The discussions
Facebook block
Hello, Please open my account Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 47.0.2526.83
Can't access my facebook id
Hello, this is what I saw when I try to open my facebook account ,Unfortunately, you won't be able to access your account while we're reviewing th...
Disabled facebook account
SolvedHello, My facebook account is disable !plz give to solve this account disable!This is impotant for my life!Tis account is my job :'(
Disabled account
sir how can i reactive my disabled account pls help me my account is pls how long it will b disabled pls reply me soon ok thnx iwill try tofullfi...
Facebook is deactivate
Hello, My facebook and email are hacked and my facebook us deactivate . Help Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 28.0.1500.94
Account hacked
Hello, My facebook account was hacked and the hacker change the emil & name What can i do now? Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 48.0.2564.95
Your account is temporarily locked
Hello, Your Account Is Temporarily Locked ple help me Configuration: Windows XP / Firefox 44.0
Facebook account was removed
Hello, My facebook account was removed . I want that account back. what should I do now please help me Configuration: iPhone / Safari 4.0
Facebook hacked
Hello, Yes I was hacked and whoever hacked my Facebook changed everything and my password and my hint and I can't get on it at all and I was wonderi...
Disabled facebook account
Hello, Please help me I Show ID for my account i want to unlocked my account Deleted by moderator Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 28.0.1500.94
Close fake facebook account
SolvedHello please help my fb account to close some people make my fake fb account on fb these person are ***@*** and my fake account ...
Facebook does not open
Hello, my f.b account is not open please help me Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 48.0.2564.95
My account i cant access
Hello, Please Help My Account I cant log in my account im begging to all of you thanks a lot. please please please Configuration: Windows 7 / C...
Can't log in
Hello, I can not log into Facebook. Everytime I try a popup comes up saying I have malware and to install some off the wall system to clean it. ...
I can't find my facebook account to reactavate
Hello, my name is Lea Power i'm been tryinhg to reactivate my account, having problem Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 48.0.2564.109
Facebook and gmail hacked, no access to either
Dear sir I am desperate for help. My gmail was hacked and password as well all recovery options were changed. My facebook and youtube channel were ha...
Plzz recover my fb account
Hello, Sir plz Recover my fb account but im missing 5000 friends in the world Configuration: iPhone / Safari 4.0
Facebook change language
Hello, I don't understand nor can talk in French please change the French language to ENGLISH ON MY FACE BOOK. Many thanks Configuration: Mac O...
My account is not open
Hello, someone is changed my fb account email and password plzzzzz tell me how i can open my account plzzz Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 4...
Facebook confirmation code
Hello, What do you do when u forget your confirmination code Configuration: Mac OS X / Safari
Facebook being hacked! so pissed pls help
Hello, I am so pissed my facebook has been hacked. someone has been liking all the nudes photos and liking all the porn videos and my friends ar...
Internet explorer keeps crashing games on facebook
Hello, Configuration: Windows / Mozilla 11.0dear Microsoft why does internet explorer keep crashing on facebook I have updated adobe flashp...
I can't access my facebook account
I want my facebook account to be unblocked my Id is ***@*** thsnks
Forgot email and password of my old fb account
Hello, i have forgotten my emlpail and password which i used to access my fb account and i want this account please help me Configuration: Wi...
Face book has deactivated my account. how can i reactivate it ag
Due to some mis understanding I have created new one facebook account. Now I am unable to access my old facebook account. What should I do ?
If only there was a way to get my old pictures back:(
Hello, my name is Randy merklinger. I deactivated my Facebook account some years back. I fully regret not saving any of my pictures I had on the accou...
How to change language from chinese to english in phicomm c 630
i won a phicomm c 630 but it's a chinesse language , then how to change chinesse to english
Pass word to facebook
Hello, Some one got into my facebook im putting in the right email but my pass word was changed and need to have a code sent to my num but keeps send...
Can't access facebook account
Hello, Unfortunately, you won't be able to access your account while we're reviewing these additional documents. We appreciate your patience, and we'l...
Facebook account hacked
Hello, my name is Sandra White, I know who is hacking into my email address and facebook. How can I get this person to stop. Configuration: Wi...
Facebook account is hacked
Hello, i am not able to log in my facebook profile. Someone change its user name deleted by moderator And also remove my gmail and contact number....
Hello, I want to use my old facebook profile ,but I don't have that number any more and olso don't have that email no more and forgot the password.h...
Facebook page has been hacked
Hello I believe my Facebook account has been hacked,because I have not done anything illegal. But has been stopped. Just got the page Configuration...
Account hacked
Hello, Xunaira Mughal This Is My Account Hacked Hi Dear All My Account Was Hac...
Sent documents to facebook
Hello, this is Salai Pinkin Kyaw i have submitted my decument but this is what i saw when i open my facebook account unfortunatly ur account cnt acce...
Approval code
I try to login to my account but it asks me for a login approval code. My phone number has changed and I don't have access to it anymore . So these co...
Account disabled.
Hello, please my account is disableb ***@*** March 22, 1983 ***@*** Configuration: Windows 7 / Firefox 5.0.1
Do you know my confirmation number
Hello, please Configuration: Mac OS X (10.10.4) / Chrome 44.0.2403.130
Hacked my facebook account
Please help me
Facebook hacked account delete/recover
Hello, my friends facebook id hacked, hacker change her mobile no and email id, how to login or delete her account.
Facebook account has been blocked.
Hello, Why my Facebook account has been blocked. Configuration: iPhone / Safari 4.0
Facebook hacked
Dear friend my facebook and gmail account is hacked and someone post dirty photos and send dirty massage to my friend. Help me what can I do because h...
How to make facebook stop changing to chinese
Hello, My Facebook keeps changing back to Chinese every time I change it back to English. How do I change it back and keep it on English ? Conf...
Chris carter
Hello, I cannot log in to my Facebook account Configuration: iPad / Safari 9.0
Change facebook from old to new account
Hello, I have a old and a new face book account. My old one keeps coming up. How do I change to my newer account? Please answer via ***@***
Change language
Hello, My fb acccount language arbic to english Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 47.0.2526.111
How to see a facebook link from a yahoo account
Hello, How can I see a Facebook link from a Yahoo account, let's say, someone has sent me a link to Facebook, and I cannot access it directly form...
Delete a fake account
Hello, I have seen that someone is using my friend picture and my personal information on Facebook details of the account is //
Facebook account blocked by facebook
Hello, Dear sir My Facebook account is blocked for no reason and Facebook never gave me warning on anything I had done . And FB asked me to ve...