What are the sound card connections and color codes?

A sound card (also called an audio card) is the part of a computer that manages its audio input and output. Nowadays, computers usually have it integrated into their motherboard. In this article, we will introduce this critical component.
What are sound card connectors?
The main elements of a sound card are:
The specialized processor, called the DSP (digital signal processor), which does all the digital audio processing (echo, reverb, vibrato chorus, tremelo, 3D effects, etc.).
The digital to analog converter, or DAC for short, which converts the computer's audio data into an analog signal for being sent to a sound system (such as speakers or an amplifier).
The analog to digital converter, or ADC for short, which converts an analog input signal into digital data which a computer can process.

External input/output connectors
- One or two standard 3.5 mm line-out jacks, usually light green in color.
- A line-in jack.
A microphone input (sometimes called Mic), usually a pink-colored 3.5 mm jack.
An SPDIF digital output. This is an output line which sends digitised audio data to a digital amplifier using a coaxial cable with RCA connectors at the ends.
A MIDI connector, usually gold-colored, which is used for connecting musical instruments, and can serve as a game port for plugging in a controller (like a joystick or gamepad) which has a SUB-D 15-pin connector.
Internal input/output connectors
A CD-ROM/DVD-ROM connector, with a black socket, which is used to connect the sound card into a CD-ROM's analog audio output using a CD Audio cable;
Auxiliary inputs (AUX-In), with white sockets, used for connecting internal audio sources such as a TV tuner card;
Telephone answering device connectors (TAD), which have a green connector.
What are the color codes?
- 701C
- Analog microphone audio input
- 3.5 mm minijack
- Symbol: a microphone
Light blue:
- 284C
- Analog line-level audio input
- 3.5 mm minijack
- Symbol: an arrow going into a circle
- 577C
- Analog line level audio output for the main stereo signal
- 3.5 mm minijack
- Symbol: arrow going out one side of a circle into a wave
- 157C
- Analog line level audio output for center channel speaker and subwoofer
- 3.5 mm minijack
Analog line-level audio output for surround speakers
- 3.5 mm minijack
- Analog line level audio output for surround optional side channels
- 3.5 mm minijack
- Analog line-level audio output for a special panning
- 3.5 mm minijack
Game port / MIDI
- 15 pin D
- Symbol: arrow going out both sides into waves