Facebook Voice Messages sent to me won't play

XxBrokenAngelxX Posts 3 Registration date Thursday September 5, 2013 Status Member Last seen September 6, 2013 - Sep 5, 2013 at 10:20 AM
 Blocked Profile - Sep 26, 2016 at 04:54 PM
I noticed this problem on Monday 26th August. Voice messages on facebook used to work for me, but not anymore. The fact that they used to work for me until very recently shows me that my computer (Windows Vista) has the latest updates and knows how to perform the action of playing the voice messages. Thus the problem is probably not with my computer, but I'm not sure. I don't recall making any changes to my computer recently. I defrag my computer weekly and update it with the recommended updates by Windows and those are the only actual changes I make to my computer.

It shows a loading icon when I click on it, but it never stops loading and doesn't play the voice note.

Some people are also facing problems and are not able to load the voice messages on their PC but are able to load them from other devices (phones, tablets, etc) like me. We experienced the voice messages stop working for no apparent reason with no changes to our PCs or browsers.

How can we solve this issue? Is it just a facebook glitch that will be solved by facebook servers soon? If so, how long will this take? Apparently it works on some browers (firefox, IE) but it doesn't work on IE for some people (including me), and sometimes it works on Chrome for some, but for others it doesn't. I mainly use chrome, so please tell me how to fix the problem there if I can only fix it on one browser.

4 responses

XxBrokenAngelxX Posts 3 Registration date Thursday September 5, 2013 Status Member Last seen September 6, 2013 9
Sep 6, 2013 at 05:31 PM
Yes, all other functions in Facebook work for me apart from the voice messages from 2 weeks ago. The voice messages used to work for me completely fine since June, but not anymore, for no reason. Yes, I tried browsing in 'incognito mode' in chrome, and it still happens.

No, I have IE9.

I'm not sure if 'everyone' is having the problem, since there's not much way to check that if I don't know most people and how they are dealing with their computers. But I know that everyone that I talked to had an issue that was identical to mine:

-The voice messages used to work for them, and stopped suddenly for no reason. For most of them, it stopped working 1-2 weeks ago, like me.

-The voice messages can be played on any other android device (including phones, tablets, etc), but cannot be played on their PC.

-They are having the issue with more than one browser. However, for some, certain browsers work, but not most.

-We all click on the voice message to play it, and a loading icon appears, but it never stops loading and doesn't play anything.

Those are the details of the issue. Some people have had the issue for 3 weeks and it hasn't been solved. Would a facebook glitch last that long?

I don't know if they have IE10 or not, but they have IE and it doesn't work for them either.

So if Chrome an IE use the same framework, what does that have to do with my issue?

It's fine, at least someone is trying to help me. Facebook hasn't done anything and everyone else with the issue don't know what to do either. I'm really thankful for your help, this is really upsetting me. I'm guessing you don't have the issue on your PC?
Blocked Profile
Sep 6, 2013 at 07:38 PM
So if Chrome an IE use the same framework, what does that have to do with my issue?

What if Facebook wanted their own browsing standard, and only wanted mobile users?

It is a crazy (marketing/market share) world!
how can open facebook voice message from laptop
Blocked Profile
Sep 26, 2016 at 04:54 PM
@shafiq...what browser are you using?

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