The discussions
Please help me to enable fb account on my laptop
Hello, i am yaatri, i don't know why my fb account was disabled.. but it looks like my account is login,,, but my account is not in work.. please he...
Disable id
hi i am bilal i need help when i open my facebook id it says thanks for your help and then it says logout can anyone help if u can plz cntct
My phone number has been removed.
Hello, my name is bhim ale .my phone number has been removed how can I re open my id samsung gallexy note 2/
My facebook and email id has been hacked
Hello, my name is afrin binte akber .and im from bangladesh ... 4 hours ago someone changed my facebook password ... and when i try to log in it...
Hello, I can not log in to my face book account because someone change my password and deactivate . I can not reset my password from my yahoo mai...
Deactivated fb need to get it back
Hello, need to reactivate my FB account Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 44.0.2403.133
face book was not open my account pls help me
Facebook hacked
Hello,my old facebook i account has been hacked and changed my login phone number,now i cant log in,have no access but i do get email notifications ab...
Account affected by malware
Hello, I can't log in to my facebook account. Everytime i tried to log in, this message appears "It looks like your computer is being affected b...
Facebook id hack
Dear sir my face book account someone hacked he change the name of Id and remove my yahoo account from my face book Id please help me ...
Log in approval code new phone
Hello, I purchased a new phone today and I tried to login into my Facebook account but I couldn't because it's asking for a log in approval code and...
Facebook did not open
We've detected suspicious activity on your Facebook account and have temporarily locked it as a security precaution. It's likely that your account ...
Can't use my account
Hello, when ever i login my id it shows thanks for your help and we give your account back when we confirm your submitted documents but this m...
Hello, what is code Configuration: iPhone / Safari 8.0
Can't get a facebook account.
Hello, My name is Jane Parra.I have been trying to get a Facebook account with no luck .Keeps saying my account is disabled,how can that be,I have ...
Blocked fb id
Hello, My facebook account has been blocked I need to recover it back I have been asking for recognition of some tagged pictures which I can't recog...
Can't access my account
Hello, I get this message when I try to log in: "Unfortunately, you won't be able to access your account while we're reviewing these additional...
Language change
I somehow change the language on Facebook don't know how I did it but it looks like Chinese or something like that. I need to get it back to English ...
Unable to load facebook on my laptop
SolvedHello, I am unable to load facebook on my laptop. It was ok till this afternoon when suddenly I am unable to access facebook. What do I need to do...
My facebook has been disabled
Hello, my facebook has been disabled and i do not know why , please get my account back Configuration: Windows XP / Chrome 44.0.2403.155
Facebook login
ClosedHello, I am trying to sign in to facebook and apparently I put in the wrong birthdate. Well it is asking me to confirm login with birthdate. Is th...
My account are hacked please help me
my facebook has been hacked, and i am so sad about it ,i can give you all my deitals. so please how can i contact facebook and ask them to help me get...
How to recover my fb account
Hello, Forgot my password and lost access to my email and now am failing to see my account when am searching for it
Please i can't log in my facebook
Hello, Facebook locked my account almost 3 weeks ago, they asked my ID but I accidentally send a picture,now they just say this(in the picture) when I...
Confirmation code
Hello, i did not know confrimation code Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 43.0.2357.132
Please help urgent.... how to delete fb account had been hacked...
hello, my fb account was hacked, i dont know how to retrieve it because they change the password my email add even my number was removed.... if i...
Help me to recover my fb account
Hello, sir plz help me to regain my old fb account as it is blocked by fb.i need it back plz help me Configuration: Windows 7 / Firefox 37.0
Unable to upload pictures for login approval
I tried to login to my Facebook account from my mother in law's phone today because I no longer have possession of my phone. Facebook refused to log m...
Reviewing these additional documents
Solved/ClosedHello, Sir what happened to my Facebook account I can login my account.. Facebook saying.... Unfortunately, you won't be able to access your accou...
Confirmation code
Hello, plz give confirmation code
Fcaebook account cannot be openned
Hello, i cant opne mah account.. so what to do??? Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 44.0.2403.155
Hacked account
Hello, I would like to close my very first facebook account which got hacked..can everything be transferred as well? Configuration: Windows 7 /...
Account problem
Hello, I can't log onto my old account Configuration: iPhone / Chrome
Fb security code
Hello, how do I dissable my fb security code Configuration: Windows / Internet Explorer 9.0
Locked id
Hello, my fb id is lock n they asking about govt id card but they didn't unlock it after I have submit my documents from c5 days plz help me to open...
Can anyone help me. i've been trying to access my old facebook a
can anyone help me. I've been trying to access my old Facebook account back and I've tried it many times but to no avail. it says that I have the wron...
Paasport not accepted by facebook as id
Please help. facebook shut my account down saying someone is imitating me, I think it is because I am currently working in Senegal, I am usually based...
I can't access my account reviewing these additional documents
Closedwhen i try to open my account this letter came & than log out the message is "Unfortunately, you won't be able to access your account while we're revi...
Hello,plss i can,t acces my account
Help with my facebook
Hello, When i log into my face book i get this message below, (We've detected suspicious activity on your Facebook account and have temporarily l...
I've been hacked
Hello, I've been hacked by someone called policy centre, thay have changed the name of my account to policy centre. when I try to retrieve my accoun...
Lost password
I need to edit the email and phone number on Facebook can't access. My account cause I no longer have that phone
My facebook account was hacked and changed my name
Hello, My Facebook account was hacked yesterday, The hacker changed my name and I thinks he also have access with my email and messenger so even ...
Plz!plz!help me,.,,my acct.was disabled by someone plz..plz....
Hello, My acct.was diabled plz help me.., Configuration: iPhone / Safari 4.0
Facebook log in
Hello, I cannot log in my Facebook error code 994 always appeared. Configuration: iPad / Safari 8.0
Facebook proublems questions
when i try to log in to my account facebook says Unfortunately, you won't be able to access your account while we're reviewing these additional docum...
I need help please in my facebook account
Hello, my account say like this Unfortunately, you won't be able to access your account while we're reviewing these additional documents. We appreci...
I desperately need my old facebook account back
ClosedHello, I had a Facebook account on which I had my so many pictures . I want that account back please . I was in UK that time and now I am in India ....
Change my facebook backto english
Hello, Please change my face book backto English so I can understand the English, thanks because right now I can't understand it. Configuratio...
I forget my password and the no. which it is made is lost
Hello, i am not able to acess my account which is made by my mobile no. bt that no. is now missed by me and i forget the password plz help me i sudde...