The discussions
Recover yahoo password
Hello, I forgot my password,how can I access my yahoo account. since I need to access some important email from my friends. please help me how to...
Cancel account
Hello, I want to cancel my shtyle .fm account Configuration: Windows 7 / Mozilla 11.0
Recover yahoo account forgot security questions
Solved/ClosedHelp please I forgot my password and security question and can't recover my account
Restore my delated mail from 1 month ago
dear sir, how to restore my elated mail from 1 month ago Configuration: Windows 8 / Chrome 43.0.2357.132
Yahoo mail account deactivated
Hello, My yahoo account has been deactivated for I did not open it for some days. So please help me to recover it.
Yahoo mail account recover
Hello, I have lost my yahoo mail account. Please help me to get it. Configuration: Windows 7 / Internet Explorer 7.0
I forgot my gmail passworg
SolvedHello, Please help me recover my gmail password Configuration: Windows 7 / Internet Explorer 7.0
Forgot my password
Hello, PLease help me recover my password Configuration: Windows 7 / Internet Explorer 7.0
Hello, my name is zameer, i lost my account ***@*** some years back, my recovery email no longer works, and i forgot my security question. kindly help
Account recovery
Hello, I cannot retreive my account, dont have same phone number for recovery text, cannot answer the questions good enuff to get account, what do I d...
I forgot my gmail password and security question
Hello, Hi can u help me? Configuration: iPhone / Chrome
How can i open .dbx files (saved outlook express bits)
SolvedI recently reformatted my computer, and saved my Outlook Express Inbox, Sent, and addresses . The only way I could find to save them was in .dbx file...
I forgot my password and secret questions
SolvedHello, I forgot my password and secret questions please help me to recover. Please send information to ***@*** I dont receive g mails. Configu...
Forgot yahoo password and email recovery
Hello, My yahoo id is ***@***. I have forgotten my yahoo password ans don't remember the alternate email for recovery Configuration: Mac ...
Forgot password
Hello, hi can you please assist I forgot my gmail password and cannot remember security answeres I need to put my gmail on my laptop but need a pa...
How can i access my yahoo mail; acct if the registered number wa
Hello, How can i access my yahoo mail acct if the registered number was no longer functioning or it has been deactivited Configuration: Windows...
Can't reset password
Hello, I have tried everything I can to reset my gmail password I have even called Google and they are just rude and won't help if you can help ...
Forgotten my email adrress
Hello, i cant log into my facebook because ive forgotten my email adrress please help Configuration: Windows / Chrome 43.0.2357.134
Forgot gmail password
Hello, I did not remember my gmail password. And I have lost my registered mobile number also. Now how can I open my mail box. Configuration: i...
Forgot password alternate email no go
How can I reset my yahoo mail password without alternate email, mobile number or security ? Yahoo ID ***@***
I forgot my yahoo mail password
Pls help me,i forgot my yahoo mail password
Im for get my password
Hello, sir please help me im forget my password this my inproten email address to mani docoment inside im need all my docoment please help. this my...
Recover deactivated account
SolvedHello, My username and pass word I don't know and my moblie number has been changed And I forgot security question. Help!!! Configuration: ...
Forgot my yahoo password and security question
I forgot my yahoo password and security question 2, I need to log into my email account
How to open my inbox
Hello, i forget my hotmail password can you send it into my phone number deleted by moderator Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 42.0.2311.90
Dear sir my gmail account disable no resons
Hello, Dear Sir My Gmail Account disable no reasons please help me Configuration: Windows XP / Chrome 43.0.2357.134
Regarding solving yahoo problem
Hello, Sir i forget my yahoo password,and not able to accept code on phone no. i lost that sim those enter in yahoo id..please help me what can i d...
Give me back my e-mail !!!
Retrieve account
Hello, I forgot my Gmail passsword and security questions Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 33.0.1750.517
How do you just send mail to the people chosen???
How do you just send mail to the chose people?
Please give me email id.
Forgotten my password
Hello, Help me retrieve my password for gmail please. I've forgotten it for quite sometime please. Configuration: iPhone / Opera 9.80
Password forgote
Hello, Dear sir, My email id :- ***@*** please send reset password in my active Mobile and active email id ***@*** thanks Pradeep Kumar. ...
Yahoo messenger conversation
SolvedHello, I have no Y! Conversations folder in my yahoo mail app on my iPhone went away how to get back past yahoo messenger conversations back Co...
Want to create a table in composing mail in gmail
Some times I need to create a table when I compose a mail . please give me suggestion
Having trouble gettin in my yahoo
Hello, I'm havin trouble getting into my yahoo Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 30.0.1599.103
I cannot get into my hotmail account
Hello, Help I was out of office for two weeks and now that I am back I can't get into my hotmail account. The username is still good, however, it...
I forget my pass word and secret word
Hello, I need to recover my pass word
Pc not recognizing mp3/mp4
My pc not recognizing my mp3 mp4 player. I think it's missing something.
Email verification code
Hello, i know my mail id and password but i can not sine in account they say your mail id verification but i m sign in with a single-use code they can...
No security question as a method of recovery
Hello, my name is Terry white, i am trying to recover my old email password and its not allowing me the option to use my security question as a method...
Email to gmail
Hello, That have been deleted in Gmail is how email can be obtained
Gmail account has been disable
Hello, i am shilpa my company gmail account get disable even it was working it till noon near 1 O'clock but know its disable what should be the re...
Gmail password
i forgot my gmail password cant tell my password?
Yahoo mail verification problem
Hello, i have not used my yahoo email for a long time. Now when i correctly type in my email ID and password there is message saying that they've de...
Forgot my yahoo password
Hello, i forgot my yahoo password and my mobile number on can i recover my account without using mobile number Configuration: Windows ...
Forgot my password
Hello, hi i just ask how i open my yahoo messenger bcoz i forgot my password,please helped me for this,i tried many times but still i didnt open it,...
Forgot password to my yahoo account and change my phone number t
Solved/ClosedI forgot my password to my yahoo account and I have changed my phone number that was linked to that account so how would I go about changing my passwo...
Hotmail account hacked
Hello, My Hotmail account is blocked, I am trying to unblock it. The alternate email address is no longer, so I need to know how to unblock this acc...
Forgot my password yahoo
Hello, Could you please tell me .i forgot my password yahoo.before I put my old number.i tried many time to login but it doesn't work because they a...