The discussions
Mail account disabled
Hello, My account is disabled and i'm no use the celllcell phone number I was using the time I was creating my account so now when I try to enable m...
How can i recover my password
Hello, I forgot my password and the cell number is no longer working Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 51.0.2704.77
Forgot gmail password
Hello, Dear sir, i forgot my password .the mobile no is also lost my important files are in that please help to open that mail my mail...
Forgot gmail password
Hello, I forgot my account password...plz help out to know my password. Configuration: Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 38.0.2125.102
Lost my gmail
Hi I lost my gmail.Please help me. Because i can't playing clash of clans.
Forgot password
Hello, i remember my gmail account but i forgot my password how can i recover it.can i log in with my phone number??
Enable my gmail account
Hello, how to enable my gmail account Configuration: Configuration: Windows / Firefox 44.0
Forgot security question
Hello, i forgot my password and secrity question plz help to solve the problem i remember my last password but that not work. some on hack my acc...
My password does not login
Hello, dear sir/madam, my gmail password is not opening please do a needful Configuration: Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 55.0.2883.87
Return my gmail password please
Hello I have forgotten my password may i please have my password back??
Gmail account password is gone
Hello my gmail account password is gone please
Phone number without country key
Hello, I know the password but yahoo asking me to confirm the phone number. The problem is I used my phone number without country key. Please help...
Locked out
I forgot my password and now i am locked out of my emails for 12 hrs for trying to log in continuously. The recovery number is an old number that I do...
Yahoo mail how to change phone number
Hello, How can I changed my phone number in my yahoo mail Configuration: Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 54.0.2840.85
Forgot gmail password
Dear sir, How to open E-mail : ***@***? It's very problem now because he can not open mail for work. Please help us. Please reply E-mail : **...
Forgot yahoo mail password
Hello, i had to reset my phone and i was wondering if you could help me get back into my yahoo account because i have forgotten my password. ...
Why is my gmail account blocked
Hello, Dear ser why does my gmail account blocked My blocked gmail ***@*** Mobail no removed by moderator. Configuration: Configuration: iPho...
Reset gmail password
lost my pasward reset my pasward
Gmail account hacked
Hello, my account was hacked by my friend .please help me to recover my account. Configuration: Configuration: 9018268200 / Chrome
Gmail password
Hi,google i forget my gmail password please can you show me my password
Gmail account hacked
Hello supercell, My account is be hack for someone and my verification number not number i.please help me to forgot my password
Change gmail password
Hello, l have forgod my password so l want to change my password Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 47.0.2526.83
Recover yahoo mail password
Hello, I've forgotten my password for yahoo mail. I remember answer just to one of the security questions. Yahoo account is active on my phone - I...
Need to change mobile number
Hello, How would I change my mobile number in yahoo account? I got back from Denmark to Pakistan. I do not have access to mobile number that I used...
Yahoo mail how can i help you
I forget my password and forget old phone number how can I help you
Helping with yahoo password
Hello, Hi I can not open my yahoo I don"t remamber my passwerd when ask for scurity question I know only the scend one . can someone help thank...
Disabled account
How do I enable a disabled gmail account?
How to enable my gmail account
Hello, My email account ***@*** has been disabled and I do not know why. I rely on this email for personal and business related emailing and also a...
Can't access yahoo
Hello, I have a question regarding yahoo, I can log in to my yahoomail using my correct password, however, they asking me to provide the verificati...
Gmail account hacked
Hello, someone hack my gmail account please give me that back plzzz... My account is ***@*** please send me. My hack account is ***@***. ...
Google account and phone is lost
Google pls help me my google account is lost and recovery phone number lost so pls help me
Forgot password
I have add account to my existing gmail but forgot the password.How do I recover my add account gmail?
My account was disabled
Hello, Does anyone know how to enable a disabled email account on gmail? Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 55.0.2883.87
I don't know my password or have recovery number
Hello, Can you help Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 44.0.2403.133
Need help getting old account
Hello, I lost and forgot my old number and password. But my email that i had was removed by moderator@Gmail please help me get my email back. My ...
No access to gmail
SolvedHello, I have forgotten muy access code and password to gmail. also, have changed phones. could any one please help? with thanks kav Configurat...
Gmail account hacked.
Hello, Yesterday . My accouny is hacked. So please help me
Please assist me with my gmail password
Hello, Please assist me with my Google account password.On phone number removed by moderator. Configuration: Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 45....
Transfering emails from old hotmail to new hotmail
Hello, I have recently opened a new Hotmail account and am wanting to find out how I can transfer all my emails from my old Hotmail email address to...
Forgot the password
Hello, I have an account on gmail,I have lost my gmail password and my mobile number which has removed by moderator and my new number is removed by ...
Forgot recovery question
Hello, Sir I can't loging I know my yahoo I'd n password but forgot recovery question plz help Configuration: Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 38...
Fogot gmail password
Hello, I have forgotten my gmail password,please hep Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 46.0.2490.76
Password changed
Hello, Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 40.0.2214.109 somebody has changed my password plz help me
Forget my question and answer on yahoo and i can't logi
Please I forget my question and answer on yahoo and I can't login to my Email it keep asking me
Forgot password and don't want to change it
Hello, I forgot my email password and don't want it to change. Can you send it to me by text? Thanks Richard Gans ----- ***@***. Or removed...
Can't access email
Hello, I can access my email.some of personal data were changed.example my mother's place of birth.please help me to recover as this is my primary...
I forget my yahoo id passward forget and securit question
Hello, i forger my id passward and my security secrate question. thiis id is very necessary becaues on this my hec account registrad and i aaply for...
I forgot my yahoomail security answers
Hello, Please I forgot my yahoomail security answer. Kindly assist. Thank you. Configuration: iPhone / Firefox 49.0
I forgot the security questions of my old yahoo mail...
Hi there, i want to acces my old yahoo mail account.Even if i Know my Id and password, i ca't connect to it because i have to answer a security quest...
Can not access my yahoo mail account
Hello, please help, how can I recover my yahoomail account using security questions. I do not have recoverymobile or email add thanks, Morris A. ...