The discussions
Macro which will determine a new scanned file
Hello, I am trying to organize my records and here is what it comes down to, I have 4 separate folders, in which I am planning to copy scanned fil...
Formula/ conditional formatting help please
Hello, I am trying to create a tracker spread sheet. I need to enter the date a course was completed, the date it is due (2 years later) and I need...
Use a macro to copy data from rows into destination range
Hello, I want to create a macro to copy data from one range (eg. A2 to C2) and paste it to another destination in the same file. then select next...
Copy two sheets data in new work book with two sheets.
Dear Concern, Please resolve the query I requested below... I have a work book like.... Sheet 1: It has student detials (Enrollment No, Name, ...
How can i stop/remain from changing the value in the lapse days
Hello, I have a problem in excel, how can I stop/remain from changing the value in the Lapse days Column as the days changing, if i will type value...
How to download adobe acrobat reader?
where is my download ( adobe acrobat reader) in this site?
Excel macro - create multiple workbooks
Hello! I have a 4 tab workbook I need to create multiple copies of (one for each employee to use throughout the entire coming year). I have my Dat...
Formatting cell based on text in another sheet
Hello, For e.g, I have "numeric" in cell B11 on sheet 1 with formula. However, I want the font color to change based on the text value in cell B2 ...
Macro for copying group of cells and paste as row
Hi, I need some help i need a Macro Code to arrange certain cells and prepare it as a row. I export the file from SharePoint in Excel Format. ...
If function in excel error
SolvedHello, anyone can tell me where the error Is. =IF(G:G>="0:05", 0:30Min, IF(G:G>="0:20",1:30hrs, IF(G:G="0:00",0:00hrs , 4:00hrs))) * * ...
Auto populating sheets from data in main two sheets
Hello i have found VBA code from auto populating data from excel main sheet to new sheets for each record in main sheet column, i need code to crea...
Can i have any training to using excel?
I wish to learn how to use excel
Autopopulation of mutiple files from 1 master sheet
Hi All, Firstly many thanks to anyone who takes the time to read and try to help. It is greatly appreciated. I have 1 master sheet that I input dat...
He cell checks 3 different columns each in different tables
how would the formula look if possible, the cell checks 3 different columns each in different tables on different sheets, if the value is=< todays da...
Transfer data from main sheet to multiple sheets.
I have more then 5000 rows that contains each row have one person details with 15 different column(ex, no,address.etc), and i have to copy...
Product key of office 2010
SolvedI don't K now product key of office 2010 please send me this key Regards Pardeep Gur
Code works fine on 2010 but not 2016
Hello, My company is having an issue we just updated our excel from 2010 to 2016, we have user forms that open a form to enter data but after we sub...
Can i set a formula for sorting in excel.
Hello, Is it possible to set a rule in excel that the entered details will be sorted automatically by a set criteria?
Conditional formatting with multiple rules and blank text cells
SolvedHi, I wonder if someone would be able to help me with this. This is probably really simple, but I can't get it to work. I need excel to change a c...
Matching a value and returning location of next empty cell
Hi all I'm new here and I have been really stuck on this for ages, I'd really appreciate any help. I'm trying to write a macro which will work t...
Excel sheet to add conditions
Hello, I am trying to do an excel sheet, so that if i put an x in a cell it adds the value from the top row. For a window schedule, where I assig...
Setting up excel formula
SolvedHello, I need some help with the excel formulas I have new taxation laws that apply my organization from January. The current taxes are 10%...
Post it digital notes
SolvedEverytime I try to download Post it Digital Notes I get the 404 error. What do I need to do?
Where can i download a free word document to pdf converter
Solvedlooking to download a free word to PDF converter
Percentage calculation
ClosedHello, How to know the percentage. Example total bill amount is Rs. 25000 and we are paying Rs.18000. Can u please help me find how to get the perc...
Cell formatting
Hi How do I get the cells I am typing in today to turn blue? With historic date remaining black?
