The discussions
Facebook block
Hello, Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 43.0.2357.93 my fb is block plz hell p. mi
Problems with fb login and usage
Hello. Since yesterday, I have been unable to log in to my Facebook account the normal way. If I clear my browser cache and other data, I can go to th...
Facebook hacked
Hello, Web sites the same as the ones I already tried, since my birth date has been changed by unknown person, I can't change or login without know...
Hacked fb
Hello, face book re-activated by someone else and my birth date changed. FB won't let me in since security question is what is my birth date. How do...
My face book acc has blocked
Hello, My face book account has been blocked from last 6 days. And its showing the error Your Computer Needs to Be Cleaned It looks like your c...
Fb disabled
Hello my fb acount has been disabled from 4 days. And i want to know when my fb account will reactive soon pls reactive soon sir
Not able to open facebook account
Hello, I am not able to open my facebook account. WhenI enter my ID and Password it shows error with a message that the number entered doesn't match...
Recovering of my facebook account
Hello, Hello could someone help me out. I received a message from Umaru Fofana yesterday that I can CHECK IF YOUR my FACEBOOK ACCOUNT IS HACKED. ...
Profile page not found message
My fb account i can't open my profail page what i do profail page not found message is displaying i can't change my profail photo and cover photo plea...
Facebook verification id
SolvedAnyone Can Help me Please On Verification ID I Dont Know How Is it To Fix I Dont Have Government ID But i have Google Account WIth My account Please A...
Help with code
Hello, I made a new facebook with a new email but my confirmation code never showed up in my email and when i got on facebook it logges me out and t...
Blocked my account
Hello, Unfortunately, you won't be able to access your account while we're reviewing these additional documents. We appreciate your patience, and we...
Facebook language settings
SolvedHello, How do I change from German to English on fb Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 50.0.2661.89
Connect to fb
Hello, cannot get access to FB. Keeps saying too many tries. Try again later. Tried for 3 days to gain access. Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 5...
Change of facebook language
Hello, please i want you to change my Facebook language from French to English for me? Configuration: Windows XP / Firefox 31.0
People use my email to open up other facebook pages
Hello, There are using my e mail address to open up other Facebook page .that not me Help how can fix this Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 49.0...
Change of facebook language
please i want you to change my Facebook language for me?
Facebook account issue
Hello, Hi i have problem when i login to Facebook It says Facebook Account unValuable What should i do plz guide me, Thanks Configuratio...
Problem in signing in old id
hi, sir! I has been create id but not shown plz help me
Maryann stafford
Hello, Configuration: Windows / Safari Indeterminableplease help me figure out or change my Yahoo paaawod
How much time will fb take to review
Actually sir when i login then i see. Unfortunately, you won't be able to access your account while we're reviewing these additional documents. W...
For recovery of fb account
Hello; sir how to recover deleted fb account ...plz help me soon as possible name- chandan kumar At- dhoolkot dehradun ph- id =***@*...
Facebook hacked
Hello, My facebook hacked And am Forget My Email Password i need your help and support Configuration: Windows 7 / Firefox 45.0
Facebook account temporally locked
Hello, Configuration: iPhone / Opera 9.80I am,Nitin D Clancy,sir please help me my Facebook account is temporally locked, I give my voter card...
Login approved code
I have lost my phone's number.I want to login.Therefore how to solve the problem of login approved code
How do you change facebook back to english
Hello, How do I change facebook back to English Configuration: Windows / Chrome 46.0.2486.0
I cannot open facebook
Hello, I cannot enter Facebook, why? Configuration: Windows / Chrome 49.0.2623.112
Removing hourly limits on my verification
Hello, help me recover my account pliz Configuration: / Opera 9.80
Old facebook disabled
Hello, For some reason my old account has been shut down. May you please help me connect it again. My grandson was over and had my phone. Sorry for ...
Urgent facebook email and password
I forgot my facebook email and the password and i would delete or desactivate this account as soon as possible ... any ideas please
Account disabled
Hello, please help me Configuration: Windows XP / Chrome 30.0.1599.0
Accont disabled
Hello, how r u? i hope you will fine! ***@*** this is my facebook account disable? please solve problem my account plz help me. please enable m...
How to delete my fb hacked account permanently
SolvedHello, I was hacked and my password and email were changed I no longer have complete access because even my security question was changed I am be...
Facebook change language
Hello, When i logged on my Facebook account, by default it is showing Chines language, i tried to convert chines to English but it's converting, p...
Facebook change language
SolvedIn the last few days my sign in and homepage have been changed from English to what looks likeJapanese/ Chinese language. I would like the situation r...
Haked fb and hotmail account associated with it
Hello, How do I delete my fb account when they changed my email accout and related information related to the email account, thus not abling m...
Profile page
Hello, Could you please help me as when I go to my profile page on my phone it keeps saying cannot connect thanks Configuration: iPhone / Chro...
I'm not able to open my fb account
Hello, Sir i'm not able to open my fb account.when I'm add email and password,it showing to complete the security,I'm not able to solve this.plzz ...
Facebook lost recovery email
Howto recover account if i lost my mobile number and i have no longer acces with my alternate email address
how should i go on to reset my password when the only option they tell me is to use a reset with my email, and yet i dont remember it
l made a mistake in my facebook account and changed language from English to French, l want to go back to English language l can not find my way back
Access facebook with new device
So I got a new phone today downloaded the facebook app and logged in and it gave me the attachment here so I tried it on my mom's tablet and got the s...
Hacking fb
ClosedHello, My fb account was Phishing by someone and when i try to login it show the security question and i dont know the answer of qustion so how ...
Change language on facebook?
Hello, how do I find the drop down menu to change language on facebook? It currently in Spanish and I don't understand Spanish. Configurat...
My facebook account is reviewing by facebook ,can i get back ?
Hello, How to get back my facebook account ,when i try to log in ,facebook says:Unfortunately, you won't be able to access your account while we're re...
How do i change the language
Hello, i have pressed something on my facebook account that im not sure of and now my facebook language has changed to either Japanese or Chinese ho...
Recover facebook account
Hello, Please help me! Please recover my facebook account because someone reported me as i'm impersonator but im not impersonator! Many times that h...
Hallow, I am Robiul shaikh, state westbengal, krishnanagar, Bethuadahari, Nadia. My account is temporarily blocked but why? Please open my account.
Disabled account
Hello, I could no longer use my fb account cause it was disbled , communication with my friends are being block. it said through your letter ...
Facebook account disabled
Hello, My account has been blocked by others. So how I will get back my account.. I'll try but it is showing a msg that is temporary unavailable and...