Losing File Shares in Server 2003

Chad - May 13, 2009 at 04:05 PM
 Lion - Jul 13, 2009 at 12:28 PM
We are losing Server 2003 file shares randomly. When we look at the folder that is supposed to be shared, the hand is missing. When we right-click the folder, we do not get the "Sharing" option. When we reboot the server, all the shares return. Any thoughts?

1 response

Check if the server service is started in control panel -> administrative tools -> services.
If when you lose the shares the service is down, it can be the DEP.


Before disabling it, be sure why this is happening, for example for me it was (probably) a machine not member of the domain that accesses (rightfully) the server's share, so I had to disable DEP in order to make all work.