Wireless Internet Connection Problem?

skye - Dec 11, 2008 at 09:48 PM
 gpx1000 - Dec 11, 2008 at 11:34 PM

*excuse my spelling please *
I am now using my dads old laptop and a few nights ago. and now when i go to connect to the internet it will not connect.. my motum is hooked up and on my comuter and it working just the laptop will not connect- it just says " web page unavailable" and i have no clue what to do.

Thanks :)

1 response

First, check if your laptop is the problem. If you have your computer in the house connect it to the modem and see if you can view webpages.(Your internet might have gone down it happens from time to time.) If your internet browser does not display pages call you internet service provider and have them see if they have any problems on their side of the line.

Second, If you don't have problems with another computer try connecting your laptop via ethernet port instead of wireless. If this works your Wireless Network card is bad.

Third make sure that a proxy is not enabled on your internet browser in your case Mozilla FireFox, go to Tools -> Options -> Click Advanced -> Hit Network Tab -> Settings -> then make sure No Proxy is configured to access the internet.

If you have any questions email me at meenk@gmx.com