The discussions
Maxx mobil configuration with uninor
SolvedHello, I am using maxx mobile mx488, what is configuration with uninor for wap & GPRS about internet?
Connect internet via mobile
Hello, i subscribed aircel 98 rs internet packet but i didnt connect internet in my lap through mobile, please tell how connect and configuration se...
Internet via bluetooth in windows 7
Hello, hi this is hari, my pc is installed with windows 7, i need an internet connection with my mobile samsung SGH-f400 which is not compatible w...
Nokia 5310 password in my memory card
SolvedHello, i m bits, I have a nokia 5310 handset and I forgot the password which I set in my memory card. please help me to recover my files. those ar...
How can i get my mms?? my mobile no. is 9540
SolvedHello, how can i get my mms?? my mobile no. is 9540733092 Configuration: Windows XP / Safari 533.4
Aircel gprs setting for nokia 5310
SolvedDear Sir, Madam Pl. send me GPRS setting in my mobile my mob. no. 8898344369 my mob. model - NOKIA 5310 Regards, Sachin
How connect gprs pocket internet to mobile
SolvedHello, I have Fly B 430 DS mobile. how connect Internet to Mogile. Configuration: Windows XP / Internet Explorer 6.0
Nokia x6 lost all my contacts
Solved/ClosedHello, I restored the original setting in my nokia X6 and lost all my contacts and messages can any body help me please Configuration: Windows...
How to reset nokia 1208 security code
Solved/ClosedHello, please tell me the way how to reset my nokia 1208 security code to its default security code (12345)
Unlocking restriction code of nokia 5130c-2
Solved/ClosedHello, Can I have the restriction code for orange(UK) nokia 5130c-2 ? my imei number is 355232031011117
Nok 2720 black prepaid enter restriction code
SolvedHello, I bought a NOK 2720 Black prepaid (serial # 012046007300634) in San Diego (Usa) . I would like to use it in Italy with another sim card but i...
E-tel v518 chinese mobile phone software
Hello, I nedd my e-tel V518 chinese mobile phone softwear free download. please help me Configuration: Windows XP / Firefox 3.6.8
Tata docomo initialisation commands
SolvedHello, initialisation commands in tata docomo Configuration: / Opera 9.80
Hello, i have activate gprs in my mobile 270
SolvedHello, i have activate gprs in my mobile 2700c . but when i on internet it ask me that(subscribe to packet data frist ) what it mean Configur...
Wap/gprs on my loop mobile
SolvedHello, want to activate wap/gprs on my loop mobile.and my no is 9664269764 and i have wap setting my samsung GT -C3300D
Unable to acess orkut and yahoo
Hello, am unable to acess orkut and yahoo on my samsung corby pro..i cleard cache still not working plz suggest Configuration: Windows 2003 /...
Is any s/w for zen z77 whil brows
Hello, Recently i bought zen z77, but i want o know " any s/w required to save page,Liston song or video while browsing..." pls help me Conf...
Nokia 2730c unlocked code
SolvedHello, I buy a nokia 2730 locked in optus australia my IME 357978034563482 if possible i want to unlock it. Thank you in advanced Configuratio...
Driver for nokia 6300 china usb and webcam
Hello, i have the Solution to connect nokia 6300 china with PC i will charge 500 rs for that if any body need that contact me Malik 0345-5929994 ...
Normal memory error 4 more space.
Hello, there is an error that i dont ve enough memory to update you musicplayer. Now please tell me how to delete some items even if there s no file ...
Forby s3650c settings
SolvedHello, Please give settings for forby s3650c to connect to internet through aircell sim.
How 2 format huawei u120e using keypad
I have a problem guys,my huawei u120e internal memory is 4436kb but when i put download something it reaches 1200kb and it start indicating memory ful...
