The discussions
I forgot my yahoo password
Hello, i dont remember my password to yahoo login i need a new one Configuration: Windows Vista / Chrome 35.0.1916.153
Forgot my yahoo password
Hello, i have faced a problem .I forgot my password and secret questions and alternate email id and also am not using anymore the same tel mobile n...
Using gmail when travelling out of country.
Hello, I tried to use my gmail account recently while travelling in Mexico. After being asked for my usual login location and responding, I was asked ...
Forgot yahoo password
Hello, please I forgot my yahoo password. please help me send a link to ***@*** to recover my account. my I'd is ***@*** thanks Configuration:...
Sign in problem
hello everyone,thank you for helping me i would really appreciate it so much.i have a problem signing in with my yahoo mail i cannot access i tried ma...
I forgot my user password and security questions
Hello, can you send my user password verification code to my phone number area code 505 deleted by moderator Configuration: iPhone / Safari 4.0
How can i access my alternate email address
Hello I can't access my alternate email and I can't access my original email as well pls help me iPhone / Chrome
I forgot my gmail
Hello, I forgot my gmail password and security question's answer . Unfortunatelly,my account is done by cyber .So I don't know recovery mail address...
Forget my security question
Please I forgot my security question and I can not access my yahoo account , I need your assiatant for this. Thank you.
Forgotten my password and one of my security questions
I have forgotten my password and one of my security questions to get int my yahoo mail account Configuration: Mac OS X Lion (10.7.5) / Safari ...
Yahoo password
Hello, i couldn't sign in to my yahoo account, my mobile not functioning,and i forgot alternate email address. Help me Windows / Firefox 33.0
Yahoo id i forgot may secret question.
Hello, my problem is my yahoo id i forgot may secret question.. can you please help me to open my yahoo mail thank's
Forgten my password
Hello, Configuration: iPhone / Safari 4.0I've forgten my password and asking me dat wen did u last enterin u account.!!! N I'm not sure abt d...
Alternate email and mobile for recovery no longer valid
Hello, I can't access my yahoo mail. Any time I log in, yahoo ask me to choose mobile or alternated email. Unfortunately both are not valid anymor...
Forgotten my password and security question
Hello, I have forgotten my password and security question please help so I can use my email again Configuration: Windows Vista / Chrome 39.0.21...
I forgot my yahoo password
Hello, ok so i got a new number and i put my old number in for my yahoo account and i dont know my password now what should i do
Security verificaton probelm
Hello, i write this message to the yahoo helper please i have a big problem with my yahoo account that mean i can't signing to my yahoo ( ***@*** be...
Need to recover deleted email
Hi, I need to recover a deleted email from gmail. I have permanently deleted from trash as well, is there any way i could recover the email.???????
Forgot the security question
Hello, sir i forgot my security question and answer what did i do
Yahoo mail problems
How do I reset yahoo password without trying to call yahoo
My gmail password is lost
Hello, please reset my password.
Want to recover mails which was deleated
Hello, This is Satya by mistake i have deleted my mails from gmail one month before now i wanted to recover can you guide me the steps Configur...
How to recover my yahhoo mail.
I forgot my password. The options that came up for recovery is to use my alternate email, mobile number and nothing more. My alternate email was my pr...
Password change
Hello, I forgot my yahoo password and I don't have access to the cell phone number on the account. Configuration: iPhone / Safari 8.0
Yahoo password
Hello, i have forgotten my password and really important i retrive it back Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 39.0.2171.95
Forgot my yahoo password and security question
Solved/Closedhello i have forgot my yahoo password and alternate email as well
I lost my alternate yahoo mails paswords and ...
Hello, I bought a new iphone and I lost all my yahoo mail passwords ( two of them are my alternate mail) ..I know my Ids but i cant remember the pas...
Forgot my gmail password
Hello, Configuration: iPhone / Safari 4.0forgot my password
Yahoo account password
Hello, I forgot my passwordpassword for my previous yahoo account which the address is "" and answer for my second security qu...
I forgot my yahoo password
Hello, I forgot my yahoo password and the security questions Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 28.0.1500.94
Hello, I forgot my gmail password Pls reset it
For got password
Hello, Configuration: iPhone / Safari 4.0for got password
Forget my password
Hello, Configuration: iPhone / Safari 4.0i forgot my password
Reqeuest reset pasdword
Hello, I have lost my yahoo mail password as well as resisteres mobile no.. Pls help me to resolve this issue. My yahoo mail id is:- ***@***...
My yahoo mail loogin by facebook
Hello, i wan to loge in to my yahoo mail using my face book Configuration: Windows 7 / Firefox 34.0
I forgot my password
Hello, how to recover my yahoo mail id password without an security question or text
Question about mail security problem
Hello, Dear I have forgotten my email secrete question and now get log in to my account could you please help me how to logg in to my acoount ...
I can't access to my mail
Hello, I can't access to my yahoo email because I forgot my passwords and secret questions answer how? Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 39.0.2171...
I need help with my yahoo account!
I can't reset my password for my yahoo account because I don't have an alternate email address and it sends the code to an old phone number I do not h...
Forgot my security answers for yahoo
Hello, I forgot my security answers for yahoo account please help.
Reset my gmail passwords
Hello, I lost my cellphone so I changed my cell number . is now the new number my number was my email is ***@*** I want to reset my password. ...
I forgot my password i couldnt login into my account
Hello, i forgot my password Configuration: Windows 7 / Firefox 34.0
Hello, I cannot log in my yahoo mail without Facebook account,what should i do? is there any way i can change my phone number in yahoo by Facebook a...
G mail account recovery
Hello, my g mail account has been hacked and it is not opening. my recovery email also changed. so please help me to recover it.its very urgent. y...
I have forget my gmail password plz help me
Hello, Configuration: iPhone / Safari 6.0I have forget my password plz help me
hi.. how I want to download tubemate
L need acces to my gmail account
Hello, Help me get into my gmail account one of my kids changed my password and security questions Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 36.0.1985.135
Forgot password
Hello, ***@*** Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 39.0.2171.95
Recovering deleted email
Hello, Can anyone tell me if it is possible to recover emails deleted from trash when they have been "deleted forever" ? Configuration: Window...
Forget my yahoomail passward
SolvedHello, Dear sir/mam I forgot my yahoo password and security question.. there are store more data and important files I tried and inserted th...