The discussions
Hello my facebook account disable for copyright
Hello Sir/Madam that's my personal Facebook Account. I can't log into my account. It gives me lots of hurt. Please response me as early as possible.T...
Fb account disabled no response to appeal
ClosedHello, sir.. My fb account got disable n i filled the appeal forum 6 days ago bt no response from fb.What shall i do it to enable? System Config...
Google says my account is not valid
google keeps telling me that my account does not belong to me n that my account is invalid
Disabled facebook account
Hello, System Configuration: Android / Chrome 57.0.2987.108I am unable to open my face book account, kindly help me open my account.
Facebook account disabled
Hello My personal account has been disabled by Facebook team Anybody help me to reopen my account
Facebook account disabled
Your security system has mistakenly removed my account without any reason. I can prove it. I am sending my ID card details to verify that I am the rea...
Fake id report
ClosedHello, Someone is creating my frd fake id on Facebook and uploaded some photos I want to deactivate that Id Pls help System Configuration:...
My system by mistake disabled personal account
ClosedHello Plz my system by mistake disible my personal account
We 'll take look at the documents you submitted
Hi, "Fourtecksolutions F "is my username on facebook. In this account i have "Fourteck Solutions" page. It has more than 80 followers.(Business pag...
Facebook account deactivated
Hello, My name is sameer khan My account was deactivated I guess for breaching the terms and policy ... I did do as requested from Facebook and rem...
Delete a fake facebook account
Hello, someone is making comments and videos using my name on Facebook I'm trying to delete and it stays the same System Configuration: Android...
Facebook disabled reviewing additional documents
Hello, Hello Sir I Open My Fb Id Show Like This Unfortunately We r reviewing these additional documents we appreciate your passion sir this acco...
Forgot password and no longer have the phone
Please help me get into my Facebook account '
Facebook account disabled
Hello, My fb account is disabled e-mail address ***@*** password kash********** can you recorded my account System Configuration: Android / Ch...
Blocked without a cause
Hello, I was hacked, me and several of my friends. I tried to change my password word , to no avail. Facebook said at 6:30 am there was unusual a...
Facebook account disabled
Hello, My fb account has been i can anavle it System Configuration: Android / Chrome 64.0.3282.137
Facebook account disabled
Hello, I Can't Log Into My Account Help Me To Log Into It.It Got Disabled.
Facebook a/c hacked
Hello, My Facebook a/c been hacked how to delete it?
Browser going to erase all the data on computer
Hello, System Configuration: Android / Opera 12.16please is this going to erase all the data on my computer ?
I need a login code to retrieve my facebook
Hello, System Configuration: iPhone / Safari 604.1I can’t get back on face book. I need a login code. I do not want another account.
Facebook disabled reviewing additional documents
Hello, Hello, when I sign in in my facebook after of writing of username and password then write this massage Unfortunately, you won't be able...
Can't access “about” on facebook’s homepage
Hello, Cannot open “About” on Facebook’s Home Page System Configuration: iPhone / Safari 11.0
Facebook send a code to my email address
Hello, Please send a code to my email address so I can get back into Facebook
Facebook asking for code
Hello, My Facebook was hacked I changed password and now it’s asking for a code to log back in. System Configuration: iPad / Safari 11.0
Lost my mobile number and forgot password
ClosedHello I lost my mobile number n forgot password i can i reset help me
Can't remember facebook password
Hello, This is Sherry Smiley Bethune- a virus came through Facebook Messenger- I reported it! I am getting codes in me e-mail to log back on but it...
Facebook account disabled
i dont know why my account was disabled..this account is my personal account...sir please recover my facebook account.
Facebook account disabled
Hello, Open my disabled Facebook account
Download & install google apps store in my device
Solvedwhy i find it hard to download and install apps in my device. Downloaded apps am informed they can harm my computer therefore being advised to discar... successful download & installations of app
Hello, after signing up ccm and activating my account, is there any other thing(s) I ought to do in order to have successful download of apps like wha...
Can't access my facebook account
Hello, Cant get my facebook System Configuration: Android / SamsungBrowser 7.2
Facebook account disabled
Hello, Hello .. i have a problem in my facebook when i login it say Your account has been disabled by an administrator i want to know why i am d...
Open my facebook
Hello, Sir,madam My personal account disabled your a mestek and my real account no fake account please open my account please request open my accou...
Facebook account disabled
Hello Help me ..My account isn't opening
Facebook account disabled
Hello, My account was disabled i am buying and selling clothing for a living this is my income i urgently need assistance System Configuration:...
Facebook account disabled
Hello, my account no open is disabled please help me System Configuration: Android / Chrome 67.0.3396.87
Open my disable facebook account
ClosedHello, Sir,i have given you my id proof this is my personal account and i can't connect with my family and friends please open my Facebook account...
Open disabled facebook account
ClosedHello, Sir,i have given you my id proof this is my personal account and i can't connect with my family and friends please open my Facebook account ...
Downloading adobe flash player
good day,, im having a hardtime in downloading adobe flash player... im using Hp elitebook g1 840 .. using google chrome....
Recovery deleted facebook account
I delete my Facebook account permanently but now I want to recover
I can’t open my facebook
Please I try many time to open my Facebook it ask me to put my verifying I did that still tell me my e-mail not ok but I use that e-mail for long time...
Open my facebook
Hello, Open my facebook System Configuration: Android / Chrome 67 .0.3396.87
Unable to recover my facebook account
When do I get back into my Facebook I sent in my photo I'd what do i do now, it's been almost a week!
Fb account was blocked
Hi dear, I have one problem. My FB account was blocked. So please helpe. You know any routes for resolving. Please tell me...?
How to change my name on facebook?
Hello, Phuetso System Configuration: Android / Chrome 65.0.3325.109
How to enable my disabled facebook account?
Hello, System Configuration: Windows / Firefox 57.0how to enable my disabled account
My facebook account disabled i want it recover
Plz recover my account plz
How do i get my old facebook account back
Hello, How do I get my old facebook account back System Configuration: Android / Chrome 67.0.3396.87