Cherry mobile restore factory password
Solved/ClosedHello, whats the default password for a q3i phone of cherry mobile.... tnx Configuration: Windows XP / Internet Explorer 7.0
How can i unlock my nokia 2700 classic phone
Solved/ClosedHi..can you help me unlock the network of my nokia 2700 classic phone so i can use it on other networks? thank you.. Configuration: Windows Vista / I...
Restriction code nokia 2730c-1
SolvedHello, please give pestriction code for my nokia 2730c-1 my IMEI phone 353396042082979 please please please....
B-lephone a-10 modal to set up internet
SolvedHello, hi, this is surya. i want to set up inter net in my b-lephone A-10 modal. ...
My pendriv in hiden folder ,
how see hiden file?
Need restriction code for nokia 2720a-2b
Solved/ClosedHello, Pls,i need the need the restriction code for nokia 2720a-2b with IMEI-012046/00/273297/1 Configuration: Windows XP / Firefox 3....
Probleama con winrara... credo??
salve a tutti era gia da parecchio tempo che scaricavo giochi per il mio Nokia 2700 Classic, quando ad un certo punto il programma WinRAR invece di ...
Opera mini version5
Hello, hi there i just want to ask what should i do with my operamini?? bcoz i doesnt work with my sony ericsson w960i it says that i should che...
Unlock micro sd card of nokia 7210
Hello, there is a problem with my memory card and the problem is my memory card is being locked i.e password protected. so, how to crack t...
Title...about packet data for 5130 in aircel
Hello, when i am opening youtube or downloading some wallpaper or song it generally shows subscribe packet data first Configuration: / Opera 9...
Samsung sgh-l700 with aircel gprs problem
SolvedHello, I am having Samsung SGH-L700 mobile with Aircel - Tamilnadu prepaid connection. I could access Pocket internet provided by Aircel & also i co...
My phones tells me to upload data to pc
Hello, i clicked on debug settings high and since then my phone shows this whenever i turn it on 'UPLOAD DATA TO PC',but weneva i plug it to m...
Eiroga e71 internet settings for !dea
Hello, I'm using Chinese made Eiroga e71. 1 of my sims is !dea & I want to activate GPRS from that. Can anybody reply the format of internet sett...
How to activate 3 days internet pactage
Solveddear pz give me the settings for nokio 6600i to acctivate 3 days internet pacage
Wifi problem with samsung corby
Hello, i m using samsung corby pro. i m able to connect to the available wifi networks but whenever i use internet it displays error service unavailab...
Can't get mp3's on my fhq a1241
Hello, i am having the same problem, is there even a memory card slot available in this phone? if there is, i can't find it :S Configuration: W...
My new phone and old memory card
Hello, I previously owned an LG CU515, and used a 2g memory card. I know own an LG RUMOR 2. I cant seem 2 b able 2 use the ringtones that I have sav...
Iphone 3gs
Hello, I am trying to download itunes 9.2 so I can set up my iphone 3GS! My computer has windows XP and everytime it finishes it says there is a ...
How do i download my pics from cell to comp?
Hello, I would like to download the pics and videos I have taken, onto Facebook etc. How do I do this? Configuration: Windows 7 / Internet...
Pc suite
wich varjan pc suite i can conect samsung gts3653
Mini opera jar not exist
Hello, in my mobile opera jar is not exiss t Configuration: Windows XP / Internet Explorer 6.0
Gprs setings for gfive d18 set for bsnl
Hello, BSNL denies to give settings for gprs to china sets,then how to run internet?
Pc studio solution from samsung mobile
SolvedHello, i want to connect internet on pc from samsung mobile but in samsung pc studio ,only idea ,airtel,hutch server option available.there a...
Nokia 5130 format problem code not accepted.maybe due to low phone
Solved/ClosedHello, I need to format my nokia 5130 Xpress Music. When I select option to restore all factory settings it does not accept the code 12345, 0000, 123...
Bsnl 3g problem with sony x10i
SolvedHello, I need settings for my xperia x10i to make bsnl 3g services to work properly. Callcentre sent me 2 settings. Bsnllive & bsnlnet. On one i c...