The discussions

Excel issue


Hello, please give macro for hiding blank rows

Last reply on 11 Nov 2009 by

Excel: nested if formula question


Hello, I've read some answers to similar questions, but not quite the same... How can I have *certain* results of my nested "IF" formula display...

Last reply on 10 Nov 2009 by

Simple excel question (i think)


Hello, I am putting together an XL sheet and would like to find the MAX value in a column of numbers, then return the contents of the cell next to it...

Last reply on 5 Nov 2009 by

Vba excel search select paste delete


Hello, If someone could possible help on this I would be very greatful. I have reems of data in Excel (tidal data). I'm looking to get the highs...

Last reply on 4 Nov 2009 by

If iserror with 2 cells match


Hello, If i have 2 cell that i need to match to 2 array row and print "W" or "L" if both of the cell match. This is what i have =IF(ISERROR(M...

Last reply on 30 Oct 2009 by

Macro help...copying and pasteing


Hello, I'm trying to write a macro to copy a row of cells to where the cursor is. The info is constant and the pasteing changes. I've used the "reco...

Last reply on 27 Oct 2009 by

Vba to open an excel file in notepad


Hello, Can someone tell me the vba code to open an .xls or .csv file in notepad? thanks PM

Last reply on 8 Oct 2009 by

Conditional activation of macro button


Hello, I was wondering if it is possible to only make a button work if there are only two cells selected. I have got a button which will copy th...

Last reply on 6 Oct 2009 by

Excel formula for conditional formatting


Hello, I'm trying to find a formula and instructions for shading date values in a column on a worksheet based on the month relative to today's date. ...

Last reply on 29 Sep 2009 by

Excel date formatting problem


So here's my problem. I have multipe dates all in one column on one tab/worksheet of an excel workbook. When I try to link to that date on another tab...

Last reply on 22 Sep 2009 by

Please help with my spreadsheet


Hello, I am having a hard time trying to figure out how to format my spreadsheet so that i can make it a template that i can use in future, this is w...

Last reply on 15 Sep 2009 by

Please help! excel question


Hello, I am trying to figure out how to count the number of cells that contain a certain text. For example: Column A 2007 Entry Draft ...

Last reply on 6 Sep 2009 by

Excel 2003 question


Microsoft Office Excel 2003 I am trying to put in todays date along with text. How would i do this? in box A43 i have: =Q1&R1&S1 in Q1 i h...

Last reply on 2 Sep 2009 by

Excel: copy active range to bottom of list


Hello, On multiple sheets I have lists of peoples names. When I add a few new names on one sheet, I want a macro to copy-paste these names to the o...

Last reply on 27 Aug 2009 by

Vba underscore trouble


Hello, I wrote a simple VBA code which is pretty long, so I want to use a underscore to continue on the next line. Here is an example of the cod...

Last reply on 21 Jul 2009 by

Vba: error 9; subscript is out of reach


Hello, Depending on the value of a specific cell (sheet "gegevensblad" cell L10), I would like to hide 1 out of 2 sheets (Either Overzichtsgrafieke...

Last reply on 16 Jul 2009 by

List month from any given year in excel


Hello, i 0got a spreadsheet (data) as below date status 1-jan-1975 approved 1-feb-1980 suspended 5-mar-1985 rejected 10...

Last reply on 13 Jul 2009 by

Activating macro


Hello, I have made a calender which I want to prepare for next year with the press of a button. Here is the file:

Last reply on 9 Jul 2009 by

Require help in excel


Hello, Pls help me by suggesting any formula or function for selecting two minimum values from range of numbers in excel spreadsheet. For exampl...

Last reply on 8 Jul 2009 by

Trouble activating macro


Hello, I've got a macro which runs on 12 worksheets. When the result of a formula changes I want the macro to do his job. What I do now is manu...

Last reply on 6 Jul 2009 by

Conditional formating for entire rows


Hello, First I would like to thank Aquarelle for her kind words, regarding asking questions. I'm working on a calender where each day has a diff...

