The discussions
Cant log into facebook account
Hi, I can't log into my facebook account. forgot the password, forgot the security password. Now it can't find my email linked to my account. When I s...
Account hacked
SolvedHello, My account has been hacked and cannot log in. Configuration: Windows / Chrome 49.0.2623.112
How can i access my account after documents are sent
Hello, i cant get into my account i sent documents already how do i resend them? Configuration: Windows 8 / Firefox 45.0
My account is hacked
Hello, how to I can unhack my account Configuration: Windows / Mozilla 11.0
Help want back on facebook
Hello, Please help me get back on Facebook. My account was disabled a long time ago. I don't know why. Configuration: iPad / Safari Indetermin...
I respectfully ask is there a way to enable my account again?
Hello, I have read with total consideration everything that is not allowed on Facebook. After quite a long time I certainly understand the privacy...
I want to delete my hacked account
Hello, Windows 7 / Chrome 49.0.2623.112
Cannot login or reset password
I tried to reset my password and this came up: "Sorry, this feature isn't available right now" and I tried to login with the new password, only havi...
How can i delete that profile
Hello, I found my facebook old account and somebody change the password and use it.. how can i delete that profile.. ? I try to block but says. The...
Plz my account enabled
Hello, Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 49.0.2623.112plz my account enabled ***@*** my fb account enabled iam sorry my no deleted by moderato...
Account access lost when changed pass word
Hello, I want access to my account it's lost after changing my pass word for my gmail account Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 40.0.2214.109
Facebook deactivated my account
Hello, I was chating on my facebook account,all of the sudden I saw "your time out,please login" then I tried to login again,unfortunately,I c...
Restore back my original language in my face book
please help to restore back my original language in my face book jerry pappa Configuration: Windows / Chrome 46.0.2486.0
Facebook language setting
Hello, my facebook langauge is atomaticaly change to Urdu from English . please help to change back to English . Please give ans. in English. I can ...
Hello, to try and appeal to facebook i need the website address.
Hello, I have been asked to send my request to facebook itself, however I need the website address to do so. I would really appreciate it if this ad...
Account disabled
Hello, I am sorry if this request seems pedantic. I appeal to the CCM forum to please unblock my personal facebook account. I was blocked many months ...
Hacked account
my account had hacked somebody .i want to be delete this account.
Account can't open
Hello, when i open my account.... something went wrong come in screen plz hlp Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 48.0.2564.116
I can't open facebook reviewing document
showing Unfortunately, you won't be able to access your account while we're reviewing these additional documents. We appreciate your patience, and w...
Change my password
Hello, can i change my password because i cant open it some one use my facebook Configuration: Windows XP / Firefox 41.0
Report fake facebook account
Hello! Can you help me to report fake facebook account?? I'll show u the link please help meee??
Talk to a facebook support team representative
Hello, Is there any way that I can talk to a facebook support team representative? I have problem loging in on my face book account. I tried e...
Facebook reviewing these additional documents
Hello, Unfortunately, you won't be able to access your account while we're reviewing these additional documents. We appreciate your patience, and ...
Change to us english
Hello, can't change back to us English all help question keeps coming back in some language I can't understand. Been help please Configurati...
Deactivated account
Hello, Please help me recover my account,I oppened two fb accounts with the same phone number,there are times that I deactivated the two accounts ...
Please confirm your identity
Hello, Please confirm your identity Configuration: iPhone / Safari 4.0Please confirm your identity
Disabled my facebook
please help me this opening facebook
Can't login
Hello, This is Hawa Rahmat I have face to some technical problem that while I am going to login at my Facebook with a correct ID and Password it's ...
English to german translation
Hello, I accidentally changed my. Facebook Account from English to German, how do I change it back? Configuration: iPhone / Chrom...
Plzzz back my a/c
hello my name is vipin parmar why my a/c is Disabled without any reason...its my imp a/c so plz plz pz get it back
Facebook won't give me access to my fb acct
Hello, For the past few days I am not able to access my Facebook account. It says: The page is not working. And, "m.faceboo...
Account hacked
Hello, Someone has changed my password nd i am so angry about this .... I want to change my password without phone confirimation num..what to do.. P...
Facebook reviewing these additional documents
I Cant open my facebook account Reason for: Unfortunately, you won't be able to access your account while we're reviewing these additional docume...
Facebook is still reviewing the documents
Hi.. I cannot log in since facebook is still reviewing the documents I forwarded long will it takes?? Its been a days now
My facebook account was disabled
I just log in to my Facebook account this morning and i was shocked, my Facebook account was disabled for no reason why.pleas i need my Facebook accou...
Ransom ware help needed to open facebook account.
My computer was recently infected with a ransom ware virus. This has now been cleared but not before it disabled my facebook account. All was workin...
Hacked facebook account
Hello, some friend send me link and i have clik there was option to enter login id and password ,i did same after 5 minute they change my password i...
Facebook is in italian:)
Good morning to you all! I had 2 little boxes at top of my FB page. I must have hit it and changed language from Eng to Italian. now the "little boxe...
Facebook account login problem
Hello this is what I saw when I try to open my facebook account ,Unfortunately, you won't be able to access your account while we're reviewing these a...
Language problem
SolvedThis morning my Facebook pages appeared in Portugese, which I do not know. I've tried the things I know to change FB back to English, but no luck. Lo...
I can't log into my facebook account
Hello, Am failing to log in my facebook account whenever l log in this message pops out : sorry an unexpected error occurred. Please try again later....
Cant login facebook
Hello, I can't access my old account Configuration: iPhone / Chrome
Can't log into my facebook
ClosedHello, I can't log into my Facebook under Zulfiyem sunda I have to old ones an it's sending me number's for old Facebook not the one I use want ...
Facebook login failed an unexpected error has occured
Hello everytime I try to log in to Facebook it comes up sayin ... sorry login failed an unexpected error has eccured please try again later it's been...
My account blocked plz open my account
Hello, asslamualikum my account bloked plz open my account Configuration: Windows XP / Firefox 33.0
My account is block for to long how can i open it back.
Hello, My Facebook account is block how can I open it again pls help my account was block for to long. Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 48.0.2564...
Disabled account
Hello My business account was disabled. I am not sure why or how to enable it...Please advise, Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 39.0.2171.95
Can't find my old facebook
Hello, I can't find my old Facebook account . I don't have the same email and neither do I use the same phone number I provided while having the acc...
Disabled charity account
Hello, I work for a charity and our account has been disabled. Can you help me? Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 49.0.2623.110
How can i access my facebook account?
Hello, I can't open my facebook account. everytime i tried to open it this is what facebook say: "Unfortunately, you won't be able to access your ac...