The discussions
Forgot my facebook password
Hi, I forgot my Facebook password and I lost my phone number.
Facebook account locked
Solved/ClosedHello, My old Facebook account is locked and I can't open it. I no longer have the same phone number.
How do i change my facebook back to english?
Solved/ClosedHello, I have just come back from Dubai and now my facebook is in arabic. how do I change this back? thank youSystem Configuration: Windows Vista I...
Recover my hacked facebook account
SolvedHello, My Facebook account is hacked. Help me for recover it.
Facebook is frozen
Hello, Facebook is locked on a family photograph and will not allow the page to go forward, or backward.
Mobile number changed and did not receive facebook code
Hello, I did not receive the Facebook code since I lost my old phone number. Now I can't log into my Facebook account. Please do kindly assist me ...
Facebook login problem
Hello, sir when i open my facebook account i see Unfortunately, you won't be able to access your account while we're reviewing these additional ...
Sif pleas verify my account chack my document and unblocked my account thanqu fa
Hello, Sir plz open my accountpleas chack my document and unblocked my account ThanQu facebook Team
Facebook reviewing documents
SolvedHello, When trying to open my Facebook account I see "Unfortunately, you won't be able to access your account while we're reviewing these addition...
Facebook account recovery
Hello, When I try to access Facebook, it says we're reviewing your documents.
My facebook got disabled
Hi, My Facebook account was disabled. How can I recover it?
Facebook login problem
Hello, I get this message when I try to access Facebook, "Unfortunately, you won't be able to access your account while we're reviewing these addi...
Can't download messenger
Hello, My phone doesn't have enough space to download the Messenger app, but I need it urgently. If I had been willing to delete another apps, it ...
Can't log into my facebook account
SolvedHello I can't log into my Facebook account. Please help me!
Locked out of my facebook
Hello, I just got locked out of my Facebook and there a Yahoo thing that I can't link to.
My personal facebook account is disabled
SolvedHello, My Facebook account is disabled. How can I recover it?
My personal facebook account was disabled
Hello, My personal Facebook account was disabled without any reason. How can I reopen my account?
My facebook account disabled
My Facebook account has been disabled. I request you to help me solve this issue. My Facebook account is very important for me. I still do not know wh...
Disabled facebook
Hello, My name is erica sears i tryed to create a new facebook and right away it was disabled, saying i was pretending to be someone im not how do i ...
Can't use facebook at the moment
Hello, When I log into my Facebook account, I get a message to confirm my identity. The Facebook team asks me to upload a picture. I uploaded it. ...
My facebook is locked
I can't reach some of my friends for the code....please what can I do???
How do i send proof of my identity so i can login to my facebook
Hello, How Can I Send Proof of my identity to Facebook so I can get into my Facebook ASAP/NOW????
My facebook account was hacked
Hi, My Facebook account hacked by other person and they changed my password and id. Please save my personal data, image, or videos. Please solve th...
Login problem with my facebook account
Hello, My Facebook account was automatically logged out last month. Now whenever I try to login it demands a code from trusted contacts, but unfor...
How to recover my hacked facebook account
SolvedHello, I need help recovering my hacked Facebook account. My number was changed and I can't receive the code.
How to recover my hacked facebook account?
ClosedHello, my facebook account is close to three years now with the registered name"DANIEL RICHARD",on the 12th of octomber 2017 i noticed that have bee...
How to open my facebook account?
SolvedHello, I followed the process and received the code to my number, but when I put the six digit code in it asks me to try again later.
Disable facebook
Hello sir This is my real Facebook account Please approval my submitted request I want my Facebook account more connected
Recover my old facebook account
Hello, How can I get back my old Facebook account?
No response from facebook recovery
Hello, I submitted my appeal and even emailed Facebook. Tell me how much long will it take for my account to be enable again? I have a passport. ...
How to poke someone on facebook
Hello, I discovered that a lot of people have been searching for ways they could possibly poke their friends on facebook. The issue is this, Faceb...
I can't access in my facebook account
Hello, When I logged into my Facebook account, this form of text appeared. Here is the heading text of that message: Confirm Your Identity To log...
Can't access facebook
SolvedHello, My account shows "Unfortunately, you won't be able to access your account while we're reviewing these additional documents. We appreciate y...
Facebook is reviewing my documents
SolvedHello, When I try to open my Facebook account, I see: "Unfortunately, you won't be able to access your account while we're reviewing these additio...
How to regain access to facebook?
Hello, Last month my account was disabled. I don't have enough information to get my account back. Do you have any update link to get back to my a...
Can't access my facebook account
Hello, When I open my Facebook lD, it shows: Unfortunately We r reviewing these additional documents we appreciate your patience. This account is...
Facebook account recovery
SolvedHello, Why is my account showing me this? Unfortunately, you won't be able to access your account while we're reviewing these additional docume...
Open a facebook account
SolvedHello, my name is Timothy Bennett. I'm trying my best to open a Facebook account. Can you help me with it?
My facebook has been disabled
SolvedHello, I reported so many times about my Facebook account, but I haven’t gotten any response or email. Please enable my account.
How to create a new facebook account?
Solved/ClosedHello, From where shall I create a new Facebook account? Please answer my question!
Facebook account got hacked
Hello, My Facebook account has been hacked and my password as well as my email I'd also got changed by the hacker and I can't get access to it an...
Not receiving facebook code
SolvedHello, I can't log into my Facebook account because I have lost my number to receive my code generator.
Facebook account not open
Hello, I am ready to giving a addition document but plz open my Facebook account help me..
My facebook account was disabled
Hello, I am locked out of Facebook account. Please help!
How to access my facebook account?
Hello, l don't have any ld to show to Facebook. I need to upload an ID on Facebook to access my account. Please help me!
What do you do when fb plays games
Hi, I’ve been locked out of my account since November by Facebook because I canceled a website/email for my business which was my FB user ID. So w...
How do i get my old facebook account back?
Hello, How do I get my old Facebook account back?