The discussions
Gmail passsowrd hacked
Hello, MY NAME IS ROWENA JADHAV. Sumone has hacked my gmail passord & facebook also he has changed d recovery details also. in that mail id my ...
Hotmail account blocked
Help, My hotmail account has been blocked, I changed my password recently due to the Heartbleed virus but I've forgotton it, and I temporarily forgot ...
Is it possible to get mails of two account in the one account?
I want get my mails from several yahoo account in a single one.
Hacked accounts
Hi. My facebook account was hacked along with my email address and both my passwords were changed. How do I gain access again and recover both my acco...
Yahoo mail security question
I used a yahoo mail id, I can't access my account, after sin In it ask me security question answer, but I forget my security question answer, How ca...
Forgot my yahoo mail password
My yahoo mail ID is REMOVED BY MODERATOR I have forgotten my password Answer to the first question I know which Where did you spend your hone...
I forget my yahoo id password
hiiii i m forget my yahoo mail password //please hlep mee
Cannot access my hotmail account
Hello, I am trying to access my hotmail account , but it keep saying that it is incorrect . I am sure of the spelling and of the password. I did n...
Why has mi phone nokia 6085 failed to use watsapp?
Why has mi phone nokia 6085 failed to use watsapp?
Recovery of my another google account.
plz help's a huge problem....i couldnt access my gmail account because i forgot my password. and as well as i don't have any alternative email...
Security answer problem
Hello, I need to open my yahoo mail but I can't because I've forgot my security answer and I need a help with that, I've tried many ways but it ...
Recover gmail account
hi, My account has been hacked. i dnt have my recovery mobile number and recovery email address without these how can i recover my account?
To edit my date of birth on hotmail
How can I edit my date of birth on my hotmail account
Forgot my recovery email
Hello, is there any way i can recover my password, i forgot my recovery email. and when i go for help. my only option is the recovery email. but i do...
Please help me to get my password
Hello, I forgot the answer for 2nd Question. And without answering the 2nd Question's answer I am not moving forward to retrieve my password ...
Help.... hotmail account blocked or hacked..
A few years ago...I had a hotmail email account. I changed to another email provider...I am trying to get back into my hotmail account to recover som...
What is the purpose of this program?
Yahoo problem
Hi i forgot my yahoomail security question? i don't know how to open my yahoomail account? please help me about this. Basir
Forgot the answer to my yahoo secret questions
Hello, Kindly help me, I forgot the answer to my yahoo secret questions. What should I do? Thanks. Configuration: / Opera 9.80
Find security answer
Closedhow can i find the answer of the security question the one of my account?
How to get my hotmail unblocked and my security code
Hello, I was wondering how in the world I would get my security code and change my password for my hotmail account Configuration: Windows Vist...
Pls help to recover mails
Hello, Mike, I chkd your post .... Need your serious help to recover my mails peanently deleted from my trash 2 days is damm imp to retri...
Password recovary
My self Marjia Rahaman staying in Kolkata,India. I forget my gmail password & also forget my recovery mail id. so how i recover my account
Internet login
SolvedHello, I have stayed for long without logging into my yahoo account and when i tried logging in it seems like my account is not active any more....
I forgot yahoo id password
Hello, i yahoo id ***@*** which password i forgot, can plz help me Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 34.0.1847.116
i was away & missplaced my yahoo id, password details. how do i recover my acc? please please help
Forget password
Hi I need help please!
I deleted mail from trash also,how to get back that mail
Hi i deleted mails from trash also,anybody can suggest me how to get back those mails..pls
I forgot my gmail password
Hello, how to get my forgotten password Configuration: Linux / Firefox 22.0
Forgotten my password , and security questions
Hello, please help how to create new password to same email adress . Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 34.0.1847.116
Forgot my old email account password
i know my email....and the first security question and then i forgot the second question.......please somebody help
Updating profile photo by nokia c2
i want to update my profile photo ! Can anyone give me a clue how can i update my profile photo , i'm using nokia c2
Unable to log in using password
Hello, I've just registered as a new Gmail user. Unfortunately, after registering I tried to log in to my Message Centre but seems the password is ...
Yahoo password reset problem
sir my id is not opening it is requiring new password but when i try to change a new passd it always says dont not enter any relating yu name which i ...
I have forgotten password plz
Hello, i\I hAVE fORGOTTEN Password plz tell me now email again start Configuration: Windows XP / Firefox 28.0
Forgotten my password
Hello, sorry I have forgotten my password?what do you need? Configuration: Windows XP / Firefox 28.0
How do I get Bluetooth on to my computer -- Anita
Forget security question
Hello, Hello, may yahoo account is not opening eventhough i put the correct password and asking some security questions to open the account fo...
Forgot yahoo password and security questions
Hello, I forgot my secret two questions and answer and password now i cannot access my yahoo account help me. Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome ...
Password problem
I have forgotten 2nd security answer and my phone number in the yahoo is not functional.If the number i have given is functional it will be easy to re...
Forgot my gmail password and i need your help.
Hello, Configuration: iPhone / Safari 4.0 i forgot my gmail password and i need your help.
Gmail password
I forgot my gmail password.
Recover deleted messages from trash
Hello sir How to get trash deleted emails from gmail.pls describe me step by step
Plz helep me email account has lock
Hello, my email account has lock, when i sign in it need to verify code, so i don't know how to do.... Configuration: Windows 8 / Chrome 33.0.1...
Forgot the password
hallo sir my yahoo id my promble is that i forgot my password, secret quation & also alternat email which was alredy close. in my mail i have many...
Forgot password
Hello , I forgot my yahoo password and not having any other option to retrive the account. please help me out to get my mails. Thank you,, An...
About my yahoo password and secuirity questions
Dear Sir/Madam; Please my name is sylvester,, please i missed my yahoo password and security questions,how can i reset it aga...