The discussions
Hello mr facebook
Hello, i am Alex TObore am from nigeria i want you to open my facebook acoount please i need to chat with my friends okay please Configuration...
I can't log in to facebook
Hello, I'm no good at reading and can't get in to my facebook account please help me Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 53.0.2785.124
My facebook is disabled
Hello, Please help me..... enable my Facebook account Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 53.0.2785.124
How to login my disabled account
Hello, i am nikhil my fb account was disabled plz i have continues my account nd login my account Configuration: iPhone / Chrome
Send my facebook password on my email account
Hello, Plz send my face book passward on my email account Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 38.0.2125.102
Disabled my account
Hello, Hello, My name it's Arjun, my cb account it's disabled with no reason out of no where from last Sunday, I really need it back ASAP pls pl...
Phone number issues
I need help with an issue about a old phone number i had on my account and cant sign in without the code that was sent to that number and need to chan...
Facebook account disabled
Hello, Plz my fb was disabled plz help me how to open my fb account Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 52.0.2743.98
Disabled my fb account
Hello, Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 53.0.2785.124my fb account has been disabled by sending a picture of cat please hlp to enable my account
Forgot my gmail password
Hello... How should i got my gmail password back..... I forgot.... But i still remember my id gmail... ***@***..... Now i cant sign in my gmail accou...
Facebook account is hacked
Hello, Plz I request my Facebook account is hacked please activate my Facebook account Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 52.0.2743.98
My fb account disabled
Hello my FB account was disabled... I want to reopen. My account..plzzzzz help me .
My facebook account was disabled
Hello, Configuration: iPhone / Safari 4.0fb disabled unknowingly i Dont know The Reasons plzzzzz hlp me
My internet is not working for any of the site except gmail
Solved/ClosedHello, I am facing internet web page connecting issues. Not even a Google search page loads in the browser. Only Gmail will be opened. I am n...
My account reactivation his disabled
Hello, I am Afsal razz my account disabled plz help me.and reactivating my account Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 51.0.2704.81
Help me to get my facebook account
Hello sir, my facebook account disable how to get my facebook account back help me sir
My facebook is disabled how can i get it back pls help me
Hello, My Facebook accout is disabled how can i get i back? Please help me pls pls How can i get it back Facebook say im not already 13 thats why ...
Recovery password of another gmail id
Dear Sir / Madam, I have lost my gmail password & also I don't remember my recovery details like mail id & i also don't put it my phone no too. ...
My account is enviable
Hello my account not work now pls help me
Reactivate my facebook account
Hello, Please help me to reactivate my Facebook account. Configuration: iPhone / Safari 4.0
Enabled my fb account
Hello, My account has desabled. Plz help to Enabled my fb account Configuration: iPhone / Safari 4.0
Enable my account
Hello, my account was disabled because i set an image Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 51.0.2704.81
Which browser to use
Good morning , wisch browsers is good for the dv lottery for America , how can I know the right website. Please if someone he should help me and gi...
Facebook has been disabled
Hello, My name is Naveen my Facebook has been disabled by sharing the WhatsApp pic into messenger plz I need my fb account back plz help...
My account locked
Hello, My name is Ashiq sebastian my.account as blocked on Saturday so kindly reopen it and plz help me Configuration: iPhone / Chrome
Confermation email
I can't confirm my email so I did what it said and got into a email I knew it said it would send me a code to help get into my facebook but haven't go...
Download photoshop cs6 from this website
how to download adopt photoshop cs6 from this website???
Facebook account disabled
Hello, My name is Abdul trowell my Facebook is disabled please give me my face book back please Some one was harassing me so I changed my name a few t...
Want to activate my account
Hello, i want to activate my account plzz
Internet not working and browsers also not working
Hello, My internet not working and browsers also not working in my laptop...what to do
Request for enabling my fb account
Hello, I am requesting you to enable my account because I'm disabled helplessly knowing nothing about some rules.fb is my life and there a...
Account disabled. please retrieve my account
Hello, Suddenly i cant able to log in my Facebook Account Please help me to fix this problem Thank You Ammichael Crisostomo Configuration...
Please help me to enable my account
Hello, Help me to enable my fb account Configuration: iPhone / Safari 4.0
Internet explorer with windows 10
Hello, Is Internet Explorer 9 compatible with Windows 10? Configuration: Windows / Firefox 48.0
My password gmail
Hello, Configuration: / Chrome 51.0.2704.106hello my u pls give me my passowrd for my gmail thank you if u do...or send it
Need help!!! to recover my deleted fb account
Hello, My facebook account was hacked early this year together with my email and the password was changed. And i had only a choice of deleting it pe...
After playing a youtube video, browser can't connect to websites
Hi, I'm new here but can anyone know the fix to my problem? I don't know when this problem started, but i noticed that when i play a youtube video,...
Extremely slow internet
Hello, This is going to be a long post as I describe mostly everything what happened I apologize for the long post and please bear with me. I o...
Facebook account disabled
Hello, My fb account was disabled do I activate it.. My account is important for me now..pls help me Configuration: iPhone / Chr...
Facebook account disabled
Hello, why my account is disable pĺs help me Configuration: iPhone / Chrome
Reviewing documents locked me out
Hello, Even after I submitted my id to Facebook I'm still locked out and have. Even for months! Please help! Configuration: iPhone / Safari 10.0
Google chrome ,web pages not loading but connected to internet
Hello, im using google chrome i am connected to the internet i get google opened type in the page im wanting but the pages cannot load please help...
Facebook is disabled
Hello, I'm manoj korada .My dBm account is disabled by someone girl.So I want to my back account please ..This is more important to me...Please ple...
Login my disabled fb id
Hello, I m using my ACC from June 2016...I have send a frwd pic to messenger suddenly my account was disabled I couldn't login back...plzzz help ...
My face book account is disable from face book
Hello, my Face book account is disable from face book , how i open it again & i want to know why my account is disable . thanks Configurat...
Facebook account email and password hacked
Hello, Hi guys my fb is hacked and its password and e-mail is changed. Does anyone know answer please answer guyz. Configuration: Phone / Chrom...
Unwanted pad lock
Go into Facebook pad lock just changes to a ORANGE back ground with WHITE pad LOCK, does not go away.
How to recover my facebook account
Hello, please help me recover my account Configuration: Windows / Chrome 53.0.2785.116
Internet access but in browser access error 404--not found
Hello, i trying so much for access browser i not able to access it .my ping to the network is also ok. i tried your some junk remover software bu...
Can't open account facebook reviewing documents
Hello, please I can't open my Facebook account because this message (( We'll take a look at the documents you submitted and get back to you. If we n...