Apple iPhone medical ID: create, login, access

Apple iPhone medical ID: create, login, access

One of the many advantages of the iPhone and its iOS system is the possibility to create a personal Medical ID. This feature is a summary of the most relevant personal information required when any first responder or medical procedure is needed. The Medical ID is available even when the iPhone is locked, allowing doctors and other emergency personnel to retrieve the needed medical information of the iPhone's owner. This modality can become useful in case of emergencies and can be configured acco

To set up your medical ID on iPhone:

The application is pre-loaded and is ready to use on the iPhone. The app has other important functions that can help the user to follow a healthier lifestyle, with steps count, exercise or sleeping patterns. Personal medical requirements can be configured for users with different diseases like diabetes, heart conditions or those who follow regular medication.

To set up the app, begin by locating the Health application on your iPhone home screen:

In the top corner of the homepage you will see your Apple ID profile picture, simply tap in it to access your profile.

Tap on Medical ID and it’ll redirect you to the information needed to be listed. Fill out your personal details; date of birth, medical conditions, notes, allergies, medications, etc. There is an option to declare if you are or not an organ donor. Add your emergency contacts and turn on the emergency access for when the phone is locked.

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