Sony Vaio Wireless Adaptor switch problems

Joshua Navarro - Apr 21, 2010 at 11:31 AM
 None - Nov 17, 2016 at 06:05 PM
So yeah I'm having problems with my wireless adaptor switch. I don't know if an update screwes with my registry or when I accidently dropped from my hand. The thing is that the system says it works properly but thet damn thing won't turn on even when I flip the switch. I saw on another forum that there are certain keys you can check. I just don't know how to check for them. Any thoughts on this? Thank for your cooperation. I don't want to have to take it CompUSA since they charged me 80 bucks just for them to check whats wrong with it >< Ripoff artists.


3 responses

Type in " Device Manager " on start > Network Adapters > Right-click the device > Uninstall > Restart your Laptop.

Worked for me.