Comparing data between two excel sheets
Solved/ClosedHello, I have two excel sheets with the same columns. Essentially Name, Email, Phone. One sheet is the 'original" data and the other is the "upd...
How to: when a column has 1 of 3 values, copy text
Hello, I have an Excel book with 2 sheets (1 has a macro view and 1 has a micro view). The micro view sheet has a column B where the user enters a...
Change a cell color in excel once it is activated
Hello, I have a little program in a Book with two sheets one called DATA and another called FORM, in this sheet I have placed the formula =DATA!$A$8...
If cells match 3 criteria return the data already in 3 others
Hello, Hi, very basic knowledge but I have a sheet which my team can pick the name of an inspector on a drop down from a list of 5, the date they ...
What does this excel formula mean?
Hello, Wondering if someone can assist and tell me what the following excel formula is doing: =IF($C$68$D$98,$D$98,N12),0) Context: Foreca...
Corrupt powerpoint file, the file extension does not match the i
Solved/ClosedHello, I have several PowerPoint presentations that I can't open them now it says " file may be corrupted when use PowerPoint or expansion file ma...
Combobox select add values in other column in new cell
Hi I have a set of Comboboxes populated with the same 3 text values in each one. I also have a column of numeric in the same rows as each combobo...
Autopopulating multiple sheets from one main sheet
Hello, I am trying to create a spreadsheet that uses one Master sheet (called Master), and then populates other worksheets with the data from that...
Numbering create automatically
PO Number Qty In PO Total Quantity In PO I Need Numbering Like This 1111 1 1 1/1/1 2222 ...
Excel - if conditions
Hi All, I am trying to create a formula to show the outcome of a status based on 4 conditions. 1. IF cell A2 = Approved and B2 = Approved then C2 ...
Product key
Hello, where can i find the product key to proceed further. System Configuration: Windows / Chrome 50.0.2661.102
File permission error
Hello, i cannot save a file in microsoft word due to file permission error, how do i fix it? System Configuration: Windows / Firefox 57.0
Help in sd card's password
Hello, I have lost my micro SD card password in my blackberry z3 pls if there is someone who is able to help me, may do that. System Configurat...
How to create serial numbers
Solved/ClosedHello, I have an excel format shows different values of schedule of correspondence and some of the mails are gone to different addresses and the ma...
I have the key, but can't download microsoft office 2010
I have the key, but can't download Microsoft Office 2010 on my new computer (Windows 10). Will be grateful for any advice.
Find word in a column from list of words and report word found
Hello, I have a large data set that I would like to search one column that contains sentences or purchases. I'd like to search from a group of wo...
My intex basic phone .
ClosedHello, Sir I forget my Intex basic phone how to unlock the mobile.password 8 numbers System Configuration: Android / UC Browser
Conditional formatting dates
Hi I am trying to format a date column on my spreadsheet and just can't see to get the formula right Simplified, I have 2 columns, one with a deadli...
Formatting cell
SolvedHello, I want to highlight the coloumn B, if the coloumn A is greater than 0, In column A having numbers and the column B having texts. here so...
Macro that extracts info from changing number of worksheets
Hello, I'm trying to find a way to insert a summary of several worksheets (I'm calling them analysis logs), but want to make it in such a way th...
Drop down look up
SolvedHello all, I have a 40 sheet workbook. I want to hide 39 of the tabs and use one sheet as the "master" to pull all of the data. I have the tabs in ...
Automatically update master worksheet from other worksheets
SolvedOkay, first I should mention that I'm a complete amateur when it comes to excel. No VBA or macro experience, so if you're not sure whether I know some...
Help- conditional cell formatting
SolvedHello, I am trying to do some conditional formatting and having a little trouble. Here is what Im looking to get. I have a column A (estimated ...
Transfer data to individual sheets from master sheet.
Hello, I am currently building a worksheet to track where cars are at a certain time. I have three places the car could be (west bullpen) (East Bu...