The discussions
New hotmail address is not working
Hello, Recently I joined I sent a message to my address book advising them of the change. People who pressed return and tried to retur...
Hacking my gmail account
Hello, sir my gmail hacked by anyone and also changed my password & security question so i cant access my gmail account ..... plssss help me i r...
Gmail account was disable
Hello, my gmail account was disable before any prior notice. whenevr i try to login it says "soory ur acount is disable" i want to enable it againg...
Gmail account disable
Hello Ravi Please send me the url where i submit these information. Regards Alwarsamy
Someone hack my gmail acount
Hello, i am akshay mathur my gmail acount is hack by someone alse my acount (( my old password is [yamahaFZ]] I DONT FORGET...
Problem to download data on pc frm yahoomail
Hello, i abhi i was getting problem in downloding data from yahoomail on my pc , when i was clicking download attachement to save data on my ...
Logging into yahoo.mail but can not log into
Hello, i have a friend who can log into yahoo mail but can not log into yahoo messanger. what would be the reason for this happening he has tired a...
Windows live hotmail
Hello, have downloaded the new windowsl live. the email box wont open so i cant read emails from msn have tried everything but nothing works. please ...
Firefox won't allow hotmail
ClosedHello, Until recently everything worked ok. Hotmail will open with Internet Exp, but not with Firefox. I get the message 'Java script needed for wind...
Unable to open yahoo mailbox
Hello, I cant acess my mailbox only i can see the mail when i am trying to read the mail the page error is comming which i have shown below:- ...
Gmail account hacked
Hello, My g mail account has been hacked and i have so many official mail in it please help me
Msn hotmail hacked
Hello, Recently my hotmail account doesn't work correctly i cannot check my e mails how can i do for this problem_? how can i fix that_?
Need to download my yahoo e-mails and attach.
Hello, I need to be able to download my Yahoo e-mails and attachments to my PC.Notebook for backup and security. How??? Regards
Yahoo messenger and mail
Hello, i can log on to yahoo messenger and yahoo mail but the messenger ims wont let me see the conversations and when i log on to my yahoo mail its ...
My mozilla is not loading yahooomail
Hello, please kindly helpme with my computer,bcos it not loading yahoomail.
I carnt find my emails in hotmail of fb?
Hello, when i log on 2 my windows hotmail account and look 4 emails that have been sent nd recieved of facebook the dont seem 2 be appering in my hot...
Gmail id hacked
Hello, plz my orkut password
Gmail account is hacked
Hello, My gmail account has been hacked...i also use that gmail id on orkut.....plz help me... secondary
Lost my mail id on gmaill
Hello, Sir i lost my mail id .Please revert back my id on ...
I am not able to open my hotmail at all
Hello, how to open hotmail?
Want to open the gmail and orkut
Hello, Hi i want to open the mails when it is blocked by administrators, when i try to open the links system states 'Your page is blocked due to a ...
Some one hack my gmail id
Hello, some one hack my gmail id and also change the password and i forget security question plz help to get my gmail id back because someone send...
To reset id :
Hello, i am surinder kumar sharma , i forgotten my id password for . i also forgotten my secret question . please...
Unable to open .doc files from hotmail
ClosedHello, I am suddenly unable to open a MSWord document sent to me through hotmail. When I click the link, the file download box appears, but never get...
Not able to receive emails in gmail
Hello, i m able to receive emails in gmail but not able to send email to my friends.when ever i want to send email to my friend error appears so i ...
Hi. My friends email got hacked just yesterday and need her account back.. She lost both her account question and password cause the hacker changed it...
How could i get my gmail messages from gmail
Hello, i want to get my gmail messages from gmail inbox after delete which i'd deleted it in trash box by forever delete.
Hello, Hello Madam / Sir, I made a big mistake. i wanted to my friends say something about me and i forgot to change the message. so you deleted m...
Someone hacked my gmail id passward
ClosedHello, sir,someone hacked my gmail plz tell me the procedur to delete my account...
Hotmail set up and error messages
Hello, I configured outlook express with shawmail and tried to include my hotmail acct but I keep getting error messages. "unable to poll for new me...
Iam forgot gmail posssward
Hello, my name dinesh kumar iam my gmail possward my email id any perablem my anther mail id d.d...
How can people see what i write on hotmail?
Hello, I want to know how come some others contacts that I have on my hotmail account are able to see the mails and images that I send to others? H...
My hotmail address stolen by some body
Hello, Please read the following well, and be care from the stolen people , I received an e-mail from Window to asking me to send full details about ...
Some one stole my hotmails.any one can help?!
Hello, Someone stole my hotmails. He asked me for money. I send him money and he did not return them back. My life is depending on these emails. Ca...
Hotmail address
Hello, Please I have forgotten the mail address of email Regards, Thanks
I cannot access my hotmail account
Dear sir, I am Madan and I really need your help, I cannot access my hotmail account. I am sure i have the right password but still i cannot acces...
Hotmail account hacked??
Hello, since a week now i cannot access my inbox or connect to my hotmail account. Keeps telling me wrong password. Have tried to reset the password,...
Forgotten hotmail passwrod
Hello, forgot my password and the security questions for hotmail account.
Problem with opening of gmail page
Hello sir, I've problem with opening of gmail page,after signup page would be redirecting please send me the solution for this problem' Thank you.
Hotmail error
Hello, i would get to the msn page but when i click on hotmail to get to my account i get a blank page no matter what i do i just cannot open or get ...
I try to open inbox hotmail web page closed
Hello, whenever i am trying to open hotmail inbox mail it will open but suddenly closed the web page.
Hotmail full of returns
Hello, my windows hotmail with ads in mail all but one is like junk im disabled it makes it so difficult when i sign on it is full of some returns t...
My friend hacked my hotmail id
Hello, i can't access my account he change the alterntive id and as well security question. what i can do how
My gmail was disabled
Hello, hi my gmail was disabled why i dont now without of my knowledge how i will able it
Can not inter my hotmail account
Hello, Dear sir,, I need your help, actualy i can not inter my hotmail account since 8-9-2009. Every time im trying to inter my account it says ...
Yahoo email and im
Hello, Someone has hacked into my yahoo mail and im account, i am currently in a legal battle my x and think that he is doing this. How is this possi...
Accessing a gmail account while signed in
Hello, Can I tell if someone trys to access my gmail account while I am signed on?
Forgot my pass to hotmail importent
Hello, pls find you