The discussions
Google earth
Hello, I cant download the google earth on my laptop for windows 7. I try 2 times and still nothing done Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 23...
Unable to connect to only
Hello, I am unable to connect only to by browser Internet Explorer, Firefox and Google chrome. Any help will be appreciated. Thank yo...
Karbonn k1515
SolvedHello, how can i connect karbonn k1515 to my pc please tel me. Configuration: Windows XP / Opera 9.80
Hello, why cant i download anything Configuration: Windows XP / Firefox 14.0.1
Explorer does not work any more
Hello, Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 25.0.1351.0 I have read a comment on this issu but it did not resolve the problem. Explorer does ...
Accessing a pdf document within a pdf document in a web browser
Hello, Is there any way to access other pdf files using links in one pdf file which is opened in a web browser? Configuration: Windows 7 / Ch...
Please help me on connections for communication
SolvedHello, Please help me on connections for communicating with other people. Sukz-jam
Facebook keeps saying loading
Hello, I have not been able to open my facebook forover a week now ...... just keeps saying loading ...... plaese help asap louise Win...
How to download free internet download manager?
ClosedHello, what is the right way to install the internet download manager on our computer system? thanks Extremers Configuration: Windows XP / ...
Problem with mouse pointer when browser is opened
Hello, my pointer is continuously blinking showing arrow when a is opened... but the clicks are working... any solutions plzzz...
Real player sp downloading not working
Solved/ClosedHello, I have installed Real Player SP and have enabled the software to show the download tab when the video comes on the screen (i.e. utube), but wh...
Not able to listen songs on youtube videos
Hello, No Sound on internet I am trying to get sound on internet explorer,Firefox, Google chrome again. I can listen to I try to hear a video or...
Program deleted
SolvedHello, Configuration: vista / Internet Explorer 8.0 my husband deleted something in add/remove programs and doesnt know what but we cannot us...
Start up poblem
Hello, This morning my laptop would not start up. I went to system restore and after 10 mins it started and I discovered google chrome had been dele...
No product key after downloading publisher please help!!
Solved/ClosedI just downloaded publisher office 2010, where is the product key???
Blocked hotmail account
hello i cant unblock my hotmail account on line i can access it via my mobile i have tried to ask to unblock and they send new acitivation cod...
Can't browse internet but i'm still connected.
Hello, in my Dell inspiron mini netbook windows 7 starter, everything was fine until two days ago when a problem with the internet browsing arrived...
Microsoft websites are not opening
Solved/ClosedHello, sir I request to my laptop only one problem and problem is website not open and other all site open pls solution required ...
Can not connect to any web site.
Hello, I have a family members pc. Will not connect to any web site. I configured the pc to my internet provider which has 5 other pcs working fr...
Have internet connection but can't browse
Hello, as the title says, i have net connection but i cant browse, it happened when i bootscan my pc after installing avast, it detected few virus...
Speedup net
Hello, How can i speedup my interner Configuration: Windows XP / Firefox 14.0.1
Loss connection
Hello, i have loss my modem connection in every 52 minute ,,,,. why? pl solve my problem Configuration: Windows 7 / Firefox 17.0
Fake facebook id
Hello, someone took ma photos from my profile and created new one with my name and absing me ai just want to get out of it pls help me Configur...
Reopen my facebook page.
Hello, My name is Thao Hoang. I can't access my Facebook page for many days. Please help me to do this. I look forward to your news. Sincerely...
Hacked facebook please
Hello, Hey i think someone has hacked into my facebook and now i cant even get o to the facebook log in page. It keeps saying we are experienci...
Internet speed
Hello, i want to increase my internet connection speed , i operate my internet by micromax modem with reliance sim. please help me
Ie won't load but internet does work
Hello, IE loads webpages very slowly like at least 3 minutes max I don't know, I gave up... At least 10 minutes. It will open fine but it just won...
Not opening the site !!
Solved/ClosedHello, I just hv got a net connection, tried a few of common URLs and they are workng fine. But when I try to open or
Can i download to a cd-rw
Hello,WillI be able to download the programs I need to a CD-RW,and then to my windows XP unit.So that it can read and play DVDs as well as CDs? Thanx...
Sending email through batch file.
SolvedHello, hi I wnt to create batch file that will automtcally send my email through outlok express at 5 pm daily with the attachement. if anybody has a...
Downloading firefox and seamonkey
SolvedHello, I can't get into Firefox and SeaMonkey. I tried to reinstall, but it doesn't work. I did a system restore and did really damage my computer, t...
Google chrome cant play sounds via youtube? someone please help.
Hello, I cant play sounds on youtube in my google chrome, but in my firefox it seems to be fine. what seems to be the problem here? Configurati...
Wireless is not working
Hello, I have a Sony Vaio laptop with Windows 7 installed on it. The problem is that the Wireless LED switches off unexpectedly and suddenly withou...
Extra connection
Hello, I am wondering why when I go to connect, my modem tells me that there is another connection using my internet and my connection may not work co...
Facebook wont load right (solved) e-set)
SolvedHello, I have had a problem with Facebook. and a few other sites not loading right and not displaying pages as they should be. after days of sear...
How to reactivate my fb acount? last 1year:(
Hello, plzzz help me sir?
How to set my name in place of google search
Solved/ClosedHello, sir plz help me fot set my name in place of google search and how to remove
Hello, my pc ""Conpaq window vista"work good or not in order now? Configuration: Windows Vista / Internet Explorer 9.0
On facebook!!!!my friend gone
Hello, i found out that my friend is gone from my friends i gave him a mail the have he restricted me no he has not!!!please tell me how to get my fr...
Sims 3 launcher stopped working
Hello, im 11 years old and i just downloaded origin so i could get sims 3 so when i downloaded it i pressed play and it said sims 3 game launcher...
Monitor keep going to sleep when pc is on
Hello, Configuration: Windows 7 / Internet Explorer 9.0when i turn on my pc, for a while the monitor works then goes back to sleep. is it beca...
From which website i can download latest google earth
Hello, from which website I can download latest Google Eart, please? Configuration: Windows XP / Firefox 14.0.1
Found warning from iexplorer.exe
Hello, sir, i have found a problem when attach a usb modem to my windows7 desktop . "There is no disk in the drive.Please insert into drive\Dr...
Forgot yahoo 2nd security question + password
Solved/ClosedHello, I forgot my yahoo mails security questions answer.Total 2 questions. 1st questions answer I know. Second questions answer I dont remember. Fe...
Internet with iphone 4s
SolvedHello, I just got an apple iphone 4s. I have been connected to our local network provider for internet services. I was made to understand that...
Hello, i can't download using an hp laptop. Regards Configuration: Windows 7 / Internet Explorer 9.0
Adobe flash
Hello, How can i download abode flash on my computer? Thanks Configuration: Windows XP / Chrome 23.0.1271.64
How to get speed net in slow connection
Hello, i want to get high speed in slow internet connection. please give me the trick for..... Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 23.0.12...
.i like to know where and how can i get good music for aerobics.
Hello, I am training aerobics and gimnastics, I need good music for it. Where can I find it? Thanks - Yamy Configuration: Windows XP / Chrome...
Connection problem
i am mohan from abudhabi i got internet connection problem in wifi connection problem is when i go to connect wifi message comes there was a problem s...