The discussions
Facebook temporarily locked
Hello, Hi my id is temperay to unlock my id.plz my id***@*** Password"removed by moderator Configuration: Configurat...
Gmail account password forget
i have forget my gmail ac. password I have tried to get to reset my password by clicking on forget password but now google is not asking recovery by m...
Private line and email
I have people braking in my phone line
Facebook account disabled
Hello, My name is najma Maam my Facebook account has been disabled yesterday and I can't log on with my email address and phone number please he...
How to deactivate facebook account
Hello, i want to Unprescribe from Facebook,its not for me,i dont have a clue about computers and stuff,its just not for me. Thanks anyway. Con...
Not able to unlock my facebook account don't remember anything
SolvedHello,i am not able to unlock my fb account because i don't remember anything about my account and also i had changed my handset please help me to un...
I'm locked out of my google account
I have forgotten my email recovery password an my email pass word an have lost my mobile phone number so I have been also told when my I though I made...
How to login to snapchat
Hello, What do I do to log into my snapchat if I don't have my number or email verified to my account please help me.
Facebook got reported
Hello, My facebook got reported and I don't know who did it. I really need my facebook to get a hold of my friends Configuration: Configuration...
My account has been disabled without reason
Hello, My name is Amany sy my accuont on facebook has been disabled,so could you please help me ? Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 34.0.1847.76
Can't change my password for facebook
Hello, How can i get back in my Facebook it is saying that to put my email in and it will send me a cold to my email but does not send me one ...
My phone number is change
Hello, Yes I can't receive my code to log on to facebook because I have a new phone new. Can you please send my log in code to my email ***@*** in...
Can you please report fake profile on instagram?
dejana_i_nenada_official First fake profile.You can see two guys in one picture croped. Another one fake profile is neso.jerinic picture of monkey....
Can't log into facebook
Hello yes I have a new phone number and I can't receive the login code because facebook is sending the code to my old phone number can facebook the se...
Facebook issue
Hi I am having trouble logging into my Facebook account I use to be able to login with no problems. But now before I'm about to login numbers appear a...
Close the fake id
Hello, Sir I need a help from you.someone made fake id & used my photos please delete that account sir Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 44.0.2403.13...
My facebook account was disabled
Hello, Please give me my account back.. im waithing this since last years.. facebook said they will give it back to me . But until now, im not got i...
Unblock my account please
Please please unblock my account
Can't open my account help me!
Hello, Configuration: iPhone / Firefox 48.0 maybe 1 week ago i try to change my account name but its not change. What's going wrong in my account. T...
Internet works but desktop won't detect ethernet cable
Okay, so, I have a computer running on Windows 7 Ultimate, Dell computer. My internet works fine. But my computer doesn't detect my Ethernet cable, ...
I can't log in my account
Hello, I can't log in my account it says we'll get in touch with you at the email address you provided after we've review your ID PLEASE HELP ME. Con...
Facebook account for reviewing additional documents
When I want to login than they told me, "Unfortunately, you won't be able to access your account while we're reviewing these additional documents. We...
Facebook way to use my first account instead of starting over
Hello, Hey. The other day my facebook just quit. And it was 4 in the mourning when i was sleepin. I had to make a new account. I dont like that all...
Please i want my facebbok that was disabled to be active again.
Hello, Please i am pleading that my personal account with the name should be pardoned and restored back. I have some important things i saved there...
Facebook account disabled
Okay I've been trying to recover my facebook account and I've been trying to upload new photos (documentation) along with it. Even tried going for an...
I don't remember my skype password
Hey I need ur help I have to remember so many passwords and I forgot my Skype password can u please help me?!?!
Add pin number to downloading apps on lg smart tv
I would like to restrict being able to download apps on my lg smart tv. I have added PIN numbers to apps on our tv, but how I restrict downloading the...
Can't log into facebook password has been changed
Hello, my name is Manuel. I have been trying to get back into my Facebook acct. but it says my password has been changed help Configuration: Configu...
Facebook account disabled
Hello, my fb account is disabled due to no reason , fb is saying that i do any violent activity and asking for confirmation by giving my Govt id ... ...
Hi, thanks for contacting us. it looks like we couldn't confirm
Hello, Hi, Thanks for contacting us. It looks like we couldn't confirm that you're the owner of this account because you didn't provide ID with inf...
You tube video dowwnload
How to download you tube video me Tnx ccm team K.v.chaudhari
Facebook account disabled
Hello, Why my account is disabled...... please help me to open my account Configuration: Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 35.0.1916.141
Disabled account
Only used my name Cheryl Elaine Gibson. My information is affiliated with my picture. Phone number is still the same removed by moderator for the enti...
Forgot password
I need my password
Re activate my account
Hello, please re activate my account i was cancceld Configuration: Configuration: Windows / Chrome 55.0.2883.87
Re open facebook disabled
Hello, Sir need to help you're please tell me how I able un disabled Facebook account Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 28.0.1500.94
how can I update my facebook account?
I used a school email for my Instagram and I got logged out of it and I can't resent my password so is there any other way to change it?
Forgot password and lost mobile number
Can someone help with resetting a gmail account ? Lost mobile number
Help to locate stolen phone
hi my name is brandon i got my phone stolen, i need to locate my phone. but the gmail account i used had a old number so my current number wont work...
Remove my "jesi marma sing" fake account
Hello, Sir Please help me. Someone using my photos and User name. so delete my fake Account. Configuration: iPhone / Safari 4.0
Internet times out
Hello I'm having internet problems on my laptop, I use wireless internet and I'm using windows 10 and the internet icon said it's a connected and has...
Laptop internet is connected but can't browse
Hello, i have broadband internet connection .internet connected to my pc but when i load any webpage it says there is no internet connection so pleas...
Internet discontinue after few sec but dsl working well
i used teracom modem, problem is that the internet (led) light on modem discontinue after 1 hr but for 10-15 second and again start automatically af...
Facebook account disabled reviewing documents
Hello, Configuration: Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 54.0.2840.85my fb not opening and saying unfortunately sone review etc... plz help me
My facebook is hacked
Hello, My facebook is hacked..someone changed my password and i tried to recover my account but it seems impossible ..plz i need help Configuratio...
I don't have # phone
I need to reactivate my account and you only have one option which is to have a security # sent to a cell phone! I don't have a phone and I'm in Guate...
Facebook login problems
Hello, i have a complicated problem , i cant log into my facebook because of login approvals that are sent to my phone number which i lost earlier t...
Streaming live sports
Greetings! Please let me know how to stream live sports. I am a novice and my husband would like to watch sports on my computer.I read some of the an...
I can't sign into favim
Hello, I recently joined favim as the nickname 'dangerous' after u signed up I can't log in and when I try it says error, i've tried to do it on the...