Create a Soundcloud account: online, download app, register

Create a Soundcloud account: online, download app, register

This tutorial will teach you how to create your account with the service. You can switch to a Pro account at any time to benefit from the premium features.

How to register for Soundcloud?

  • Connect to Soundcloud's official site and sign up using your Facebook or Google account. Alternatively, you can also simply fill out the requested fields to register via email.
  • You can choose to receive alerts by e-mail by checking the box that says Yes, send me email updates about Soundcloud.
  • Check I agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, and then click on Finish sign up.

How to set up your Soundcloud profile?

Once you have created your account, you will be redirected to your personal page.

  • Click the Upload button to publish your own content:
upload content soundcloud
© Soundcloud
  • The Stream tab allows you to browse and manage audio files from people you follow.
  • Click the Explore tab to discover new artists, trending music, etc.
  • You can also search SoundCloud for a specific music style, artist, or producer.

How to download Soundcloud mobile app?

Here you can download Soundcloud app for your Android or iOS device.

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