The discussions
Lost my gmail password - can only get emails on my samsung galax
Hello! Unfortunately, last week I somehow changed my gmail password from a laptop and entered the new password ( I think) on my cell phone and am s...
Can't get on my account
Hello,I haven't been on my account in a long time,I remember my email and my password, but it wants to send a code to phone numbers I no longer have. ...
Forget password and security question
Dear Sir, i am unable to reach my yahoo account due to forget my yahoo password and security question for may time i am trying but i am not able to a...
Recover mails deleted from thrash.
Hello, Dear Sir, The important mails are deleted from the trash... Please help me to get the mails back from thrash... Regards, Mahesh ...
Can't access yahoo mail account
Hello good morning, Please help to assessed my account now. I have try all what u purpose yet I can have assess to my mail. My formal password was...
Forgot my email id password and questions
Hello, my name is neha giri i forgot my email id password and questions to so please help me Configuration: iPhone / Safari 4.0
How to format a write protected pen drive
1.How to format a write protected pen drive? Tried the Regedit system but the value was already set to 0 and so the outcome was the same. 2.Another p...
Gmail account disabled
Hello, My google account is disabled and I really need to get it back for google plus and youtube ***@*** Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 51.0.2...
Cant access email to update recovery info
My yahoo mail app.keep restarting numerous times in a few mins.(app.restarted 177 in 4 mins).i tryed evetything to reslove this issue.but i ened up ha...
Recovery when i have no access to the phone
How can I recover my account when I have no access to the phone or phone number the account was set up to Any help will be appreciated thank you
Can't get in yahoo mail account
I haven't been on yahoo in a very long time,I remember my email and password,but it asked to send a code to my phone.The problem is, the phone numbers...
Not too sure
Hello, I have received the below. Seems like a scam; but not too sure Unusual Request Detected The request to block your email account was r...
Want my hotmail back
under options in I do not have a option to change back to hotmail, now what, as I really hate outlook for doing this
Forgot yahoo mail password and mobile number changed
Can't access my email account for Yahoo forgot my password and my number has changed what can I do to to be able to access it
Forgot yahoo mail password and secret question
Hello, i cant remember my yahoo password and my and security Q. can u plz help me out i also use facebook with yahoo id my id is ***@*** Co...
Forgot yahoo mail password and mobile number changed
Hello, I can't aces's my account I recently chanced the password and forgot it and I have a new cell so I can have a reset sent to me. And my secret...
Forgot yahoo mail password
Hello, hello.i.forgot my yahoo pasword but i.dnt hve recovery mail.wat Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 52.0.2743.98
Gmail - retrieve hacked account
Hello, Help me. Cause my account is hacked someone. I not have access my account. Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 51.0.2704.81
Recover gmail account
Hello, I forgot my gmail password And i also forgot the recovery mail id My recovery mobile number is also changed How can i recover my gmai...
Hotmail is not working on my kindle
SolvedHello, My e-mail says hotmail is not connecting. How do I correct the problem? Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 39.0.2171.93
Gmail password recovery
Hello, My phone num for my phone not working for tge recovery password plz help need phone num an pic bak Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 46.0.2...
I can't remember my secret question
Hello, Please i need your help i can't remember my secret question.
Forget password for yahoo and secret question
Dear friends, I have forgotten my yahoo account password and also the recovery question's answers plz tell me how to have access to my yahoo account...
Forgot yahoo mail password and mobile number changed
Hello, This is Craig Gonzales and I forgot password and my backup email and I don't have the same number no more and I really need to get in this ...
Forgot yahoo mail password and mobile number changed
Hello, madam/sir how can i retrieve my yahoo account if i forgot my password and i change my mobile number. Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 52.0...
Forgot yahoo mail password and mobile number changed
Hello, forgot my password to yahoo. The number that i used for my recovery phone number,was destoryed. cant use it anymore. is there any other way i...
How to retrieve my yahoo mail without alternate email
how to retrieve my yahoo mail without alternate email and contact number
Forgot yahoo mail password and security question
I forgot my password and answer of my security qestion
Gmail a/c has hacked and security questions changed
Hello, my id has been hacked and my password has been changed!!!please delete my gmail account!!!!!!! plz help
My gmail id has been hacked and i have no access to it.
Hello, My gmail id ***@*** has been hacked, my password, recovery email and contact no is changed and now i have no access to it anymore. The main i...
Recover deleted mails
Hello, Recover delited mails Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 51.0.2704.81
Retrieving deleted mails
Unfortunately i deleted my trash box .i want to retrive all deleted messeges .
Retrieve old mail
Hello, I want to retrieve a mail with the keyword "MULUGU". I tried with the trash folder as well but couldn't find any. Please help me find the m...
Reset password with security questions
i recently lost cell phone how can i get password on gmail reset using previously supplied security questions?
Cannot open yahoo mail in box
Hello, Please help...cannot open inbox my email Configuration: iPhone / Safari 4.0
Abandoned gmail
My account is abandoned. How do I recover it?
Hello i forgot my email password an my email is
Solved/ClosedHello I forgot my email password an my email is *****
Want to recover my old gmail password
Hello, Please am new in the system and doesn't visit google much I now need my gmail password to log into my account . please kindly help me get my...
No forgotten securite question option?
I dont see '' forgotten security question '' or something only password.
Blocked on messenger. messages change from seen to sent? why?
My ex blocked me on Facebook. We're still on speaking terms and trying to work things out. What I don't get is when I go into his conversation on mess...
To recover my gmail password
Hello, dear; I currently lost my fb account & Fb send code via to my google account,***@*** . but I also lost my google password too. Now I hav...
When will i receive my yahoo password
Hello, When will I receive my yahoo password? My yahoo name is ***@***. Please reply, Preston Configuration: iPhone / Safari 9.0
Forgot gmail password
Hello, I don't know my passwor
Forget my gmail password
Hello, dear Sir please help me for my forget gmail password Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 51.0.2704.81
Help i'm locked out of my account!!!!
Please help me recover both of my email accounts!!
Hello, I am tiring to get my Email back ***@*** it is with my Bonnie Hunter acc. Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 52.0.2743.98
Yahoo mail wrong password
I can't log in my yahoo mailbox, its say wrong password and I tried to do the alternative email and it seams to have been changed to. So I guess someo...
Gmail account disabled
Hello, My gmail account has been disabled. please let us know hot to enable My Email ***@***
Forgot gmail password
Hello, Need to recover password Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 38.0.2125.102