The discussions
Error 80710b23
Hello, i cant log in to the playstation network,error 80710B23=what?Any help...
Playstation2 emulator set up
Hello, i have downloaded the playstation2 emulator setup and now it is asking for serial number when i try to install.. please provide me the serail ...
Hello, I have deleted my solitaire game from my windows and now i want it back, how to do this ?
About the prcessor requirement
hello, i have planned to buy a core2 duo intel 2.9 ghz processor, i have to know wheather it is a 64 bit processor and whether it will support DDR3 1...
Xbox ps3 online play
Hello,i've heard that it is possible to play togeather with different systems ps3/xbox 360 on the same game(call of duty world at war)can u help
Pc lags when playing
Hello, I know my pc got the requirements to play the next gen games but suddenly all games i'm playing are lagging a lot, can you help me please ?
Farmville [player
Hello, my farmville used to work properly then suddenly it stopped . What shall I do?
Hello, when i was playing cod6 the other day i decided to change my grpahical settings to see if my comp could support it. it resulted to a box with ...
Dead to rights
Hello, dead to rights game run my pc and play game my pc is * OS:XP - Service Pack 3 * Processor: intel pentium Dual Core E2140 cpu 1.60 GHz ...
Sound drive failure with hp530 after formatti
Hello, my hp530 laptop sound drive seeks failu, please help me.
Sims 2 installation problem
Hello, i am trying to install the sims 2 and it says i need a code found in a white box at the lower left on the back of the cd case and i do not c a...
Modern warfare 2
still nothing in jersey. how much longer can this sh*t take? im gonna throw my ps3 out the window soon!
Whos better sora or roxas?
Hello, Who do you thank is better Sora or Roxas? I thank both of them are cool.
Disabled account
Hello, A good friend's account was disabled on Saturday.It was a question of an incident which occured in a game,the other party cheated and boasted ...
Gta 4
Hello,hii my pc configuration is AMD ATHLON DUAL CORE AND 2 gb RAM plus 256 inbuilt graphic so gta 4 will work or not?
My games
Hello, plz this games System Requirements Kill switch Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear The Shield Kane & Lynch: Dead Men Cold Zero: No...
Cod2. can't stay logged on
Hello, The game worked fine until last night. Now every time I try to log on, I last no more than 2 mins. Tried a different server and had no pro...
Stop in 74
i have a litle problem. i stop in 74. how i make 75? tx
My windows defender just see it,help!!!!!!!!!
Hello,i have a windows defender,but i disable because vista can't remove it,then i have a antivrus,so i want to install the microsoft security essiten...
Hello, how do i use phone in gta4 i can get the phone but it says multiplayer how do i use phone when not in miultiplayr mode.
Ps3 network help
Hello, I am trying to connect two ps3's together via ethernet, but both systems say no cable attached. I have the same game in each machine but still...
Hello, i have a sigmatel (xpress music) i want to run a game in my mobile but it does not sopurt what can i do ? and tell me whear is *.nes ...
Download music
Hello, how can I download music from please help me...
Hello, how do you get more money it like familyfunds "family name" then the amount correct?
Gta iv
Hello, Can i Play GTA IV WIth my PC ? My pc is : Processor: 3.4GHz Ram/memory: 1GB Graphic: 256mb
Some of my xbox games dont work online. why?
Hello, some of my games dont work onlinefor xbox 360. ex: COD 4,COD:WAW, Battlestations. Thay work fine for use but lag out or "time out"(COD)when i...
How to hook ps3 up using comcast ethernet
Hello, how do you hook a ps3 to internet using a comcast modem and ethernet cable
hello, wich patches do i need to play cod:waw multiplayer, and where do i DL them from
Counter strike
Thank you, you helped me very much!!!
Hello, How do I play dragon ball z mugen edition after downloading it
Direct xwindows update
Hello,is directx 11 update appear in windows vista home premiem* service pack 3?????i hav windows vista home premiem service pack 3 and i wonder when ...
Hello,can somebody tell me the name of antispyware free with no trial and it is strong,tell wat name,wat website or anything to help because my comput...
Gta 4 too slow
Hello,i play gta iv as slow as hell!!!!!!!!!!! my computer is windows vista home premieum*,2.48gb ram ddr3,nvidia geforce gt120,core 2 quad pr...
Nfs not working
Hello, When I start Shift, it works fine but while the game is loading to begin the race, the game is closed and an error box appears saying ...
Cricket revolutionn
Hello, I just wanted to know where i can find cricket revolution full version.plz tell me thnx
Directx problem
Hello,how to download the directx 11??????????pls help me!!!!!!
Gta 4 problem
Hello,i have a windows vista home premium,2gb ddr3 ram,2.66GHZ,core 2 quad proccesser.but i play gta 4 runs slowly,please help me!!!!!!!
Pls pls pls tell me pls mann pls pls
Hello, i want to no tht i m going to buy a pc tht which iz 1 GB GRAPHIC CARD: AND 3 GB RAM: AND CORE 2 DUO(3MB CACHE: AND 1TB HARDRIVE AND WINDOWS ...
Nfs undercover prob
A message just been deposited in the concierge. It covers the following message, posted by Flanker the 2009/6/9 at 14:57 :
Error in gta 4
HI, i hve xp (sp2) ,with 2.65ghz 1gb ram 18 gb hard drive space,but there is error while playing this game(rmn40 error) what do i do...
Owner aim productions
Hello, Well send me info about google adsense how much can a person earn from it if a build a good much do u earn....Plz tell me sit...
Call of duty 4/ w.a.w
Hello, has any one else have problems connecting to friends . connecting to some no problem others only through a third party ???
My connection is poor on my ps3 help
Hello, i have got a belkin g wireless router and i can connect to my laptop fine but sometimes my connection goes down but the main problem is the c...
Lost my instal cd(instal code) call of duty
ClosedHello, my pc crashed and i doesn't have my second CD with the code, so i can't play it any more, does somebody know how i can get an instal code for ...
Help cant get on game
Hello, i get on cod 4 click on find game and downloading game settings comes up but nothing ever happens i left it for half an hour once and...
Hello, Terrorist Takedown Conflict In Mogadishu [English][PC] game run my pc and play game !! my pc is * OS:XP - Service Pack 3 * Processor: in...
Hello, how can i downloads gta vice city help me plz..
Cod4 whoun`t work
Hello, when i open cod4 it says that the video server or card dosen`t support UBYTE4N. i tried every thing.
Can't play and download games
Hello, i wanna play and download games but when i started downloading its not running what's wrong?