The discussions
Accessing problem with facebook
i can't access to facebook website at all even after getting full 3G speed...i can access to anything except facebook...i need your help...why it is s...
Facebook forgot my password
how can I login my facebook because I forgot my password and I cant acess my email connected to facebook
Could not load plugins: file not found (videos)
Hi, I have a problem. Every time I'm going to see an online serie (for example in, when the video is loading appears this message o...
Cannot enter facebook
Hello, Please help me, i did not received any confirmation code for entire day, and i tried many times to enter Facebook. I typed in password many t...
My facebook account is disabled
Hello, i want activate my Facebook disable account, please help me. Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 37.0.2062.124
Fail to download idm
please, why cant i download internet download manager though my internet connection is ok.
Hi :) Good Day. I just would like to ask how to get the product key of publisher.? i just downloaded it from other website not from the store..
Cant receive incoming torrents on bit torrent
I cant receive incoming torrents on bit Torrent, cant open A port should i disable my firewall?
Problem in attachment of files
i am unable to attach any of files in gmail, i use google and am usingg windows7...
Increasing the download speed
Hello, I want guides to boost download speeds.
Network operating system
What are the infinite postponement?
Why server computer use static ip address and not dynamic ip
why server computer use static IP address and not dynamic ip
Facebook page wont load on any device
Hey there! As the title of the question suggests , fb WONT open on ANY device whatsoever . I have tried downloading the application but its absolut...
Browsers not working but internet connection is fine
SolvedI'm not seeing a lot of recent talk about this one although I've been hit by it on 4 different computers in our company. Seems like something is going...
Attempt to down load
Dear Members i have attempted to down load the Blue tooth file sender software, system indicates that i have successfully downloaded the software...
Bit torrent help
I am using a modem and my firewall is blocking my incoming connections, Please do i need to close firewall to be able to download and allow incoming c...
Questions about the problem with the modem m@xnet
Hello and sorry I'm a huge problem please give me a modem M@XNET model 630 i have solved a month ago Windows Seven Installation was easy and worked ...
Hacked by my ex! i need help with facebook account please!
ClosedMy ex boyfriend hacked my account. He changed my passwords and security questions and answers. I have even been blocked to receiving notifications. ...
Facebook problems.
Solved/ClosedHello, I am having problems when log in into my face book account. When am log in using Google, the result is as this: (the connection is untrusted;...
Fb account email
I have forgotten my email address and password since I have much time I do not log in. How can I have access in my Facebook account differently in ord...
Install whatsapp
Hi, How to install or to download a WhatsApp application on a mini Samsung Galaxy 4?
Internet connection issue
I brought the hp g6 pavilion laptop couple of years ago..there was no problem at all in its funtioning...but suddenly i am facing an connectivity(inte...
Facebook hacked
Hello, have a nice day... I have a problem about my Facebook account matt estebeoliva im sure that my account was taken and using by someone and...
Help my laptop browser wont work
Hello my name is TechBullUSA i need help my laptop browser wont work firefox IE and google chrome my laptop can use skype. my laptop is connected to ...
Certificate error navigation blocked
SolvedHello, please sir, on my facebook account certificate error navigation blocked ave 6. Configuration: Windows Vista / Safari 534.16
Please help no internet
i have tryed every thing i know my network wont conection is not work it shows it conected but wont allow me to do e=any thing with the net
Disabled fb solved
Hello, Please help me to open my fb account Configuration: iPhone / Safari 4.0
Idm crashing
Hello, I start my downloads normally but midway through IDM crashes. Any idea why? Configuration: Windows 7 / Opera 9.80
Password and enter code
ClosedHello, Please help me! I don'tnow password and enter code I for got Configuration: Mac OS X / Safari
My face book account disable how i can get back enable ?
ClosedMy face book account has been disable from face book community. I want to get my contract from my face book list. So have possible to get back to my ...
How can i on google chrome
I can not use google chrome as a browser. google chrome is not openning
How to download whatsapp
How do I download whatsapp
How do i share or connect pc's together on my internet network
hello plz help me how to share or link together pc's on my network
Deleting mails
Hello, I mailed my picture to my friend on gmail ID then i deleted that mail from my trash box(permanently) and my friend also deleted that mail ...
Deleted mails
hello, I want to know. Is it true that once you upload any picture on internet(server)will remain for ever even you delete.
Login approval code
Solved/ClosedHi, I try to login to my account but it asks me for a login approval code. My phone number has changed and I don't have access to it anymore . ...
Why disabled my facebook id
My facebook id will be disabled now whats i do?
Error 102 (net:: err_connection_refused):
Solved/ClosedHello, i have tried every suggestions that was answered by many.... LAN settings and SYSTEM RESTORE my desktop is still get the ERROR code fo...
Connecting a mobile broadband 3g router (cellphon for internet)
Have a Franklin 3G Hotspot R526 mobile unit that is ethernet cabled to my desktop (bought it so can move between desktop and laptop). It came up and h...
Wi-fi problem
sir i have samsung galaxy s duos mobile and i can turn wi fi on but it doesnt show wi-fi availabe. please help me so many near by wi fi around me but ...
Downloading youtube videos
How do I download YouTube videos without installing other software?
To ban a fb account on my friend mobile no.. sir this a fake account..and she is using my friend mobile no. t...
Gmail passward
Solvedi forget my gmail passward and security plz give me any trick for remove it
what are the steps to follow when downloading whatsapp on the laptop
Why do you have to have a comfermation code anyway
Hello, its so inoying
Issue about login
Hello, my fb id cant open ...its saying give your real nam...i puted my real nam but the problm was same me Configuration: Windows 7 / ...
Someone recently tried to log into your account from an unknown
Hello, I'm trying to open my fb account but a dialogue box always appear and it says that "Someone recently tried to log into your account from an...
Connected to router but no internet access.
Hi there, first I'd like to say thank you for taking your time to read this, anyways, I've tried several different things already and I've just dec...
Ever since i installed google chrome i can't get on facebook
I have had nothing but problems with Facebook since I have been with them and that has been almost 8 years. Since I installed Google Chrome, I am unab...