How to clear formatting in Excel

You might need to clear all the cells' formats so that they can be interpreted as plain text. Here we tell you how to quickly clear any batch of cells depending on your needs.
How to clear formatting in Excel?
- Select all the cells you need (Press Ctrl + A to select all the cells).
- On the Home tab, in the Editing group, click the arrow next to the Clear button, and then do one of the following:
To clear all contents, formats, and comments in the selected cells, click Clear All.
To clear only the formats that are applied to the selected cells, click Clear Formats.
To clear only the contents in the selected cells, leaving any formats and comments in place, click Clear Contents.
To clear any comments or notes attached to the selected cells, click Clear Comments and Notes.
To clear any hyperlinks attached to the selected cells, select Clear Hyperlinks.
All of the data in your cells will now be in plain text.
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