - Jun 11, 2010 at 01:27 PM
 angie - Nov 30, 2010 at 09:35 PM
I have an iPod touch. When I turn it on it freezes. It turns on to the apple logo and then a loading wheel shows behind it. Then it just freezes and stays on. I've tried to reset it. I've tried to plug it up to the computer with a USB and neither my computer or iTunes recognizes it. It doesn't even come up on my devices. Help me please! I've been researching for days!

2 responses

Blocked Profile
Jun 12, 2010 at 03:32 AM
Dear Sir,

Please have it reset in order to get it back working properly through the below steps.


Thanks in advance.
Ok I had the same problem and this is what I did and it worked. Make sure the iPod is connected to the computer and press and hold the sleep button and menu buttons at the same time and hold and keep holding even after the apple comes up. Hold till you see a usb wire and a picture of a disc and music note. Then you will see your computer recognise your iPod and will tell you to reset and update the ipod. Hope this helps. I wasn't holding the buttons down long enough. was letting go when I saw the apple but you need to keep holding longer.