How to change the installation location on Windows 7, 10, 11

Once software programs are installed they go by default to C: Program files on the computer. This can however be changed by choosing another partition . This article will show you how to change the default installation folder.
How to change the default installation folder?
To change the default installation folder, the data must be modified in the ProgramFilesDir key and a new path must be chosen for the installation folder. This process is possible on the Windows operating system. First, from the start menu, run has to be selected and it should be followed by the keying of the regedit. Then, with the help of Run Keys included in the Windows registry, the default settings of the C: Program files can be changed.
Most software will be installed in C: Program Files by default. You can change this so that programs are installed on a different partition if you wish.
What are the necessary steps?
- For users running Windows Vista, select "Run" from the Start menu.
- Type regedit and click OK.
- Scroll to the key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion
- On the right window, double click on the key ProgramFilesDir and modify it to include the new path for the installation folder.
- For example, D: Program Files would install files on the D partition instead.