The discussions
Delete fake account
SolvedHello, Someone used my wife photos so please delete this account please
My parsnal account was disabled instagram
Hello, My parsnal account is disabled
Photo yourself lock issue
Hello, Sir, my account was Photo Yourself Issue problem, I uploaded my Real Face Picture, But Don't Open My account. Please sir, unlocked my account...
Facebook identity can't confirm
Hello, My phone number has been expired so that i can't receive a confirmation code to confirm my identity on facebook, would you pls help me huhu o...
Messenger login fails, session expired
Have been trying to signup on messenger and if I use the Facebook account to signup and login on messenger it we be saying session expired
To recover facebook
SolvedHello, My facebook account has been hacked by someone else. So, please help to recover my account
Unfortunately, you won't be able to access your account while we're reviewing th
SolvedUnfortunately, you won't be able to access your account while we're reviewing these additional documents. We appreciate your patience, and we'll get b...
How can change my phone number on facebook
Hello, My facebook account is on my phone number,today i have not my old pho number And I forget my password plz help me
My personal facebook account disable
Hello Please Help me my disable facebook account back
Facebook login issue
Hello, I am alif When i try to login my facebook account it show we'll get in touch with shortly after we've reviewed it. You'll now logged out of ...
Reset facebook possword
Hello, my friend
Not receiving login codes from facebook on my phone
Hello, I am not able to receive login codes on my phone number. Asked Fb many times but of no use .plz help
Facebook two factor authentication
SolvedHello, facebook service please help me to log in my account my facebook on base my email the email this (***@***)
Confirm your identity
Hi sir my account not open He say confirm your identity
Code generator
Hello, My facebook code generator obtaining
Not receiving code for security check
Hello, I am able to login to Facebook but I cant get past security check it says Facebook has sent the code to my phone # but I only m using wi fi s...
Delete facebook account
Solved pls close this accout permanently
Hacked fb password
SolvedHello, someone hacked my fb, i dont know how to change password without gmail and number
Logging in
Hello, I tried to log in to my account but it is showing me that my account is temporarily unavailable.And i should try logging in through a web b...
Hello, login_attempt=1&lwv=110
Hello this is what i saw when i try to open my facebook account ,unfortunately,
Hello Sir, Please open the my Facebook account
Access account
Hello, Sir When I Open My Fb Id Shows Like This: "Unfortunately, you won't be able to access your account while we're reviewing these additional ...
Facebook email link
Hello, I've the same problem numerous users seem to have and there does not appear to be a solution. I have followed all of the threads which would...
Do not receive 2nd code
Could you please help me, i can not log into my facebook account as i do not get the 2nd security code via text message. I get the first code ok sent ...
Can't get facebook confirmation code
Hello, Can't get Facebook confirmation code
Not getting facebook confirmation email
Solved/ClosedHello, I made my account on Yahoo mail as well as on Facebook, but I have not received the confirmation email in which the confirmation link is giv...
What is my confirmation code for facebook?
Solved/ClosedHello, please send me my confirmation code for my facebook I did not recive it System Configuration: Windows 7 / Firefox 3.6.8
Facebook login
I recently switched phone carriers. I've tried logging into my Facebook with the codes they sent me. It says you tried too many codes. Also the new p...
Hello, My Facebook login approval has not been received. How to recover the login approval code?
My facebook account is hacked and my email is changed
Hello, Please I need help, my Facebook is hacked and my email is changed. I can't access my account and the hackers are sending messages to my frien...
Fb account hacked
/ My facebook account email, username and phone number has been changed, how do I get my account back
Photo youy stuck issue
SolvedHello, My account was photo yourself issue problem, I uploaded my real face picture, but don't open my account please sir, unclock my account co...
Hello, Buka
Confirm my identity on a device i've used before
SolvedHello, I have a facebook account, at present, i am unable to login to that account. It is asking that Confirm your identity on another compute...
Người dùng fb
Mất toàn bộ quyền truy cập
Hello, can't sign in to Facebook not messenger, the lock icon keeps showing up plus it saying my phone number and Gmail non existing ????
Security check code
Hello, My Facebook account is security check I don't have phone number I lost my number but I know the email I'd how to long in please help me
I'm Arvind Yadav
How to remove an fake account made by someone else
SolvedHello, Sir actually my sister has not created an account so how can I remove the account which has been created by someone else
"sorry, this feature isn't available ... " how to fix this?
SolvedHello, "Sorry, this feature isn't available right now. An error occurred while processing this request. Please try again later." how to fix this...
Hourly limit axceeded
SolvedHello, Dear sir n madam i try to change old num there m added new num after is showing identify confirmation m choosing good but after is show hourly...