The discussions
How much does a video card cost?
ClosedHello, I need to know how much video cards cost and that can also run games such as callofduty and halo and other games, Thanks bye
Gta 4 problem
Hello, i have core2duo 2.4ghz and 3 gb of ram n 512mb of nvidia 8600 and xp service pack 3 but still my gta4 is slow plz tell me how to improve its p...
Music downloads
喂, 出售的iTunes $ 50 $ 100 $ 200 $ 500 $ 1000记帐 出售PSN的$ 20 $ 50 $ 100 $ 150记帐 MobileMe的20GB的销售40GB的60GB的帐户 无限音乐,无限的电影,软件,享受下载。 质谱:riben112961162@hot...
Sims threes freezes my pc
Hello, I have sims three and it has been working fine untill i downloaded the updated for the game then once it had finished i clicked on the sims ...
Remedie for file not a valid win32 aplication
Hello,Please help me. i have downloaded ps1 emulator epsxe, then done bios,plugins & configuring.then epsxe.exe appeears OK then i download smackd...
Installing games,themes in china 7700
SolvedHello, I Want to install games,themes on my china mobile 7700.I have USB but how to install.
Call of duty 1
Hello, my game is call of duty 1 so run my pc and play my pc is * OS:XP - Service Pack 3 * Processor: intel pentium Dual Core E2140 cpu 1.60 GHz...
Help with counter strike!
Hello, ever since I edited counter strike option in-game to "not full screen but to "hardware" It crashed and when i uninstall and install it says "M...
Monitor problem
Hello,from the last 2 weeks I have been facing a big problem with my monitor.Few days ago I got Call Of Duty 5 world at war from my friend.After insta...
Hello, if i get an ethernet cabe and connect it from my laptop to my ps3, will that enable me to go online on the ps3?
Dsipod coming next year!
Hello, I heard that Nintendo is making a new app for DSi Called "DSiPod" it is coming out sometime next year!
I clicked restore..and everything is erased!!
SOMEONE please help me!!I clicked restore for my ipod and it erased EVERYTHING on it. Is there anyway I can get them back??
Error 80710b23
Hello, What is error 80710B23 on the PS3?
Cod4 map pack
Hello, I have cod4 for the ps3. I want to download the new map pack off the playstation store. I was told that i needed a code to enter and it should...
Need cheats sites
Hello, Actually searching for some cheats for the game prototype, any one can give me a good site?
How does your partner turn in to a fiancee s3
Hello, I'm really confused on how your partner on sims 3 turns in to your fiancee. Also I have sony ericson mobile and i don't know how to buy new fu...
Hard drive not found
Hello, I connected my ps3 and when is trying to start up I get this message " could not find right hard drive" can you tell me what should I do?
Sim2 on windows7
Hello, i have just recently got a new computer with windows 7, i just wondered if there was anyway i could get my sims2 to work on it. I have install...
Loading problem
Hello, how can i fix my loading problem on poker games in facebook,,,,its loading but it stack at 6
My baby is gone!!!
Hello, I entered testingcheatsenabled true on the sims 3 and also moveobjects on and them when i was in buy mode i accidentaly deleted her. She sho...
Reguarding pc downloads
Hello, can anyone suggest me that whats the best site to download tekken games for free
It didnt work!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hello, i have a sd card in my dsi and i told my mom to get me music on it so she did. but when i put it in my dsi it said i didnt have any music i...
Xbox 360 repair cost
Hello, I want to know how much does it cost to repair my xbox 360 in singapore? My xbox 360 has 3 red rings on it and i cant switch it on. So i decid...
No sound during game play
Hello, i can hear the sound through the tv but when i turn the game on there's no sound coming through. How do i get the sound to come through the tv ...
Video card
Hello, Is there anyway i can downlaod the video card to play call of duty 4 and 5 for free? I have the Nivida geforce fx 5500.
Help my computer will not find a game on it
I need help I have a computer game I was downloading a thing for it but it says I did not install it but it is installed and I can play it but it will...
Gta iv display problem
Hello, I have intel dual core pro, 1 GB ram smx 2 800 bus Ram, Nvidia Gforce 9500 GT 1 GB. when i play the game, when my Grafice card does n...
Mine even worst!!!
Hello, guys. when playing cod 6,in the first campaign,cliffhanger,after playing for 10 mins,the screen freezed with some pink particle on it.Then,t...
How to install camera pictures into your pc
Hi, um i'm having trouble inserting pics from my camera, it's a canon Powershot A 80 and it looks like this:
Audio/video sync problem
Hello, well I am converting using the imtoo DVD ripper platinum, I have been working for about a week now and yet when I watch the video (mp4) on my...
Games free
Hello, You can download games from ps2,psp ps3 etc
Age of empires iii usb to usb multiplayer
Hello, How do I connect a desk top and a laptop to play Age of Empires 3 via USB?
Taken 4&5
Hello, sir plzzzzzz give me tanken-4&5 setup and how can I download
Youtube doesnt download
Hello, i can not see the download button of youtube.. any one know why is that? or how shall i make it appear?? and how can i download a whole album...
Hello, how can i get the sims 3 system requirements
Formula for conveting numerical value into wo
Hello, formula for conveting numerical value into words in excel
Hello, can you use dial-up to connect the ps3
Pscx 0.9.4 bios
Hello, where can I download pscx_0.9.4. bios
About china mobile games
Hello, i have bought china iphone model i9++i,i want to download games softwares and applications themes etc please let me know the site from which i...
I want to down load game in my sigmatel mobil
Hello,sir i have sigmatal mobile i want to dowwnload game in my mobile
I got some gta issues
Hello, my name is daniel and i got the GTA 4 working perfctly til now i uptedted to ver somthing and now it tales me Service pack 3 somthing...
Hello, Pls send to me also thebios . . . plsssss. . .pls send to me at thankssssss...
Why cant i use symbols for my clantag in cod4
i cant type my clan tag with symbols in cod4 . pllz helpppppppp
Cant play
Hello, my computer have install nfs undercover but i cant play it so please help me my computer is windows vista
Hello, i cant figure out to 1) upgrade my house 2) buy a stove.... i accidently sold my fridge in build mode.....
I need info
Hello, hello how can i download my phone with games the unit of my phone is L600 plz give me an answer
Xbox 360
Hello, trouble connecting to xbox live wirelessly. was wandering if I bought a cable modem and hooked xbox to that would it work if it was the seco...
Sims wont eat
Hello, My sims suddenly stop cooking and wont eat at can i solve this.