Playing music on iTunes from an external hard drive

amaevans Posts 1 Registration date Saturday January 3, 2015 Status Member Last seen January 3, 2015 - Jan 3, 2015 at 09:53 PM
kingston3 Posts 2 Registration date Wednesday January 7, 2015 Status Member Last seen January 7, 2015 - Jan 7, 2015 at 11:02 AM
Hi there!
I have just spent days copying my music files over to an external hard drive, as it was so large it took up my whole computer ram!
I then restored my mac to factory settings, installed Yosemite.
Now I'm trying to get my iTunes to use my EHD as it's library. I go to preferences and change the file so it picks up where my library is. I then go to play the music on iTunes, and it tells me I need to locate the track.

I then tried to use option key and open iTunes, to change the library. I click on the folder I want and again it doesn't play!
I'm very exasperated!!
I even moved my whole library into an iTunes folder that said Automatically add to iTunes, but that didn't work!

Please help!!! Before I have to individually load thousands of songs :(

Cheers Amanda

1 response

kingston3 Posts 2 Registration date Wednesday January 7, 2015 Status Member Last seen January 7, 2015
Jan 7, 2015 at 11:02 AM
Why don't you try to change this in iTunes preferances then advanced then un check copy files to iTunes media folder when adding to library so the music will literally be kept on your Hard drive as a primary storage