Install RSync under Windows: cygwin, powershell

Install RSync under Windows: cygwin, powershell

The software application RSync is used synchronize and back-up files and directories. This application is a standard utility in Linux / Unix based systems but it is absent in Windows.RSync can be implemented on Windows but it is best to use cwRsync and DeltaCopy rsync. Installation of cwRync enables users to have a portable version of the application. Read on for more information.

How to install RSync on Windows?​​​​​​​

Note: Older versions of RSync on Windows may be unreliable.

How to install RSync portable version?

If you need to put RSync command line on a USB flash drive to synchronize directories, you need to install cwRync and get the following files: rsync.exe, cygwin1.dll and cygz.dll

This allows you to synchronize local directories.

Example: It synchronizes the directory "F: / my files" on the USB key to the folder :c:\usb"

rsync -r -v --size-only --chmod=ugo=rwX "/cygdrive/f/my file" "/cygdrive/c/usb"

It is recommended to use - size-only because the modified date of files in Windows is not always reliable. - chmod=ugo= rwX is important otherwise you cannot read the files in the destination (NTFS rights locked without this option)

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