The discussions
Reset password
Hello, I no longer have access to the phone number that’s on my yahoo account to reset my password.
Im locked out of my yahoo mail
I can't remember my password I don't have access to recovery phone or number and don't have access to recovery email. I think I know security question...
Turn off yahoo security key
how do I turn off the yahoo security key
Yahoo mail not working
Hello, Is yahoo mail down I haven’t any emails from my phone since 7 am GMT this morning. I have tried logging on to a pc and I can’t log in? Hel...
Yahoo mail is not working
Hello, Suddenly stopped working
Yahoo can't recognise my email address
Hello, I can't login my email. Yahoo didn't recognise my email address and that email was linked with my facebook account. I can't login my faceboo...
Yahoo don’t recognize my email
Hello, Yahoo don’t recognize my email what should I do?
How to recover yahoo email
Hi, please help me to get in touch with Yahoo customer care in order to recover my Yahoo email. All of sudden, it has stopped accepting my password an...
Login my yahoo mail withou verification code
Hello, I want to login yahoo account Id without verification code.I don't have the register mobile number and 2nd Id Please help me Thanks An...
Forget pasword yahoo.mail
Hello, pasword yahoo.mail
Second email account
Is it possible to make a second email account since I already have one?
Yahoo does not recognized my yahoo id
SolvedHello, It create a lot of problem it donot recognize my yahoo id and my phone number also Its been 3days my facebook has been hacked or There is ...
Assigning email addresses to lists
Since my yahoo email account has been upgraded to the new version I can’t assign email addresses to lists I have created. Please can you help me and t...
Recover my yahoo mail
Hello, Please help me to recover my yahoo mail
Yahoo email address not recognised
Solved/ClosedHello, I can't access my yahoo mail since August till now.message i get always each time i tried to login sorry we don't recognize this email addr...
Reset password
Hello, How to change yahoo mail on my facebook account
Phone lost , don’t have access to alternatives.
Hello, Please help me to open my yahoo, I lost my phone and I couldn't recover my email. The account key and my phone number I haven't anymore. Please...
Phone number
Hello, I have created many Yahoo accounts but can't remember exactly. My questions are as follow: 1. How many Yahoo accounts can I have? 2....
Can't get the verification code cause i don't have access to my old phone
Hello, how can i log in to my Yahoo account if I can't get the verification code cause I don't have access to my old phone.. or is there a way t...
Change my mobile recovery number so i can verify my yahoo
Hello, how can i change my recovery number in yahoo cause i don't have access to my old phone and i can't access my Yahoo mail cause i can't verif...
Recover my yahoo accounr
Hello, Hello, please help. someone has hacked my yahoo account, changed my password and recovery phone number and email account. desperately nee...
Can't access yahoo on other devices
I have a problem with my Yahoo account. When I try to access it on any device other than my desktop, it prompts me for mobile verification code (four ...
Recover my yahoo account without the secondary email
Hello, How can I recover my yahoo account without the secondary email
Yahoo email problem
Hello, My buttons to get contacts, to send, to reply are not working. Only a few messages are now able to be seen. How do I reset these buttons? ...
Yahoo account is not recognized
Hello, My yahoo account is not recognized what should I do to recover it
Help me change my number on yahoo
Hello, can u help me change my number on yahoo because I don’t have that number anymore and I can’t get access to my yahoo info I change my number ...
Cant log in
Hello, I can't long in with my email ***@***
Unrecognized yahoo mail
Hello, I can't use my account any more ***@***
Not open yahoo id
Hello, my yahoo id is activate by account key and my phone reset by me and other recovery id is same yahoo id and which is account key activated. so...
About sending message to unrecognized email add
Hello, yes i try to send a msge from the yahoo account that unrecognized by yahoo and it was succesfully sent and i never recve any mesage that my m...
Password recovery for yahoo issue
Hello, I have had My same phone for 4 years so anytime I logged into my yahoo on a computer or other device it will as me on my phone if that ...
Yahoo mail recovery
Dear Team, May I know how I can contact or email the yahoo company just to get back my yahoo email regards
How to recover my yahoo account
Hello, I can’t access the recovery phone number on my Yahoo account. I lost that number and I got a new phone. I can’t log into my Yahoo account...
Mass forward yahoo emails
Hello, I have a client that wants to forward hundreds of emails at once from their yahoo email account. Is this possible?
Password recovery
Hello, how can i retrieve my yahoo mail password if i no longer have the same phone number? i do however have access to the yahoo mail that is still...
Cant access yahoo account
It's been over ten years since I last accessed my yahoo account. I don't have a recovery email and I do not have a mobile listed on the account even ...
Why no disposable email setup available in android yahoo mail app?
Hello, Disposable emails are available in the desktop version of Yahoo mail, so why not the the Android version? P.
Uh-oh error
Hello, I am facing problem using yahoo account key. Dont have access to the recovery email ID as well phone number
My yahoo didnt recognized
Hello, i think my yahoo account deleted from the server
Cannot retrieve account
Hello, Cannot retrieve my account due to I forgot also the phone number register long time ago. how can i retrieve my account
Yahoo mail cannot be recognized
Hello, My email ***@*** cannot be recognized and I can't log in my facebook account.
Yahoo cant receive can't recognize my email address
Hello, good day how can i Access again my yahoo account ' ***@*** pls help me as soon as possible
Forgot password to yahoo mail
Hello, i forgot my password and i ran over the phone with my car. Please help me.
I know my log in name + i know my password. however i cant log in?!
I know my e-mail log in name + I know my password. I even know answers on my security questions! Wtf where are the security questions?! However I can ...
***@*** cant sign in forgot password
Can't sign in forgot password
Can't get to yahoo email
Hello, I'm Switzel, I cannot access my yahoo mail, a message "Sorry we don't recognize your this email" appears upon trying to log in. Please help m...
Unrecognized yahoo mail
Hello, My account is not recognized by yahoo every time I signed in. How can I retrieve it?
How can i retrieve my yahoomail
Hello, Can you help me pls to get back my yahoomail ***@*** i cant open it becuase idont have phone number it was lost
Id recognition
Hello, My previous account doesn't get recognized by yahoo mail. What can I do get it back?
Can't sign in to my swb email account
SolvedI have an AT&T email account (old southwestern bell email address, acquired by AT&T, supported by Yahoo mail). Recently, when I try to log into it, Ya...