The discussions
Disabled by mistake please login my facebook account please
Hello, Pls help me my facebook account was disable enligible i sent may submit appeal and they reply this Monday, December 20, 2010at 10:24am ...
Facing problems confirming my identity on facebook
Hello, I was facing this issue more than a month and lost my access to the account. At first I had simple options to confirm my identity, while con...
Ie 8 cannot access any internet web pages
Solved/ClosedHello, I'm having a problem gaining access to the internet with IE, cannot up date avg 8 for virus protection. I can still go on line through Google C...
My facebook account has been disabled
SolvedHello, Facebook account has been disabled for 4 to 5 months. I uploaded my id card from India, but no response.
I need my old orkut pictures
Solved/ClosedHello, Could you please help me I want to my old picture. My email ID is ***@*** Thank you Junaid
How to fix upnp
How do I fix my UP and P when it says is not successful
How to block / prevent the resizing of elements on a lower screen resolution ?
Hi. I'm Thomas Sorry for my probably bad english, i'm French... I will resume my problem by step. 1. Before this problem, i didn't have tw...
How can i add documents to my gmail account?
SolvedHello, How can I add documents to my Gmail account? Thanks
Identity confirmation on facebook
SolvedHello, I am facing a problem with my Facebook during log in. I receive a message that says "we'll take a look at the documents you submitted and ge...
My facebook account is disabled
SolvedHello, My Facebook account is disabled. How can I enable it? Thanks
Facebook password recovery is not working
Hello, My Facebook password recovery code is not working. What can I do?
Can’t recover my facebook account
I tried a lot of time after logging changing password everything I know my password but when the page say identify next step i always press continue...
This is ny real account.but,facebook not uesd my account was disabile
Please back my account
Enable my facebook account
Hello, My personal Facebook account was disabled for copyright. How can I enable it?
Unable to create a facebook account
Hi, When I try to create a new Facebook account it shows “sorry, we are not able to process your registration.”
My facebook is disabled
Hello, How to open my disabled Facebook account?
Facebook account disabled
Hello, How can I recover my disabled Facebook account?
Recover my facebook account
SolvedHi, My personal Facebook account was disabled. How can I enable it?
Facebook two-factor authentication code not received
SolvedHello, I have my phone, but I have not received Facebook's two-factor authentication code my phone.
My facebook was hacked and my information was changed
SolvedHello, My Facebook has been hacked and I can't retrieve it.The hacker already change the contact numbers and email address.
Facebook login code
SolvedHello, My phone was stolen yesterday and I am no longer able to log into my Facebook account.
Problems with my internet connection
SolvedHello, After doing all steps, my browser does not open sites.
Can't recover my facebook password without my phone and email
Hello, I can not recover my password without phone number and email i lost email and pasword
Can't get code to recover my facebook account
SolvedHello, I'm unable to get my Facebook recovery code.
Facebook account is disabled
SolvedHello, please open my disable account my mistake is my account disabled please search open my disabled Facebook account I am not using Facebook
My gmail was hacked
SolvedHello, Someone hacked my Gmail account and changed my password and recovery phone.
How to download google play store?
SolvedHello, I'm trying to download Google Play Store. How do I do it?
Internet explorer is not working
Hello, Internet Explorer is not working.
How can i recover my facebook account?
SolvedHello, How can i recover my personal account.. Plsss come back my account,, and i promise that i cant post anykind off picture or sell anykind of ...
Can’t log into facebook
SolvedHello, When I try to log into Facebook I get this message. Unfortunately you want to be access your account we re reweing these additional documen...
Can't access facebook with my login code
Hi, I'm a Facebook user from Tanzania. I'm unable to receive the Facebook authentication code even though I'm still using the same mobile number. I...
Facebook account hacked
SolvedHello, Someone is using my account and my pics. I can't reset my password as the email has changed and the phone number has changed.
Trying to sign in facebook from two different phones
Hello, I am trying to sign into my Facebook and Facebook Messenger account from a different phone at same time
Facebook security check
SolvedHi, I am having a problem loging into my Facebook account. Facebook security check does not allow me login.
Recover a disabled facebook account
SolvedHello, My Facebook is disabled again. How can I open my Facebook?