The discussions
Not receiving sms code authenticator message.
Hello, My name is Luis I'm really killing myself over here getting to find outt why I cannot get bank into my account. I can reset muy password and ev...
Forgot my password
Solved/ClosedI forgot my email pass & email recovery password . Can i get my acc back ?
Forgot my gmail pass
SolvedI forgot my gmail pass and my recovery gmail pass Can i get my gmail back ?
My personal account disabled
Hello, I had a account before four years ago. I open three close group one group member was 315k suddenly my account disable in this time my group o...
Not receiving codes to my phone number
Hello, Hi I logged out of Facebook and tried to log back in it’s asking me for a 6 digit code which I’m not receiving to my phone number I know my p...
Facebook account disabled unilever report me
Hello, please help me recover my account . unilever report me. how can i recover it please System Configuration: Windows / Chrome 65.0.3325.181
How to unlink facebook login from pinterest?
I don’t want to use Facebook account to log in to pinterest
Facebook account disabled
Hello, plz i need your help... My fb is been disabled... I want it back. System Configuration: Android / Chrome 65.0.3325.109
Facebook account disabled
Hello I don't know the reason why my facebook account is disabled. I need my Facebook account please give me back my Facebook.I need it and have ma...
Facebook confirmation code
Hello My Facebook account is off from last day . Because I’m forgot my password N I trying for confirmation code from last day . But I don...
Facebook account blocked
My Facebook account blocked. Please Someone use my mobile number to access new account , so i can't long in again and i don't remember my password ,...
Can't see some of my friends
Hello, Why can't I see some of my friends on nearby friends System Configuration: Android / Chrome 65.0.3325.109
My facebook account blocked
Hello, I made a mistake to upload my I'd, instead of an I'd I uploaded my moms photo, how do I fix this? System Configuration: Android / Chrome...
Facebook account disabled
hi my name is Mohammed Haruna please my Facebook is disabled and i don't know why so pls help me to get my account back
Who closed my account sir
I am pandiarajan my facebook account pandiarajan magudeswaran destined please open this account please help
Give me facebook password
Hello, Please sent sms my facebook password to my phone. System Configuration: Android / SamsungBrowser 4.0
Facebook account disabled
Hello, Sir my name is kamal kumar my account was disabled 19 April please help me System Configuration: Android / SamsungBrowser 3.5
Facebook account disabled
Hello, Sir my name is kamalkumar my account was disabled.without warning please help me my account recover System Configuration: Android / Sams...
Facebook account disabled
ClosedHello, my facebook account is disbled I dont y?? I want my account back....plz help me. System Configuration: Android / Chrome 64.0.3282.1...
Browser :err_cert_authority_invalid
ClosedHello, Hi, Im having problem with my browser for more than a month now. I cannot view recaptcha on any type of browser (opera, chrome, mozilla, ex...
Unable to access my facebook
Hello, I changed my phone and after I try to change my password. I can't access my account again. I got this message. I have tried to login to my ...
Facebook account disabled
Hello, Somehow my entire facebook account was closed and I have lost alot of friends and school information due to this. how can it be reactivated? ...
Facebook account disabled
ClosedHello, I have my account my account is disabled please solved this System Configuration: Android / Chrome 55.0.2883.91
Please send code my phone
Hello, I am unable to log into my facebook. it says that my password is wrong, I have tried resetting it many times and it never sends me my phone w...
Facebook account was disabled
ClosedHello, hi sir last 22 march my personal account was disable by mistake i ll submit my nid passport but my account not unblock System Configur...
How do i use instagram on my pc
Please how do I use Instagram on my pc?
Can’t log in looking over documents
Hello, been 7 weeks no access to fbook account as documents been looked over it’s a football community page we have a final in a weeks time need to pu...
Slow dowloading problem
my windows 7 is downloading slowly help how i can speedup?
Gmail login
I need help getting into my gmail account
Facebook has been disabled
I am 76 yes old. Thousands of miles away from children, grand children, friends. I think because i shared stuff about the illegal immigrants, rapes e...
Facebook account disabled
ClosedHello, Sir please my account one month later disable without any reason sir please help me and reopen my account Thank you Android / Chrome 64....
Update version
Hello, Samsung z2 update verson System Configuration: Tizen / SamsungBrowser 1.1
Facebook account disabled
ClosedHello, i am Bharat mane i my facebook account was diasble last one month ago please its very important for me so please tell me how to get back my d...
Unable to access my facebook account
Hello, My fb account not open plz help me System Configuration: iPhone / Safari 604.1
Facebook can’t login since october 2017
ClosedHello...Does anyone know what’s happening with Facebook those days many accounts locked including my and I can’t access it to security it or delete. M...
Facebook account disappeared
ClosedMy friend's facebook account disappeared!! fake acount was made by someone and sent add to everyone and 5 min later the real account disappeard it did...
How to log in to facebook without approval code?
Hello, Now I can't login my facebook account .So i want to approval code.How can i do.Help me please
Doesn't getting any recover code in email
Hello, I'm not receiving the email to reset my password. In Android System Configuration: Android / Chrome 64.0.3282.137
Unable to confirm my identity on facebook...
For some reason that I don't understand, Facebook asks me to confirm my identity. Since I didn't specify a phone number on my account, Facebook giv...
Turn off commenting on facebook page
How can i turn off the comment on a post in Facebook page?
Gmail account unable to reset my password
Hello Please assist with my twitter account , I'm unable to reset my password because I deactivated my gmail address I registered with, Email Adre...
Facebook account disabled
ClosedHello, My account is disabled please help me sir I try the links but no one respond me System Configuration: Android / Chrome 64.0.3282.137
Facebook account disabled submitted appeal
ClosedHello. Facebook had my account disabled even though I didn't do anything to violate Facebook's community standards. I keep submitting a repeal to get ...
Facebook account disabled
ClosedHello, helo. my fb is disabled by my mistakes i m.asking sory for it. i post one live ipl live. i dont knw about that demerits. please could u helps...
Facebook account disabled
helo. my fb is disabled by my mistakes i m.asking sory for it. i post one live ipl live. i dont knw about that demerits. please could u helps me to a...
How to recover my account hacked back
ClosedHello, How to recover my account hacked back System Configuration: Android / Chrome 59.0.3071.125
My account is hacked
Hello po. My email was removed and my phone number was changed so wala na po ako access how to log in sa account ko. Hnd ko po kase nalagyan trusted c...
How to recover my hacked facebook account
Hello, My Facebook account has hacked.Hacker has changed e-mail number. Hacker has used my massenger and want money from my friends. In this case ...
My facebook account is disabled
ClosedHello, Sir my account was disabled my phone number is ********* please solved my problem System Configuration: Android / Opera Next 37.0.2192....
How to recover a reported account?
Hello, I have a friend who has a reported account and was deleted. Can we possibly recover her account? System Configuration: Android / Chrome ...