The discussions
Itunes download
when i plug my ipod touch into the laptop, it says i need to download a itunes 8.2 or higher. so when i go to download itunes 9.0 it goes through all ...
Downloading photoes from c3050 to pc
Hello, I have a Samsung C3050 and cable connecting to my PC and nothing happens I cannot download my photoes Configuration: Windows XP / Safar...
Cant download itunes
Hello, I had just received my new dell pc with the windows 7 (64). I logged on to apple to down load itunes with no success. What happens is it ...
Problem with explorer.exe
SolvedHai..when i turnon the system it says explorer.exe not iam unable to open and login..plzz help me to fix this problem
Hello, please help me! someone hacked into my
Hello, please help me! someone hacked into my yahoo account and changed my password. is there any way i change get it back
Gateway laptop not showing web pages
I have a gateway laptop that is connected to our wireless internet under the status of "Good" connection but it will not load any web pages. Can someo...
Where are my mozzila firefox favourites saved
Hello, My Mozzila firefox is not opening so I cannot get to my favourites, where could they be saved on my computer i tried looking in the Mozilla Fi...
Cannot connect to some
Hello, I am not computer savvy by any means, but I need help trying to figure out why our new modem wont connect to some websites that I could wit...
Facebook sites can't be opened
SolvedHello, I can't open my facebook. My internet connection is fine. All other sites can be opened, except facebook. My pc is ok, no virus or malware. ...
I want to enable my desabled facebook account
Solved/ClosedHello, Configuration: Windows XP / Firefox 3.5.2 how can i enable my disabled facebook account..
Some body hacked my yahoo accout
Hello, some body hacked my yahoo accout. how to recover my yahoo id Configuration: Windows XP / Internet Explorer 6.0
Cannot access
Hello, I have windows XP and these 2 add ons No Script and Maximum AdBlock in Mozilla Firefox. I cannot get into I get an error: Forbidden ...
Issue loading websites with firefox
Hello, I have windows XP Sp2 and i got this weird issue that some websites like (gmail, hotmail, amazon, ect) dont load with firefox, and this happene...
Urgent one
Hello, i'm ram & i browsing via tata docomo 500mb plan. it's d'loading speed 1-19kbps (using idm) but bit torrent 6.4 doesnot downloading any files...
Internet explorer doesn't open/can't close
SolvedHello, here's my deal: half the time, internet explorer opens fine. The other half the time, it does this: opens but only shows top part of the screen...
Facebook login problem and blackberry
Hello, I had installed the facebook application for my blackberry. I was able to login in from my phone but when I tried on my computer I could not...
Transfer pics to another album
Hello, I have five albums on my Facebook account, I would like to know whether there is a way to transfer the photos from one album to another ...
Hello, am Gift by name. am using Nokia 5130 and i don't know how to browse with it .please if you can send me the ip address i will follow to get i...
Explorer retart when i turn up my computer
my explorer retart when i turn up my computer. and i can work on it. how to repair it please.
Problem in confirming my facebook account
Hello, hi every yime I want to log in face book its telling me that I should confirm my email account but when I confirm nothing happens what shoul...
Grps setting
SolvedHello, sir. good afternoon sir.sir i want to aircel gprs setting. my mobile is nokia 3230 Configuration: Windows 7 / Internet Explorer 8.0
Downloadin adobe flashplayer
Hello, Im not able to download adobe flashplayer. I keep getting a yellow bar that states. "internet explorer is currently with add-ons disabled. ...
Ie 8
Hello, I tried to open the installation of the IE 8 and it says that thing: Setup could not verify the integrity of the files needed for instal...
Disable farmville
Hello, one morning when i logged in facebook. i couldnt see my farmville icon. and after that i realised that there is no farmville gift..and there is...
Cant connect to facebook
Hello, I cant connect to facebook website, what wrong with me connection? Configuration: Windows XP / Firefox 3.6.8
My computer keeps shutting off
Hello, i have a toshiba satellite and it turns off by it self with out warning.. i already tried a new adapter and battery, can somebody help?
Facebook disabled, and i want it back.
SolvedHello, dear team, just give me the simple resolution how i acn recover my account, or provide the mail ID of high authorities of Face book , ho...
Downloaded video on computer
Hello, how do i recall downloaded materials from my computer folder? Configuration: Windows XP / Safari 533.4
My persional account is disabled dont know y?
Hello, my facebook account was desabled i don't now how i can't log in please help me...tnx
Changing language
Hello, how can i change the language from english to the arabic?? by the way all languages have been installed on my pc but when i go to contro...
How do i make sure firefox is permittted to a
ClosedHello, how do I make sure firefox is permittted to access the web thanks
Downloading photos from samsung j700
Hello, I have new Samsung phone, and have installed CD, downloaded driver and still cant find any sign of it on my computer. Nothing happens when I ...
Can't find downloaded adobe reader
Hello, I can't see the download of adobe...or where it went, says installation was successful however , I don't know how to get it on my desktop or...
Asking choose programe
Hello, Configuration: Windows XP / Internet Explorer 6.0the inter net is working. but if we click on the icon it is not opening and it is aski...
How to mke a dack up disc of avast antivirus
Hello, I have Avast Free Antivirus downloaded on my laptop and would like to make a backup disc. How can I do that? Configuration: Windows Vis...
Firefox can't find the server at microsoft
Hello, Configuration: Windows XP / Firefox 3.5.11 Server not found Firefox can't find the server at * ...
Unable to connect internet
Hi, I have recently taken Toshiba satilite c650 laptop,when i try to connect to the internet,first time it can able to connect to internet and can...
Adobe flwhat add-ons do i dissable or enable?
Hello, i'm trying to download adobe flash player and when i do a pop up blocker keeps coming up and says 'Internet explorer is currently running ...
Cannot access internet
Hello, I have tried unticking lan setting and also restoring system but to no avail still cannot access internet or print any other suggestions woul...
Cannot access internet or print
Hello, Hi I have a Fujitsui Seimens laptop which was not letting me access internet put in for repair guy said wiping all from it was solution, I was ...
Msn been hacked and personal info been changd
SolvedHello, my msn account has been hacked and i dont know who has done it. Also the person who has hacked me has changed all my details and secret ans...
Bsnl brodband
Hello, my bsnl is not workig well.after 40 min net is hang. what can i do. Configuration: Windows XP / Firefox 3.6.6
I have forget my email password
Hello, i have forget my email password and the alternative email is blocked and also i forget my secret answe and i think that someone take my e ma...
To display certificate error massage
Hello, Hello, I have my Desktop fixed and now many of the sites that I always go to are saying that there are certificate errors or that the sec...
My google logo does not appear
ClosedHello, when I open the logo does not load and ther are no blue links either (like images, vidos, maps etc) the only things there are a box...
Internet explorer
Hello, I down loaded spy-ware onto my computer and now internet explorer wont work. I need this to get onto my work. What did I do wrong? Confi...
The connection has timed out
Hello, i am using windows 7 and also using aircel gprs for connecting internet.i can't open "" the following error will be displayed .pl...
Computer freezes when downloading
Hello, I have a problem with my computer that's been happening lately after I installed the new windows 7 whenever I try to download something via t...
Forgot facebook password
SolvedHello, iforgot my password to facebook i tried for 1week on line but got no email Configuration: Windows Vista / Safari 533.4