Gateway NV5916H

Bob T Posts 2 Registration date Monday August 19, 2013 Status Member Last seen August 21, 2013 - Aug 19, 2013 at 11:27 PM
Bob T Posts 2 Registration date Monday August 19, 2013 Status Member Last seen August 21, 2013 - Aug 21, 2013 at 12:27 AM
Hello to anyone of you and hoping you guys/girls can help me out,

I own a Gateway laptop (NV5916H-model) and last week it fell silent...totally silent when my battery limit reached its lowest point. At that moment I tried to charge it with the main supply adapter and then noticed that my cord was finished. So I ordered a new cord with the adapter from Gateway (Acer)...a few days later, once received I tried to charge the laptop, but to no avail. The witnessing blue light indicator didn't light up, nor did the charging redlight. After this, I ordered a new lithium battery- again from Gateway and received it today...Then I was hoping that with a new battery + a new adaptor/cord that everything would go smooth- nada ! There are no lights, not even a sound from the laptop. I tried the TICTACTOE trick of 30 seconds ( described on gateway support vid and also described the same way here on nada, no comprendo...nothing is working. Now, I'm beginning to think with all the tryouts, that maybe, just maybe, the "cmos" battery is a goner !

Please, is anyone capable of helping me out. It's frustrating as like many others here who have experienced some type of problem, this computer is somewhat of a "life support" for my professionnal duty.

Bob T

2 responses

PeterHenry Posts 6 Registration date Tuesday August 20, 2013 Status Member Last seen September 27, 2013 1
Aug 20, 2013 at 12:39 PM
try the charger in a different laptop, if you try and the charger is working, remove the battery from your laptop and try with the straight charger, if still nothing shows then you see a specialist...
Bob T Posts 2 Registration date Monday August 19, 2013 Status Member Last seen August 21, 2013
Aug 21, 2013 at 12:27 AM
Thank you Peterhenry for the advice...I did performed what you instructed, unfortunately the result was negative. Now, I believe that something is wrong with the ac plug-in (in the laptop) which isn't flowing any current at all...tomorrow, I will see a specialist & hoping for some good news.

Thanks again,
Bob T