The discussions
Simply cannot get youtube to open
SolvedHi all. I simply cannot get Youtube to open. It downloads and my profile pic comes up, along with a few other things, bu then it just freezes or somet...
Facebook "this page can't be displayed"
My laptop suddenly stopped giving me access to Facebook last night. I had been using Facebook and email for a while and left both loaded while I went...
How do i change kioskea into english
Solved/ClosedI dont understand the kioskea language is it in Russian? how to i change it to english
My computer not getting ethernet
Hi, I have a desktop which has been connecting to a LAN. All my colleagues are getting ethernet but I'm not. I checked Cables, RJ 45 pins. And a...
Hook up the cookies i need for paypal
How do I hook up the cookies I need for paypal purchases?
Upside down english language
Hello, I'm having a problem with my Facebook account..In my account all the English letters are displayed upside down and the settings has disappeare...
Pirate language to english
Hello.. How can I change my Facebook pirate language back to English again?
Internet not working in windows xp
We have cyberoam route for internet connectivity. The internet is accessible from win 2007 and win 8 systems. But not accessible from windows xp syste...
Forget password
password folder beta 1.1 version i am forget my password today ple... help me thank with regard
Bsnl dna modem wifi problem
i have a bsnl broadband connection with DNA A211-I modem. i set up wifi by visiting your website and when i access through my mobile wifi is getting c...
Some web pages not loading
I am running Windows 7, internet explorer 9 and i am having an issue to where some web pages ie facebook, us postal service won't load. Say internet ...
Facebook-can't log in.
I can't log in to Facebook.I think it thinks my account has been hacked because I accidently posted a petition to one of my groups.I said share to gro...
Facebook home page display problem
While my IE is working for all other sites I can't display the Facebook Home Page.
Unable to open youtube site.. how to fix it..
Hello, I am unable to open youtube on my computer.. I dont know how to fix it... I'm not a member... I want to be... but, I couldn't... help me... ...
It flutters
I have a desktop that is a couple years old and worked fine with my old modern And a seperate wireless router. Then i upgraded my comcast to a router ...
White background on ie and ff tried your solution!
Hi i've got white backgroud on my internet i've tried the ease of access solution turning the high contrast off with no change, also checked that the ...
Ie can not display the page
Why did my Facebook account disappear from my favorites list and is now totally unaccessable, but visable, boy is it ever confusing! Thank you in adv...
Cannot connect to facebook home page
Using msn i cannot connect to facebook home page.I am using a dell cpu with windows 7 home.using the same comp.with google no problem.I deleted all co...
How do i download imovie
how do i download imovie
Pdf file
Sir, Downloading PDF file not in PDF format. It is downloading in website. How do download in PDF format. Please help me. By. Srinivasan, Tha...
Download skype
Cannot download skype error is the window installer services could not be accessed
Firefox starts up with black screen
Thank you in advanced for your help. why is my firefox starting up with a black screen. any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks
Signing on to facebook
Hi. Hoping you could help me. When I open Internet Explorer I have it so it brings up Google, which works fine. I can get on to any other sites tha...
Gmail access password problem
Hello, I forgot my gmail password, I recently changed it but I just remember my last passsword. The registered email account is no longer availab...
Cant log into facebook account, someone else name is coming up?
Someone else is coming up under my Face book account, how can I remove the person please?
Connected with network.. but unable to access it
Hi, My windows XP professional system has already connected with internet... But I can't access it... `when I try to open this, its always asks for...
Can't do a thing
When I try to go to the FB page I get the Internet "Explorer cannot display the webpage". I have deleted my history and my cookies and restarted my c...
Regarding to the proxy server.urgent
i'am facing the proxy server problem in chrome. it refusing to connect to the proxy server
Internet explorer cannot open this page
i am connected to the net..connected to my homepage..but when i try to get onto the facebook login just says internet explorer cannot open th...
Real player
how to deactivate real videopalyer from chrom and internet explorer
To crack the idm
Closedhlo sir, with due respect and humble submission, i would like to inform u that i am facing problem in downloading. so i want to know how to ...
Youtube but it does not appear to the people
Hello, please , i have a video and put it in YouTube but it does not appear to the people, and the first time i put my video, and i have a link ...
Conversion of odt file to word software.
Is there Any free download soft ware is Available for converting odt file in to word freely ? please send the details to my email id: deleted by mo...
Facebook (i don't wish others to see what i like )
When ever I like a page or like a photo it is automatically posted on there news feed as I liked it hence they know all I do is there any option to tu...
Incomplete download
I have a problem with my internet downloading, often my download is incomplete, only several bit away from completed (99%). So I can use the file an...
Title google chrome activation/download
Can someone advise me on how do I activate/download google chrome?
How to use whatsapp application in china mobile
Deactivate old facebook account
I have an old Facebook account I forgot my pw and email Them looking threw my paperwork I find the email address and pw so I enter it to deactivate...
How to recover my gmail account password?
ClosedDear Sir, How to Recover my gmail account password?
Internet download manager free
I want to download internet dowwnload manager free
How do i download whatsapp in my cellphone
How do i download whatsup in my cellphone
Where are the things i downloaded
Hello, Where are the things I downloaded please can you tell me hurry Configuration: iPhone / Safari 4.0
How to recover yahoo password
My Email id has been locked how do i open my email id
hi. how to open block Facebook web site
Hi I need your help. Firstly my facebook page was hacked , the person changed everything . My username and my passwork . I cant get it back because ...
Forgot my gmail password
Closedi forgot my gmail password.. but i can access my phone and in my gmail id 2-step verification is also ON.. if u have any idea how can i access my gmai...
Youtube dowloader hd software
When I try to download the free version, it asks which program I want to choose to open this file. What do I choose? Windows Media Player? Do you ha...
Tube mate
Hello, Can I download Tube Mate for free
Recoverry of deleted emails
I want to recover my deleted email from my gmail