How to install games on Samsung phone

How to install games on Samsung phone

Often, games fail to be installed on Samsung phones. This problem is due to a formatting issue of the game extension that isn't recognized by the OS. The game must have a .jar or .jad extension, and specific codes must be inserted, depending on the handset, through the game's settings. This article will show you how to repair a game that cannot be installed onto your Samsung mobile.

How to install .jar or .jad files on Samsung mobile?

This example is based on the E900 model.

  • To begin repairing the bug, transfer the game (which should have a .jar/ or a .jad extension) to Other files.
  • Go to the phone's main screen, and type the following code:
  • *#9998*5282#
  • If necessary, select Middlet install , and type the following code:
  • 235828
  • Finally, select .jad to launch the game installation mode.

Alternative method

This example is based on the U600 model.

  • Start by transferring the game (which should have a .jar/ or a .jad extension) to Other files.
  • Head to the phone's main screen, and type the following code:
  • *#9998*4678255#
  • Finally, select File Management > Other Files > .jad. Then, click Options > Install game to launch installation.
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