Activity status glitch

exorigen19 - Jun 8, 2021 at 10:42 AM
 lvargas1121 - Jan 4, 2022 at 07:00 AM
I've had no problems with insta until now. I can see the activity status of everyone except my closest friend. I asked her if she restricted and/or removed her activity status but she replied no to both (i verified both of these claims by making new accounts and consulting other people).

I've tried force stopping, deleting, etc but all to no avail. Is there a way to fix this glitch

System Configuration: Android / Chrome 90.0.4430.210

1 response

David Webb Posts 3177 Registration date Monday November 25, 2019 Status Administrator Last seen May 15, 2023   6,926
Jun 9, 2021 at 03:41 AM
Hello, sometimes it can be if you haven't spoken to them recently on the app (which I imagine isn't your case if it's your best friend).

Otherwise, it could be because she has disabled notifications on her phone (not necessarily just Instagram).

Hello, I also had this issue, where my significant other could see my activity status, and only couldn’t see mine. We haven’t spoken through the app in a while, but when I redownloaded the app and logged back in it was fixed, but I didn’t change any settings before or after, but they think I’m lying and changed something.