The discussions
My gmail i.d .hacked
Hello, gudevng sir, my gmail i.d. has been hacked and m forgotten my security qustion plz help me as soon as possible me having...
Hotmail won't work
Hello, I was trying to sign in to my hotmail account it started to load but eventually it came up with the 'internet explorer cannot display this p...
Cannot login to gmail while using i,e 6.0
Hello Friends, I am facing this problem since last many days. I am unable to login to my gamil a/c. Whenever i hit the login it shows me an error 'p...
Hotmail id hacked
Hello, My Hotmail Id has been hacked by someone. He has changed the secret answer's question and alternate email address. I request for help. I ...
Gmail can't be accessed
Hello, Is there a problem with gmail? I can't access my account since friday (august 7, 2009). the page will not load and won't display the gmail ...
Unable to open up hotmail acc via window live
Hello, I am unable to open up my hotmail account. Suddenly even though I am typing i am on window live and unable to open up window li...
Can't login to hotmail or google
Hello, For the last 10 days I have been unable to login to hotmail or google. I have tried all of the suggestions on this site including checking th...
I forgot my orkut and gmail passord with its
Hello, i forgot my gmail and orkut password or i think someone has taken my account and changed the password .plz suggest me how should i get m...
Somebody hack my gmail id
Hello, gob evening sir my gmail id will be hack by somebody so plzzzzzzzzzzzz help me ??????????????
Lost hotmail account
Hello,just got my computer hooked up tp interner and when i go to hotmail i get a blank page with grey screen, i havnt used it since feb yet i can get...
Cannot access my hotmail
Hello, I cannot access my hotmail account. I am able to get acces other accounts on windows explorer but I cannot open When I do open th...
My gmail is disabled
Hello,how do i enable my disabled gmail account
Deleted gmail accout
Hello, i closed my gmail account on 17 days back.may recover my deleted sent mail
Hello, hey how are you my hotmail password is not open n my secreat question is not come
Gmail id is hacked
Hello, plz help me........... my gmail id is hacked ....... n my orkut id is also hacked.........becouse both id is same...... so i just want to del...
I havent found my gmail id
Hello, i cant get mail id my pasward is dabri9414960861
How to get hotmail?
Hello, how do i get to hotmail?
Hotmail picture
Hello, The attach option on my hotmail no longer has attach file or pictures, so am unable to upload multiple pictures. Any idea what's up with th...
How can i get back my hotmail.
Hello, Hi, Some body has stolen my e-mail in hotmail, and he changed my information, even the secret information. I need to get back my e-mail. I n...
Cant log in msn hotmail
Hello, i cant log in today .what is the problem
I cannot access my hotmail account
Hello, I am entering my username and password onto my hotmail account but then I am unable to go any futher and the hotmail site shuts down my whole ...
Transfer old yahii email to new yahoo email
Hello, I use to have sbcglobal and it got cut off how do I get my files from it to go to my new yahoo email.
What are the gmail send & receving ports?
Hello, i want to configured the gmail accout in the outlook, Can you tell me the ports of the gmail for sending and receving regards ...
My hotmail paswoerd
Voice on gmail
Hello, i bought a webcam for my grandson we loaded to his computer, i have a built in cam and mic. When i bring up video chat we can see each other ...
Voice on gmail
Hello, i bought a webcam for my grandson we loaded to his computer, i have a built in cam and mic. When i bring up video chat we can see each other ...
I am getting mail through gmail account
Hello, I request u to confirm me who is a person sending me mail through Gmail Account from email Id "" & its ping no i...
Download attachment only my computer on gmail
Hello, , Please help. I am unable to download attachments received in my e-mail. All was fine until last month. When I download attachment on yahoo...
Yahoo mail
Hello, i am not able to open the link for yahoo mail, even if i type it manually or navigate to it thru any other yahoo site. i was able 2 open the y...
Hotmail problem
Hello, everytime i open my mail i write my pass then when i click on any mail to open the hotmail closed suddenly i didn't know what to do my messen...
Hotmail id
Hello, i think my hotmail id has been expired which was very important plz give me a solution or help how can i open my id. my id is maria90_pak@hotm...
I can't open my yahoo mail
Hello, I can not open my emails at which refers to yahoo mail....It is driving me crazy...I can open on my laptop but not on my PC. Do...
I can't get into my yahoo email??
Hello, Someone has changed my password and security questions and I can't get into my e-mail and I have important stuff I need to be able to have acc...
Downloading from gmail
Hello my brother send me some photos on my gmail ID but i cannt download that photos .whenever i try to download the photos my gmail window hangs.plz...
Hello, just wondering why hotmail is not opening it keeps coming up page not working
Help meto give back my gmail
Hello, somebody hacked my gmail account and also changed my security question plz help me to give back my gmail account.
About gmail id
Hello, Sir, i have been trying to create a new gmail id with my name. but it shows that the id is not available. i used to create loads of ids when ...
How can i recover a sent message with gmail?
Hello, I need to recover a sent message that has not been opened yet. Is there a way to do this with Gmail? Thanks
My gmail a/c has hacked
Hello, hi sir i hve an account in my well as Orkut... some one change my account details...and password..... please help me ... my...
Hotmail is still not working.......
Hello, For 3 days I can only once in a while open my hotmail acct. I see there are many others with the same issue. What is MSN doing about this?...
Someone changed my screen name on hotmail
Hello, I noticed the other day that my screen name for hotmail has been changed. How can this happen? But when I look up my profile it says BMX BIK...
Hotmail problem
Hello, same here. what happening with hotmail?
Hotmail won't open
Hello, On my home page of I try to click on the hotmail tab but for three days all I get is error can't locate, help
Not able to open mails from my hotmail accout
Hello, I am Sanjay from L&T Komatsu Bangalore,and i am not able to open and delet the mails from my hotmail inbox,and if i login my id any oth...
I lost my hotmail :(
Hello, i lost my HotMail can u help me to get it back i forget the answer and the newest password if u can help me and back it to the oldest pas...
Gmail account is diasbled
Dear all Please help me "soory ur acount is disable" Rg narayan gowda
Hotmail inbox issue
SolvedHello, So I accessed my Hotmail acct this morning, and when I tried to sign into it again 20min ago, it says that my inbox has not been set up! What'...
My gmail had hacked how can i login?
Hello, hi sir i hve an account in my well as Orkut... some one change my account details...and password..... please help me ...i hve my...
Gmail account
SolvedHello, i know my gmail account is but i want to know my password as i forgot my password so i knw to know my password on my yahoo ...