Last reply on 30 Jun 2009 by

Excel worksheet help


Hello, So i've tried like hell to figure this out but have no programming skills at all. I have basic excel experience most of it self taugh or what...

Last reply on 26 Jun 2009 by

Excel 2007 timeline, help please


Hello, timeline, help please im looking for a formula to fill in a cell with either s,p,v or h depending on data taken from sheet 2. the data...

Last reply on 22 Jun 2009 by

Possible to extract partial data in excel?


Hello, I have an Excel spreadsheet that contains around 1500 html links. All the addresses start out common... i.e. W...

Last reply on 20 Jun 2009 by

Excel formular problem


Hello, =IF(B2=1,"Entertainment","") I have this formular which when i type a value into one colume it will display text in another and the end o...

Last reply on 19 Jun 2009 by
mubashir aziz

Macro to find last blank cell in column


Hello, Can anyone help me with this please? I want a macro to run in Excel to do the following: 1. Go to a column and working from the top down fin...

Last reply on 13 Jun 2009 by

Calculate the sum of rows using macro


Hello, I need some help with the folowing problem. I have a table with changing length of rows and columns. I need to calculate the sums of the rows ...

Last reply on 3 Jun 2009 by

Excel column sort


Hello, i have a list of numbers/letters titles written like: 1KFLS921 there are around 2000 of these listed down column A. i have the same l...

Last reply on 20 Apr 2009 by

Excel - reset / replace seconds to zero


Hello, i have an Excel 2007 file which has in sheet1 the time people enter to the system with the format ex. 11:55:31 AM and i need to reset all the ...

Last reply on 16 Apr 2009 by

Excell macro help required


Hello, I have 3 Excell Workbooks, i need to create a master sheet, but when ever i update the master sheet the data updated shouls reflect in all t...

Last reply on 24 Mar 2009 by

Need help in excel macro


Hello Ivan, Ive' been reading a lot of your answers and i'm quite facinated of your skill. I need to create a macro for one of my project and it i...

Last reply on 20 Mar 2009 by

Excel help


Hello, Ok am not that experienced with excel, so if any one can helo would be great. I have a huge spreadsheet and i am constantly updating it. ...

Last reply on 17 Mar 2009 by

Having excel if formulas print text and calc


Hello, I am trying to get Excel IF formulas to print text and calculation based on true/false. Such as, if I have some dates, and I don't need to s...

Last reply on 6 Mar 2009 by

Count and summarise records in excel 2003


Hello, Sorry to bother you but I have a minor problem with a spreadsheet and I don't know how to resolve the issue or whether it is possible u...

Last reply on 17 Feb 2009 by

Create msg/popup to notify in excel vba


Hello, I need a Excel VB script to notify/popup a message when the number of the letter U on a calendar exceeds 6, 8, 12 etc. It will have to check...

Last reply on 11 Feb 2009 by
Siebel SME

Converting date format in excel sheet


Hello, I have a cell which contains date in the format dd/mm/yyyy, but i need to convert to mm/dd/yyyy in excel how can i do this?

Last reply on 10 Feb 2009 by

Excel 2003 please help with concat dilemma


Hello, I need one column to show the following text: prxyz,(Data1 here),0699,ABCD(Data2 here),xxx Data1 is in Column A and Data2 is in Column B....

Last reply on 8 Feb 2009 by

Excel x-reference


Hi there friends, I have a excel spread sheet that i am using to keep track of sales. What i need is a formula or function that will check a lis...

Last reply on 30 Jan 2009 by

Count number of cells matching to criteria


Hello, I have two column lists (one value in each cell) the first { 1 2 3 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 } and the second {A B C C C B B A A C } and I am attempting...

Last reply on 16 Jan 2009 by

Need help with simple macro


Hello, I have an Excel worksheet with data in columns that I would like to move to rows. The data is in A1:AN1 - I would like to make it shwo in th...

Last reply on 24 Sep 2008 by
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