The discussions
Recovery of my yahoo account
Hello, How could i recover my yahoo account ?? I forgot the password and im using new no...i even cant access the recovery email address.. Pls ...
We did not recognize this email
Hello, I used my yahoo mail for a Facebook account, but after a while, that want to log in, saw the message "Sorry, We did not recognize this emai...
Changed mobile number and forgot yahoo password
I have changed my mobile phone number, forgotten my password , can't get my email
Yahoo email account
how do I get back to my email
Download an attachment as pdf in yahoo mail
SolvedHi wonder if any one can help me please. when I download documents from yahoo mail, it saves as a zip file on my laptop, therefore I cant open it. Is ...
Change mobile number
Hello, sir pls change my cell no. old no is 9969535635 add to new no. 7400353572 old no. distroy bcz location from mumbai to raigad range problem so ...
Showing wrong i'd or password
I m trying to login in my yahoo account but ... But that showing wrong I'd or password Plz solve this
Forgot yahoo mail password
Hello, I have an xbox 360 with money on my yahoo account but it asked me for my password and I don't have it and I can't remember who's number I hooke...
Change my phone number on yahoo
Hello, I want to change my number in yahoo my old number is ********* change to *********. thank you. System Configuration: Android / Samsun...
Yahoo email address not recognised
Hello, my ***@*** yahoo id is not recognised. Please help me to restore. System Configuration: Windows / Internet Explorer 11.0
Recover my password yahoo mail
how can i recover my password to my yahoo mail acct without my cellphone no, which is already lost
Forgot yahoo mail password
Hello, I forget my password and my phone no will be change, i make this account after 18 years, like 2000 -2001 ithink I created this ac...
Change phone number
Hello, Phone number System Configuration: Android / Chrome 54.0.2840.85
Yahoo mail account recovery
Hello, i would like to recover my account but the recovery phone number is already close.
Need account key
I don't have access to my phone so can't open yahoo email so pls help me.
I want to recover my email account
My phone was stolen, so I recorvered my phone line. But have been unable to access my Yahoo mail. I want Yahoo to ask me questions that will make me r...
Forgot yahoo mail password
How can i access my yahoo account without phone number and alternative email address i forget my password
Forgot my yahoo mail password
Hello, i forgot my yahoo mail's password please help me its so important all my official documents so pls help me.... System Configuration: Win...
Recover my yahoo account
Hello, please help me to recover this my account 'fra******_oct1' without using the alternate mail for recovery rather my mobile phone number for I c...
Trying to reset my yahoo password
Hello, How can I reset my yahoo password with my new phone number System Configuration: iPhone / Safari 11.0
Forgot my yahoo password
Foregt yahoo password
Help recover yahoo mail id
Help me to recover yahoo mail id because I am lost mail id and password to help in my old account i have to login
Password key
Hello, why do i have to have my phone next to me and have to retrieve a key code from my messages on my phone every time single time want to simply...
Recover my yahoo email account
how can I recover my yahoo email account. have no access to old phone or old gmail.
Dont have access to my account
Hello, Please i want to check messages on my mail but i dont have access to it because i dont have a phone right now and i need to check a message. Th...
Recover old yahoo mail
please help to recover my old yahoo
Not been able to access my email
Hello, I have not been able to access my email for over.4wks because yahoo will send me a code to this phone 080***** as usual but I will not rece...
I'm not receiving yahoo verification code on my phone
ClosedHello, I forgot my yahoo password and I try to reset it but I'm not receiving the verification code on my phone. kindly assist me
Recover my yahoo account
my email account inbox has been lost need to restore
Account key
I no longer have the recovery phone for account key.
How to recover my yahoo mail password
Hello, May i know how to recover my yahoo mail password without phone number required? System Configuration: Android / Chrome 67.0.3396.87
Yahoo mail phone number changed
Hello, i have yahoo mail, the problem is my yahoo application on my phone was deleted by itself, the problem is before it happen i did not upd...
Forgot yahoo mail password
Hello, I forgot my yahoo password, and I have changed the phone number linked to my yahoo email. How can u help me with it?
Password forgot
Hello, The problem is .. alternate mail which i was given at the time of accout creation is closed.. and by mistake i closed the alternate number ...
Recover yahool mail account
I've been trying to get into my account but each time I attempt to do it I get you've either forgotten your password ,or just can't access it at all.I...
Yahoo signs in to recovery mail account
Hello, I have a recovery email but every time I try to use it it always signs me in with that email not my yahoo account. I don’t know my password o...
Yahoo mail phone number changed
sir my yahoo ac ***@*** when i open the mail always asking verifi number intant of pine number , now i dont have my phon number & cant open my mail i ...
Forgot yahoo mail password and security question
Hello, I forgot my password and security questions. Please how can I get it back. Thanks
Forgot my yahoo password and security questions
Hello, how must i do to get back my email acc..i forgot my password and my security questions... System Configuration: iPhone / Safari 605.1.15
Recover my yahoo account
how can i recover my yahoo account without using the mobile number because it is expired already
Can't enter my yahoo account
Hello, When I was in Yemen everything was good I travel to India for treatment so I bought new mobile I settle yahoo mail to my email they want to s...
Yahoo mail recover account
Hello,***@*** my id when i opem my mail id then account key i have no 2nd id i dnt remeber any phone number what to do how i open the id plz help
Problem signing into yahoo
Hello, im having problems getting signed in to my yahoo page. I can remember my username and password but its taking me to a recovery page which i d...
How to open my account without recovery mail
My yahoo mail is not opening and I don't remember the password of my recovery mail... Please what can I do
Yahoo account recovery
i need to sign into my yahoo account i know the yahoo ID and password but it ask for a code and sends it to the phone number i set to the account year...
Yahoo id is not recognized
my yahoo id is not recognizing. how to recover that?
Forgot password and change phone number of yahoo
Hello I need your help to get my yahoo account because I forged my password and I change my phone number
Yahoo id password forget
Hello, Hello, Sir, l have forget my yahoo I'd and password and alternative email address Please help me, I have port ant data and documents,
I forgot my yahoo password
Hello, my facebook account was hacked. someone opin without permation. and they change my password. can someone help me. to take it back my facebo...
Cannot get access to my yahoo e-mail
I cannot get access to my yahoo e-mail have tried these suggestions a number of times and get the following:This site can’t be reached