The discussions
Unblock/return enable my account ib fb
Please order my account fb 085227931953 can be unblock enable return because it has blocked
Reported facebook account
Hello, My Facebook account has been reported can I ask how to recover?
Facebook community turn off my desable account submit option.
Hello, My Facebook Account Was Desable For Pretanding to be someone eals. I Submit My Documents 7 times. Now They Turn Off My submit Option. ...
Unable to confirm facebook account identity on another computer
ClosedHello, We have a business Facebook account, at present we are unable to login to that account. It is asking that Confirm your identity on anoth...
Cannot log in my face book ac
Its saying confirm identity
Translate a text written in another language
How can I translate if I don't know the language it's written in?
How to reset my facebook password
Please help me how to rest my facebook password
View network connection icon does not show
Solved/ClosedHello, i have a internet connection.internet connection is fine but that connection icon not showing at view network connection in my network place...
My identify not conform
Hello, Sir, this is my original account so please my account verify thanku
No longer have access to my facebook account
Hello, I no longer have access to my Facebook account, I try severely but Facebook keep saying I should select number for them to verify my account,...
Facebook account is not open my facebook email is(********** plzz help
Hello, Dear sir my FB account is not open my FB account Email is (**********)
How to recover my facebook account
How can i open my facebook account without my gmail and number becouse may number and phone got snatch
Please back my facebook account this is disable by mistake..
Hello, Please turn back my facebook account that is disable by mistake im badly need it...please
My friend's account was hacked
Hello, I do I help my friend report his hacked Facebook account.
Lost access of fb account
Hello, I have lost my account by forgetting i have not the phone number that i have can check my phone number which was us...
Login code sms not recieved
Hello, I had applied two factor authentication in my fb account. Now when i login it ask for login code but i didnt recieve any text code on my ph...
I can't log in to facebook account.
Hello, My name is Annabel Ogbonna. I register this account 2012 and I can't remember the email I used for it again.
Why my facebook id blocked....
Hello, Why my Facebook ID blocked..??
Access blocked
Helllo.. I don't have phone number available reason being my sim is lost ibhave to confirm my identity now only one option is left do it...
Hi i need to retrieve my old Gmail account
Facebook not permitting me for life times so i can't use facebook anymore in lif
Hello, Facebook not permitting me for life times so i can't use Facebook anymore in life solution please??
Sir my account is teampery blocked plliz help me open my account
SolvedHello, plliz help me open my account sir.
Would like to reopen my facebook account
I would like to reopen my facebook account
My account was an name problem and i will put my all documents
Hello, Sir, my account was an problem confirm you identify and I will put my all documents but my id not log in please open my personal account ...
Dear sir, my facebook account is temporary blocked is my mistek plliz help me si
Hello, sir my account is temporary blocked plliz help me open my account
My account is being hacked
Hello, Im worried & in distressed someone is using my fb account. May i seek help from you to please teach me how i can cancel my fb account. Im not...
Disabled facebook second account
ClosedHello, My personal facebook acc was disabled.. i dont know why, before was disabled to.. this was my second acc, please help me
Search an image on google
Hi, What if there’s no camera in the search bar, I’m using my Apple iPad to try a search? Please help thank you
Lost my old phn num how can i reset my fb password
Hello, I lost my old phn Num how can I reset my Fb password
Hi,how can i reset my password with out phone number and email address
Hello, I want to reset my password with out phone number and email
Google chrome download
I need
Hello, my facebook account is disabled since 3 days .sent email to facebook but
Hello, Hello, My facebook account is disabled since 3 days .sent email to facebook but no response.plz.sggest to reopen
My facebook account was no working because it can be locked to verify tke age
How can I unlock my Facebook account to verify the age confirm how can I do I can do many try it can not unlock
Facebook disabled my account for infringement. now what?
Hello, On 2/24/19 @ 11:25am I received an automated email response that my post was removed for violating Harley Davidson's copyright. I was aware th...
I know my account but i could not open this account
Hello, sir i know my account but i could not open this account
Hello .. i have a problem in my facebook when i login it say your account has be
Hello .. i have a problem in my facebook when i login it say Your account has been disabled by an administrator i want to know why i am disabled pleas...
My name (account) is no longer showing up in the search field.... can i retrieve
Hello, 48 hours ago, my FB account was blocked after forwarding too many messages on messenger at once (my guess). No Incdn not log in.... keeps as...
Login approval problems
Hello, I have login approval problem Facebook,I have same number but Facebook said your account was logged into from a new browser or device tell me g...
My personal facebook account was permanently disable for copyright issue
Hello, It's really hurt for me, last 7years old facebook account disabled by facebook because of i upload a video about cricket when Bangladesh vs n...
Someone has hacked my fb account and changed the e-mail address
Hi, My fb account was hacked by someone on last Sunday and changed my email address as well. I have tried all possible ways given by fb and it di...
Facebook disabled
my fb account is disabled please reopen my account please helpme
My account was hacked
halo I lost my old Fb number which Fb is useing to send the code pliz help me
Disable facebook account
hello ... please help me my facebook account dissabled what can i do?
Can't access fb account through email address
Hello sir/mam, I was logging into my Facebook account through email address and its showing like your email address has been removed. I also tried to...
My fb account recover
Hello, please help me my fb account Disabled please I request to you my issue solve. please give me help you. my fb account recover. reply me.
I lost my old mobile number and forget my facebook password please help me
Hello, My old number is lost and forget my facebook password
Can not log in my facebook account because of security check request
Hello, Please help I cannot log in my facebook account because during security check it requires me the code that sent to my old phone number that I...
Facebook way to get a code or verify my identity any other way
Hello, I was blocked out of Facebook asking to identify myself by putting in code that is supposed to be sent to my phone but I'm not receiving a code...
Password reset
I have lost my phone number as well as my email password so I would like to know how to reset my fb password.