MindNode 6 free for iOS

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MindNode 6 is the latest update of the app. It is designed to help users organize their ideas and make the most out of all the insights stored in the head. It works as a digital mind map, where you can add all your concepts, connect them, and adjust them, using various features and tools. You can also add pictures and visualize what pops into your head.

What are the key features of Mind Node 6?

  • Organize your thoughts and ideas: MindNode helps you to capture your thoughts, and ideas, create links between them, and visualize your insights. You can get all the words, images, and tasks out of your head and try to interconnect them. Move them freely on your map, and focus and concentrate on your goals.
  • Personalization: To ease your brainstorming and inspire you, you can customize your mind map by choosing from a number of themes and stickers and styling every detail the way you want to.
  • Share: You can easily share your mind maps with your friends, partners, and colleagues via social media and various organizational apps.
  • Export: You can also export your mind map as plain text, RTF, CSV, OPML, PDF, PNG image, Markdown, or TaskPaper.
  • Synchronization: To always stay productive, you can sync your devices and have your mindmaps always with you, on your computer or cell phone.
mindnode 6
© MindNode 6

How does MindNode 6 work?

The goal of the app is to help you organize your ideas and get some important insights. To use it, simply think of it as a map, where you can write whatever you want, add photos and pictures, and interconnect and disconnect ideas the way you want to.

Is MindNode free?

The app has a free and a paid Plus ($2.49) subscription plan.

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