Unable to connect to tally 9 server

shyguy - Jan 25, 2011 at 07:53 AM
 shyguy - Jan 25, 2011 at 01:09 PM

I'm trying to configure the client's tally.ini file. following is the file's snapshot.


;; Tally 9 workstation specific parameters file


;; ** The following line is required for TallyConnected

TallyLicense = Connect

;; ** If you are running multi-user in client mode use TallyLicenseServer
;; TallyLicenseServer = server:port

TallyLicenseServer =

;; Specify the TallyLock specifications: use TallyLock = NONE for educational

TallyLock = NONE
TallyLockServer = yes

;; Specify location of Data files

Data = \\\Tally\Data

;; Specify list of companies to preload
;; ** TO STOP DEFAULT LOADING set the following line to NO

Default Companies = No
Load = 10000

;; Specify list of TDL files for user defined reports and changes
;; ** TO STOP LOADING TDL FILES, set the following line to NO

User TDL = Yes

;;tdl = <tdlfile.1>
;;tdl = <tdlfile.2>

;; Specify location of TALLYSAV.tsf (saved configuration of Tally)

Config = c:\Tally

;; Specify location of Language Files

LangPath = c:\Tally\Lang

;; Specify Color details of local monitor

Color = Yes

;; end-of-file


and I am able to access 192.168.115 over my network, but when I start taly 9 it says unable to connect to server

I've tried changing the port but the problem persist. please do let me konw what I am missing.

i think it is the port number that I m connecting incorrectly, please do let me know how can I change the port number form the server. or anything that can fix this issue.

thank you.

1 response

GeorgeRattel Posts 67 Registration date Monday September 29, 2008 Status Member Last seen September 15, 2013 11
Jan 25, 2011 at 10:22 AM
i do not have a very specified solution/answer...but I can tell u this..
u should first of all make sure that all of the devices are connected properly..so that we can make sure that the error is in the code..or from the computer..not from anything else...
second of all about the port thing..there are plenty of programs on the internet u could use to change your port..or u can try a virtual network set the ports n try the code..but I think about this problem..the best solution you have is to find out what is the current port of your server and set it right in the code..
i think I can write u a better code...or improve it..so I'm gonna take sometime to reply to you about the code..
hope I helped..I'm not that much of an expert but I gave u some of my best till now:D..good luck!
thanks for your support, i'll look forward for your fix on the code part.
meanwhile, I was just wondering if you can quickly tell me that how can I find my server's exact port number or any tool by which I can change it.
i am unable to find the port number anywhere from tally. need some other options to find it.
